Ashtar: Good day dear ones, I would like to pass on a beautiful message about 2020 and the crystalline field.
The build-up of the crystalline grid is coming to an end stage, whereby the activation of this crystalline field will take place in 2020. It is slowly starting to unfold towards a culmination and this will take place during the summer of 2020.
This winter of 2019, the physical crystals will begin to manifest, introducing this great field of change. The New Year does not fall in January for some cultures and religions, but in the summer. They assume a different count and cosmic aspects play a role in this. The Mayan calendar is one of them. Through this calendar one can better understand this crystal year, but even without any calendar all this will be experienced firmly. The feeling and the emotion are number one in this year. The budding of a love field that can never be destroyed. The activation of the crystalline grid will take place around August 2020. At that time I will give an extra message about this special event.
The build-up to this spectacular event will be felt throughout 2020 and the years beyond will be very exciting. Because major transformations are going to take place after the activation of this crystalline field. This is a very powerful field of love and softness, a feminine breeze that will blow through your hearts. She will be kind and understanding. This activation will be received from Mother Earth from a layer. Her core is prepared and ready to realize this conversion!

That includes major changes and for some, these immense changes are too intense. When you see that your fellow man gets stuck, try to help them. The stalling can come in many ways and not everyone can connect with the crystalline field of love, therefore a lot of help is needed on the physical plane. Some get stuck in the fight. There will be a lot of opposition and they will fight, this can eventually open the eyes of the politicians. Surely they will try to obscure all that is new out of misunderstanding and to bring it all into disarray. Great fear arises.
The crystalline field bears forth something beautiful and from her cloak of crystal, a blanket of great transmutation will descend.
We (Ashtar Command) from the starlight would like to share this, as every human is now being activated. Ready or not, it's going to happen. This power is so great and phenomenal: The Earth is being lifted up in a cosmic reset. Nobody can stop this renewal, not a single politician or ruler. The confusion can therefore strike them and many are thus forced to look into their own hearts.
People have to unite in order to survive in the chaos. This chaos will arise from a cry for help. The crystalline field will open your hearts and eyes and this purification of love flows through all.
Every thought will be influenced by this crystalline grid of Aquarius. So much love will be released so that many new thoughts will arise. Creative processes will accelerate in the brain. Try not to get overstimulated, but find your own place. So that this process can take place from the rest. Create a beautiful place on earth in which you feel good, so that this resting point is also physically present. The physical and material are directly involved in the change. The great conversion will take place in many layers. With the old thoughts: "about how life works, you're not going to make it". Then you get stuck and the thoughts become too negative. Even if you don't "yet" understand what's happening around you, keep faith. Always take a new step and embrace the new feeling. You're becoming crystalline and it's really going to happen now..

The Earth embraces her children with a new vibration: "ask for this increase in energy". This way you prepare yourself well during this crystalline conversion. She will speak in all layers, in the layer of silence and in the layer of chaos. The crystals of the earth are activated and that gives an enormous power to the earth. Do you have crystals around you? These help you activate the crystalline field.
Allow images of crystals to work on you so that it softens the conversion. The old field that is still active can then recognize the new codes. Crystals carry their own communication. Visualize yourself in the new crystalline world, nurture it with love and crystal thoughts. This has a positive effect on your health. In addition, you may travel to the crystalline caves of the inner earth, this can be done during your sleep or in meditations. All this has a healing effect and brings balance. The restlessness in your body will dissolve quickly.
Do you need to prepare something?
That depends on who you are and what you would like to do. During this crystal year major conversions take place and you come into contact with this new energy. It is a natural process that will take place. We pass this information on so that many are reached. Explaining this change can be helpful in removing blockages in the process, because fears also arise.
Crystal fields emit a superfine vibration. Go to the stillness of your heart and try to receive it. Let it come in very gently and ask for support during these changes so that you stay balanced. This form of disclosure will be felt very deeply. Disclosure is opened by man himself on earth, it is part of a natural process and of your evolution. Man is the inhabitant of the earth and will be allowed to set up this crystal field himself. The earth is in contact with the cosmos and the universal knowledge, through her every person can be opened in a safe way. Unfortunately, there are still many who live in the veils and for them this change may come as a shock (at first).
The reversal of the old to the new is going to unfold. The old is crumbling. The shock of what it really is like can be intense. Fear can take over, especially because those in power have lied to you. Who else can you rely on? An unsafe feeling can pass them by.

Those in power also feel this change and in them this reversal also takes place. What they do with it can turn out differently, some get up in the new movement and thus form a good guideline? They can let go of the old system and put it all in a new form. These new thoughts mainly arise because the people no longer accept everything. The eyes of those who are wrong must be opened, The oppressed man must spread it. That happens en masse and in many countries there is great dissatisfaction, through protest actions people demand change of the laws...
The old law is stuck.
It's unstoppable, the renewal is on!
The new earth children know this. It is the parents, educators, teachers and counselors who veil their crystalline field. Protect this Aquarius child with your pure power of love. Talk to them and feel their energy and be honest.
So much for this post, more to come about the crystalline earth.
This was Ashtar, Adonai
I salute the crystal in your heart
December 30, 2019
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