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2024: A Magical New Year & 4-4-4 Portals

Writer's picture: Arthura  HectorArthura Hector

Ashtar: Angel Codes 4-4-4 & Power Saint Michael


2024 will be a very special year in which gaining an overview will emerge. The Angel codes open this year in the 4-4-4 energy, these portals provide a very high vibration. They form the passage to a higher dimension, through the angelic codes man can ascend to a special layer. Saint Michael will be present. The heart opens further and the new knowledge now enters the heart. The light seeds that were placed earlier will now open.


The energy of the Angels descends on earth and the Angel codes are opened in the heart. What does this mean? That you and many others will have the opportunity to make a clean sweep of everything that is old. New possibilities are offered from the 4-4-4 energy of the Angelic Light.

New paths are shown and created, a new ability which has now opened helps you to rise into this Light. This pure Light of transparency and clarity will illuminate your mind. Fear will fade away and put all this into a new perspective. A paradise of new possibilities will be shown during your sleep and in dreamtime the Angels will come to you.


The white lion will bring out its power at certain times through the eight of power, which are special sacred portals. At these times the energy becomes very high on earth. The photon light then goes up sharply.

Many beautiful dreams appear in your heart to awaken your soul for the new age. Follow that clear image and this enlightened feeling and it will lead you to material renewal on earth.


Move like the water and realize that this is the new flowing energy that will take you to higher dimensions. In this way you can transform the chaos in your heart and mind. The many sufferings in the world will touch the earth collectively and all of this will be transmitted to the cosmos.


These signals of suffering are being received in the Light World and they are going to rise up en masse to alleviate all of this. Where great darkness arises, the Angelic Light will open up and lead to new political solutions. Often unexpectedly, new decisions will be made that will reverse the war, the ancient powers will bow before this holy light. The power of God will be there to vibrate the earth.

Purifications take place in the depths of darkness. Animals respond to the movements of the earth, waves flood areas to clean all this up again.


The gentle breeze that will refresh your heart comes from a sacred layer. The tenderness of the deer symbolizes this, embrace these tender moments between you and the other. Love will descend in moments when you wander deeply because of all the sadness. Weep for a moment, but then get up. The Angel Michael will be with you, protecting you and spreading Divine Love. Look beyond and know that many solutions are going to come in this year. Blockages will be dissolved and a passage from the Angelic Portal will be made.


The number FOUR represents the foundation and balance. The four pillars. This year we are working on the foundation of balance. The many flaws that have affected your foundation are going to be repaired and you will experience a tremendous power that pushes you forward. This is the power of the Angel IN you, working together with the Angelic power OUTSIDE of you. A whole new feeling which raises the vibration and the Michael is at the helm.


This time brings renewal and sometimes a renewal can feel a little strange and especially represent an unknown force. Have faith in the Angels who are with you, they help in certain processes and these are processes with great accelerations.

These accelerations are also perceived in the outside world and in the media all this will be received and passed on. Where the news comes in and is spread there will be a new tone. A tone of surprise and disbelief will reach every one, as the new turns in politics will lead to disbelief worldwide. Joy will warm the heart and Saint Michael will remove the shadow. Feel free to ask for his help.


A different wind will blow at every level, wars will come to a halt, as something totally new enters the earth. The media will spread this and everyone may take in this phenomenon. Natural phenomena and other aerial phenomena will be recorded. Evidence will be provided and the other dimensions will present themselves in a wonderful way, a way that everyone can receive and embrace with confidence. This news will spread at lightning speed, simultaneously many illusions are going to be fathomed again, because the curtain is going to fall.


Discoveries will be made at the micro level, in terms of atoms and photons. Bacteria, viruses and other tiny life forms will be highlighted and discovered. It will begin to help humans and the earth get through this special time of change.

On a macro level, vibrations and rhythms unknown to man are being received in space. The forces from cosmos will show themselves as they have never shown themselves before. Evidence will be present, but also the secrets surrounding this extraterrestrial phenomenon will become known. A lot will come out, and this can be experienced as shocking. The "secret" of extraterrestrial life can no longer be stopped.

All this is going to come out through an unexpected channel. It will be dosed, but it is going to reach the mainstream media. From this point, more and more will be brought out for years to come, this is the desire of the Light Dimensions that want to start receiving the earth as a star (that will take a while). The changes are already present in everything and drop by drop humans will be informed so that contact can be made.

Universal Star Being

Man will become a universal star being and in many different ways this knowledge will come to you. For Eons this has all been transmitted unconsciously to the mind of the collective consciousness. The turnaround to make this all conscious will take place this year, and the rulers of the earth will partially cooperate.

In addition, many will also contribute to this from the private domain, in secret, and others are working on making these channels public. Everyone is doing their part and We from the Light World (from Ashtar and others) are working through in crystal consciousness. The Ether Body is fed extra with the Angelic Light which opens this year and resonates with Earth's cosmic transition.


Many sorrows and secrets will be revealed, but also much love will be spread. The Angel Michael and his angelic army will embrace and comfort you, calling everyone to help each other in difficult times. Pass on this Angelic love and let it flow. Comfort each other where you can.

Arthura Hector

January 5, 2024

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