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  • Blue SuperMoon and Politics: 'Call of the Deer'

    Akura Kumara: The Path of the Deer is covered with soft leaves, muffling the sound of the footsteps. The call of the DEER allows the sounds to penetrate deep into the HEART, this is the living sound of passion. It brings forth life.. BLUE MOON The blue full supermoon of August 31, 2023, joins the call of the deer powerfully. Her blue energy amplifies all this and the water consciousness becomes active. The softness of the deer is like the water. Be like the deer and move like the water: 'Clear, soft and calm. The call of the deer flows smoothly through everything, be aware of all the chaos that ensues.' There is a lot to happen and the DEER is calling you to keep calm. Flexibility and sensitivity open your passion from a beautiful intention, unless you stubbornly persevere and get stuck in your petty resistance. The Codes of Aquarius are opening and these are moving you into Rapture WATER AWARENESS Where the water consciousness begins, the old path of heaviness ends. Carbon compounds are converted by the crystalline formulas. The essence of the water works from the softness and adapts as it gently flows along the bank. It is the forbearance of the female component. The introverted atmosphere is serene and the call of the deer in the fall lets you know where this trail is. Let the CALL of the DEER guide you. THE CHAOS Chaos and confusion can cross your path and tempt your soul to a muddy crossing. There you have to be careful not to slip, it can get slippery. Many smooth tongues claim a lot, but leave the ship stranded in an ocean of emotions. Here the water gets high and dangerous, it floods everything. Are you still standing? HIDDEN In the unseen part lies the solution! Expand your vision... and see where you've never looked before... But the deception deliberately goes under and hides where the plans can safely be hatched and during the spring they unexpectedly emerge. Many kinds of creatures work in the hidden layers so they don't stand out too much. What is their intention? Positive or negative... The Innovators rise and move into the open. They may be well protected when they become the target of evil tongues. The tug-of-war that will arise in the political field will cause a lot of negativity and misinformation. Follow the voice of the DEER and don't let your inner pain cloud this softness. Nothing is Good and Everything is Bad? A damaged soul can no longer believe in a renewal of the soul and the resistance they carry stems from an inner deep pain. They carry a great sadness and are disappointed in the feeling of love, which has often left them out in the cold. A critical attitude is good and if you sense that something is not right, listen to it, but not if it spills over into extreme disgust: 'Continue to see the human in man, because demonizing is counterproductive. Just one thought with one beautiful intention works 1000 times stronger and has a healing effect on the whole.' UNSEEN ANCESTORS The ancestors play a big and important role in your current life. The wisdom they possess can be enlightening and healing. Some carry an old karmic pain and pass it down through generations. This disturbance prevents the enlightenment of the soul. The DNA may have become compromised or disrupted, preventing this soul group from ascending all the way. Parts rise and parts linger in a heavier layer. Do you have questions about your life or do you not know where to start? Then start a new Quest using the energy of the DEER. QUEST Start this QUEST from the deer to the past where the family lines open your origins. Many departed rise to the light and want to protect and help their descendants. Unfortunately, this world is no longer taken seriously or perceived and a lot of ignorance arises. Restoring and understanding this old energy gives inner resilience, in this way an old wisdom can open again and the karmic wheel can be broken. This also means lifting an old deep pain, thereby releasing a protection from a layer of love that you desperately need. ANCESTORS AND SOUL MISSION Your talents and gifts that are hidden in the cosmic DNA may now come to light, focus on your own temperament and see how you can use it to make the earth more beautiful. When you do this, you become strong and stay balanced during this chaos, your turmoil is then transformed into love for your own colorful life. For what purpose did you come to earth? If the soul assignment is not achieved, then it is passed on to the next generation. The task of the ancestors is to achieve this soul assignment, they are happy to help you and they can observe from a greater light and carry the overview. Nothing is separate, everything is connected. In the division, almost everything has been disconnected and the veils have descended over the memory of an ancient wisdom that sometimes goes way back. These are wonderful discoveries, when you can open this during this special QUEST, a lot of light is released. SHADOW PARTS Shadow parts, quarrels, feuds and all imbalance may be converted into this new light on earth that allows you to dismantle these negative parts, embrace them with love. "Activate the unseen parts in your blueprint that you could never perceive." Then.. you remember who you are and where you come you can move and manifest in the fullness of life again. SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE AND GIFTS When the veils are lifted your spiritual intelligences and gifts can flow again. Many are brought into ignorance so that they can no longer function properly. They walk around half stunned. That will come to an end, because the power of this blue full supermoon has a cooling effect on all pain and heals old wounds. Which makes everything milder and allows you to take a clear look at the events around you. The more positive your vision becomes, the better everything goes in your life. Embrace the energy of the deer, because only from love can we build the new world together. And if you look closely, a glimpse of paradise appears on the horizon. Red Moon and Red Sun: The day before the full blue moon, the sun and moon turned red (Netherlands). The archetypal explanation for this: 'Red is the Blood that is shed and Red is also the color of the Passion in Love.' This is characteristic of the energy of the coming period. The opposite parts are both present in everything, the question is: Which do you see and which do you choose? "Do you follow in the footsteps of the gentle deer or go to war and demonize those who reflect the pain in your heart?" August 31, 2023 ©Arthura Hector This message may be shared in its entirety, out of love and respect. In the way it is set out here, citing the source: © Arthura Hector / All rights reserved:

  • Stargate 6-7-8

    ASHTAR: POLITICAL AGENDA VERSUS SPACE RACE STAR PORTALS 6-7-8 When the six, the seven and the eight point star open up in the energy of the earth, the starlight will be born again. Consciousness opens in the power of eight. STAR DIMENSIONS & QUANTUM LEAP From a quantum leap, the star dimensions are subtly built up in a higher octave. Different frequencies ensure that there is a layering in the light dimensions. This layering has its own form of consciousness and they go back and forth between the light dimensions to make new connections. Each light dimension has its own character and we of light visit many unique planetary civilizations. Each star dimension wants to grow, expand and broaden harmony. The Divine spark of life is a way for many light beings to create beautiful creations and we like to share these wisdoms with each other. Sharing everything creates new possibilities and every light being is free to experiment from unconditional love. Consultation is the magic word in which everything is determined. Don't compare it to what is happening on Earth. A joint consultation never becomes a discussion here, but is supported from understanding. We want to strengthen and join forces. These Divine intelligences consult each other and ask the question, "How do we commit ourselves to helping other worlds?" We are very patient and don't rush anything! AGENDA: SPACE RACE Many civilizations from star consciousness have approached the earth to speak of the cosmic upheaval. Many passed on their wisdom so that man could grow to a certain point. At this time something is about to happen that we gave your rulers plenty of advance notice so that they could prepare humanity on Earth. Most of those in power listened and wanted more information. They have consulted on earth and situations have arisen in which there was mutual friction. QUANTUM LEAP The cosmos is going to make a quantum leap and the go-ahead has been given. The preparations have been made and this evolution is determined solely by the forces of nature contained in the Divine consciousness. We from the light dimensions have learned to recognize and respect these natural forces of light. The human being can now quickly grow to a higher consciousness, so that the human being can also travel in her new form to a still unknown but very powerful star dimension. We are addressing many, because time is running out. No, it won't happen in a few years, but preparations are now well under way. The power of the light is going to change the earth and people may realize this. TRANSITION EARTH The earth is going to make its transition and it has been in motion for a while, the quantum leap is slowly being built up. However, things are about to change drastically. The powers that be have confirmed the agreement a while ago, that was a nice step. In the meantime, some extra unnecessary tensions have arisen, because a great fear arose about the loss of property, whereby the change in their position of power became clear. They do not want to lose the wealth they have acquired. In the coming time, possession will be a completely different story, because who owns the earth or the land on which people live? What happens to the profit generated by the raw materials and products? There is a difficult part and the rulers and many multi-billionaires are considering this issue. They may take responsibility for the pain and suffering caused by their actions. When will they relinquish power and embrace the common people, the question becomes. In addition, we may only add a few things from the light dimensions, but certainly not force anything. Patience is a virtue. We have a lot of patience, but when an emergency does arise, we will intervene and spread the light program of information. COOPERATE PEACEFULLY In the cosmos there can only be cooperation from a peaceful way. Unfortunately, a group has emerged that promotes war on Earth and they want to use the mediocre knowledge they have acquired to build another route so that their power and property is not diminished and even increased. The war on Earth created a hiatus and the upcoming lunar expeditions cannot be started from a consensus. The sacred councils from the light dimensions have already decided to block access to the moon. Unfortunately, this can no longer be guaranteed, because the quantum leap has taken effect. MOON BASE The moon may function as a base to temporarily house humans, so that they are safe when major light explosions will occur on earth in the future. In addition, there are programs ready to increase the frequency and consciousness, because the human being becomes a star person, an ethereal being. Many children who are now on earth and yet to be born carry the etheric codes. CRYSTALLINE VEHICLE The crystalline vehicle will rise and the consciousness that goes with it is the crystalline consciousness. This person will also embrace the cosmic consciousness and make contact with the other light dimensions. All this is intertwined in the DNA. Anyone who does not carry this DNA cannot yet make this connection. In your dreams this can pass by, so many are prepared. Some carry this code in a dormant state. NEW DNA CODE Many light beings have now come to earth to activate the cosmic DNA. Some of these star beings can only stay on earth for a short time in the layer in which humans live, but many other light beings are extra trained to travel in different dimensions. They can switch from low to high and from physical to ethereal. FANTASY AND DREAMS Many fantasy films stimulate these thoughts in the dream consciousness, those who carry these codes can open the memory again. Step by step, the intelligence that goes with it can also be stimulated in the brain. It is not only a spiritual conversion, but certainly a material one as well. Cells are vibrated awake by the high photon light, so that the DNA changes. Man himself decides how or what, We from the light dimensions are only the informers or the direction indicators on the path of renewal. Every plant grows on its own, but it does need light, love, warmth and water. The various elements that reinforce all this play an important role. STAR PORTAL 6-7-8 Several portals have opened in the past week and the first was the power of the six. This six pointed star contains the frequency of the feminine and masculine consciousness, when both parts are in balance they work together in love. The seven-point star is the star gate of the seventh heaven that I have mentioned many times in the last messages. You are the driver of your vehicle (blessing chariot) and when the mind and physical body are in balance you can travel through this portal of light. The eight-point star feeds the leminscate. The eight of power opens the lion portal of the star Sirius. Unity can be achieved in the energy of this star. The higher knowledge is contained in this. Open this knowledge and the activation codes can start. THE THREE ELEMENTS You understand that these three star portals bring about a whole conversion. Some have already felt this and others will experience this. From the 6, a collaboration can arise between the female and male part, those who have a trauma in this are triggered in it. The male or female energy wants to balance, so that the vehicle can reach the seventh heaven from the spirit. What blocks your path? When there is an imbalance in driving the chariot, this can lead to inner and outer clashes. But when the balance in the masculine and feminine energy is achieved and the chariot is driven from harmony, then a growth can take place to the eight of strength. Here one can start manifesting from the lemniscate, the eternally lasting flow of harmony. Beautiful connections are created on your path and one time you are busy in the energy of the right half, but you go to the left in time. So that you too can be at the center of the lemniscate, because there lies the zero point of unity, your true power. The ultimate power lies in the zero point, where the overview can be kept. You look left and right, but you stop at the point of the connection. It is the Angel Wings that keep you in balance, now you can fly above duality. WAVER People who waver a lot: 'Going back and forth, from left to right or from bottom to top can hardly reach the zero point'. The longer you can stay in the zero point, the better your vision becomes to the truth. Overview and insight then come together and you are an empathetic person who lives from compassion. The starlight can only shine when a great degree of self-love has arisen, which can also manifest itself outwardly. The star codes of the 6, 7, and 8 can be sparked and activated in the DNA. This is the dance of light. One time you are busy in the 6, or even in the 8 and tomorrow again in the 7. Many forms can arise from this and these are especially very creatively put down. Learning to control your own power is what it's all about, but most importantly how you feel on this journey. It is the experience in which you progress through play. Overview can be helpful when panic breaks out, but insight leads to growth. Live your life from the light, be joyful and play like a child.. August 11, 2023 Arthura Hector This message may be shared out of respect and love, in its entirety, citing the source and website: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved, copyrights.

  • Full Supermoon Activation: Sacred, Crystalline WaterCodes

    Akura Kumara: Light Activation Grail-Energy FULL SUPER WATER MOON: During the full super moon of August 1, 2023, the holy water descends to earth to comfort your tears. It opens the feminine Grail energy and this renewal is activated in a higher vibration, where unconditional love resonates. It will balance everything and calm the energy of the fire. The heat of the sun is calmed through the water, so that the skin of the earth can recover and man can breathe again. The full supermoon has a great impact on the unification of the feminine and masculine energy. When the photon particles from the cosmos penetrate the earth, many of them overheat. Chaos arises because of a sudden change. This change will bring about a renewal and when the political powers come to their senses, people will be allowed to order their own thoughts, so that a positive vibration of images will form the future. The more you get stuck in the fear, the more chaos will ensue. Release the old images of destruction! THE CALM The mind is balanced by the holy water and the confusions created by the explosions of light are now calmed down again. MOTHER EARTH The energy of mother earth is being healed in a natural way, so that she can further evolve in her power of the starlight. She would like to take as many life forms as possible, which originated from her, to a higher dimension. This is the dimension where her light will shine like a star. The human being may now open its own starlight, whereby the cosmic consciousness becomes active. CLIMATE The Earth's climate is linked to the emotions of the water. In order for Earth to evolve into a star, cosmic waves of light are sent to Earth. When the feminine energy can safely reside in the light, her emotions become soft and loving, like a mother embracing her child. The large light waves from the cosmos bring the earth into a higher frequency. Excessive light explosions from the sun stoke the fire in the emotions and can lead to madness, jealousy and imbalance. Unless man can calm himself down and realize that the living water from heaven brings everything back into the lee. In this way, emotions can be used as a force. Man may see the earth as a living being with which communication can take place. Some souls have developed this gift and can pass it on, lifting a corner of the veil and the activation can take place. VEILS OF ILLUSION The veils are mainly in the mind, where the seat of wisdom is governed. When the high light touches it, confusion may arise for a moment. Always follow your intuition, then you will ensure a good balance in your life. Every person is responsible for the joy in life and when you are distracted, doubt and uncertainty arise. Fears surface and become immensely large. Panic attacks can lead to madness and these may be rested in time. BEING SAVED The earth sends her living water energy to you to calm the spirit during this elevation (a physical fever can also occur). Let yourself be touched by the drops of the rain, the sky has opened to put your head and heart to rest. Too many stimuli can lead to overload In the heat the movements are slowed and stopped, but when the drops fall from the sky you all move again. The rhythm of the rain makes everything alive, the new knowledge has been sent in abundance from the light to your minds and hearts. Now everything can be opened and arranged so that you understand what is meant. THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT THE LIVING WATER The energy of the living water opens the knowledge from the light in the rhythm of the rain and washes away all blockages. Space will come to stabilize the new energy on Earth and to take you to a new layer of renewal. This is the living water with which your grail is filled in the female part, those are the moments when your heart overflows with love. It heals the earth and man when the soul is renewed. RENEWAL The renewal of all that is old and the abolition of the abuse slowly penetrates the collective mind. Clear thoughts from the heart pass by and the cloudy part is washed clean. WASHING OF THE EARTH When everything is washed clean, the aura will shine and the soul will twinkle like a crystal. The crystals in the holy water will cleanse your heart and the wind will blow your head clean. The holy water is velvety soft and will nourish the spirit with a Divine Magic, ask Mary if you can receive this holy water. The wind will caress the water and cause ripples. These wrinkles are the wrinkles in the forehead, when one wonders: Is this right? CRYSTALLINE AGE AND THE NEW RHYTHM The crystalline age will rise from the water and the new earth will be born, these crystals will bring forth the new rhythm and form the basis for your new dreams. The code of the new paradise will embrace the feminine energy and will no longer suppress or inhibit it. She will be invited and her crystalline energy will flow over the earth. She will increase this energy until balance is restored. Women are equal to men and many lies have been spread to belittle her in her mysterious powers of divine love. The era of fighting from a masculine energy is coming to an end. Death and destruction will give way to the living energy of growth and unity. COSMOS The stars in the sky will reflect the twinkle in the crystalline cells of the new man. The higher vibration carries a special sound, this is the sound of rebirth. Listen carefully to your inner sound, there you can hear this innovative crystalline sound. This one leads you to the new paradise of creation. August 1, 2023 Arthura Hector, This message may be shared in the right way, in its entirety and out of respect and love. Citing the source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved, copyrights.

  • Portal 7-7-7: The Seventh Jump

    ASHTAR: ANDROGYNE ENERGY (PART ONE) THE JUMP TO THE SEVENTH HEAVEN Every human being now gets the chance to make the seventh leap to the seventh heaven. The frequency of the seventh jump lifts you up and leads you through the seventh portal. Seven Seven Seven Once again the energy of the 7-7-7 vibration comes to the earth, this is the vibration of the reversal. The number 21 is reflected in the hanged man tarot card. The hanged man sees everything upside down and gets a completely different view of the world. The question is: "Do your eyes see reality as it is?" BIG CHANGE The view of the world is going to change. New impulses from the Seventh Heaven enter you and lead you to a heart full of peace. The number 21 also contains the three of creation. The Trinity is the energy of man and woman from which a new birth can take place. This is the new male-female energy in you! Trinity: From the Seventh Heaven new creations are born. The position of the inverted horizon is not a pleasant experience for everyone. For some, the physical body starts playing up and this pain is expressed through various physical complaints. The world turned upside down can make the head wobble, also psychologically. Every disease has a certain frequency and vibration. When you make an attunement to this vibration, things become clear. It is good to deepen yourself during this period. Respect the other truth, everything is allowed to settle down and then a completely different horizon rises, the horizon of unity and then everything becomes stable again. OPPOSITE VIEWS You can literally stand on your head to continue an (old) truth, but it is advisable to look at the experience of, "The world turned upside down", differently. First go and experience what it brings. Be creative and non-judgmental: "Instead of putting yourself upside down, you can also turn the world around. How does that feel? Are you standing firm now? This is how the new path feels! NEW INNER VISION A new insight is usually opened by difficult situations. The Seventh Heaven opens up through the portal of the 7-7-7 and your situation immediately changes. The peace and unity flow in your heart and now the inner eyes are opened. Do you dare to look at the Seventh Heaven in your heart? Yes, this is you.. The Angel from the Seventh Heaven. ANDROGYNE The masculine and feminine energies are coming together and here too complicated concepts are transformed into a simple outcome. Those who are dissatisfied with their bodies and are looking for another form come to the conclusion that the problem is not the physical body, but the inner, spiritual and psychic battle. THE BALANCE OF YIN AND YANG THE MAN For many, the combination makes sense as a male energy is born in a male body. While there are also men who experience this differently, for some the unrest is so great that the male body gets in the way. It leads to a lot of confusion. The question: "Who am I", is a spiritual Quest, to travel through the feminine and masculine part. Most relationships fail because the inner balance of woman-man is disturbed. THE WOMAN A feminine energy in a feminine body? For many this is the natural creation of being a woman, but nature sometimes dictates otherwise. A male energy can descend into a female body and vice versa. Here too, unrest and dissatisfaction may first be investigated through the energetic and spiritual path. There are more ways to reach a conclusion before going down a road of pills, amputations and other physical interventions. Feel who you really are.. Spiritual Feminine or Masculine Energy? In duality, the divine unity is divided into two parts: "The male and female part". The balance lies in the coming together of these two: physical or energetic... The spiritual lines of connection have become tangled, causing confusion and traumas to intertwine. In the physical world, the masculine and feminine energies are often disconnected, creating much unrest in the collective consciousness. The science is too limited to support your emotional experience of male or female. The physical body is just a vehicle for moving around in the material world. There is so much more.. Know that this physical body was created by a divine touch and this naturally formed you into an earthly being. Each cell contains the Divine code of this body. For nine months this creature has taken shape in the belly of the mother, this cannot simply be erased. This creation did not just arise, it has its own vibration and is built to function in the here and now. The imbalance arises because other dimensions play a role in the consciousness of man. The physical body can be experienced differently through a spiritual way. The search that is only sought in matter can block one's own wholeness, which can cause even more sadness. Why is this so? HEAL YOURSELF SPIRITUALLY Natural and Artificial Solutions: Before you change or adjust your body in the physical form, you can naturally investigate and resolve the pain and dissatisfaction. Artificial adjustments can lead to an even greater imbalance. Each cell stores the DNA of the life form of who you are. Your genes carry the codes of the building blocks from which you were formed. This is the light of the Divine Source that flows through you, but also the outcome of an earthly consciousness. Fitting in the big picture, in which memories have been stored for generations. Linked to the Akashic records. The knowledge to connect the feminine and masculine energy can be done in many ways, but beware of the artificial plan. The healing of all pain may happen in the different energy layers, because they contain a different consciousness: "Mental, astral and emotional". This healing leads you to a new part of yourself. Each chakra has its own color of vibration, it speaks through you. The Androgynous Creature For generations, the female and male parts have been disrupted. Which can cause an extreme desire for a different or own sex. You can't ignore the feeling, be honest about what you feel and what you miss. How are the relationships in the male-female consciousness in your soul experience? Let the female and male bodies express themselves through creativity. It's about accepting who you are in whatever form. You are okay and on the move! HEALING: ANDROGYNE BLUEPRINT Man is a being from the earth, but energetically and spiritually you are much more. You carry the entire cosmos in your heart. The imbalance between the masculine and feminine energy can also come from the memory of an Androgynous Blueprint. This soul carries the blueprint of unity, where man and woman are united in one being. We were once androgynous. Unfortunately, this cannot be expressed in physical form on Earth, which creates a great loss that is very realistic. Unfortunately, there is no knowledge available about these forms of life, which causes many to look for a 3d manifestation of science, where the spiritual or cosmic part male and female is insufficiently understood. These androgynous beings live in a dimension of light close to God, where the parts of man and woman have not yet been divided, they come together in one body, these ancient life forms are in oneness with themselves, with each other and with the Divine Creation . On earth they are allowed to live in half a body and that causes them great suffering. They unconsciously want to restore all this, but in matter that is physically impossible. Unless this is done in an energetic and spiritual way. Then there is a lot of insight and acceptance. They can reconnect with their old higher Androgynous selves. Peace can now come to the heart. INSTRUCTIONS When these people are born as a boy, they miss the girl in them and want to express this (or vice versa). It actually makes a lot of sense. The urge to carry both parts within and to show them is no longer possible. The human body can only show 1 part in the outer form, male or female. Inner and spiritual unity can be achieved, when this succeeds they will become a very great healing Divine Light on earth. SEXUAL LIFE ENERGY IN ATLANTIS (PART TWO) At the time of Atlantis there were two kinds of civilizations, one was a very old civilization and lived from a great intuitive wisdom, in which a deep spiritual experience was expressed. They brought unity back into the dual earth. Through a magical connection with nature in which both parts of male and female energy came together. They could rise to a very high light frequency via the sexual life energy (kundalini) and communicated with their higher (Androgynous) divine part, traveling to the stars was a logical connection. Many became mentally confused at that time, as a result of which the 'Lightship Atlantis' perished. Some of these beings have left for other planets and stars to return later. Those who wanted to protect the sacred knowledge are also back. They reappear. PORTAL SEVEN The portal of the Seventh Jump brings the knowledge of the Seventh Heaven back to Earth. This is the knowledge of the Sacred Unity of the male and female part and can lead to a connection with the old androgynous form. This may now be healed again to realize the new earth. Many have incarnated on Earth from Atlantis to open these sacred codes. These are the ancient guardians of MU and Lumuria, and they are going to lift the trauma of Atlantis. The memory of Atlantis can now be healed in this layer, through the higher vibration of the photons and the higher (sun) light. Paradise reappears in your memory. These dream images come to you through the silence such as meditations, visualizations and visions. They are the drops from the Holy Grail, they let the holy water descend again into the spirit of man. ASSIGNMENT The assignment is to set your path to a Sacred Quest: "Establish wholeness in all layers of consciousness and bring balance back to Earth. So far as you can realize this, because every little drop is already a beautiful movement. Let it blossom in your mind and create new solutions in matter and send forth visions of the new earth." MAKE EVERYTHING WHOLE Man is part of nature on earth, natural consciousness may rise again. Ecological consequences arise to restore balance and not to destroy man. 07-25-2023 ©Arthura Hector This message may be shared in this manner and out of love and respect, citing the source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved. RESPECT: You may not copy, divide or translate from the cosmic messages on this website, please ask permission first through SMS. Or copy this link that take you to the correct page on my website, below a 3-paragraph piece of text from this post. Do not copy the whole message! Don't copy pieces to put in another story. This changes the meaning of the message. (© Copyrights)

  • Portal 7-7-7: Universal Human of Christ

    Higher Christ: The Path of the Universal Christ Man to Divine Awakening: PORTAL 7-7-7 PORTAL DAY 7-7-7 on July 7, 2023: When the Holy Spirit descends, the new path of liberation can open. The 7-7-7 portal is now open and a new phase in evolution begins in which the Universal (Christ) Man is born. The seven represents the Seventh Heaven on earth, which is controlled through the chariot. FALL OF CABINET RUTTE IV (NETHERLANDS) Governing country can get off track and the wheels will give way. Is this a preconceived plan or an accidental development? The portal 7-7-7 will direct the energy of the Seventh Heaven and lead it to a point of unification. HIGHER CHRIST ENERGY: UNITY AND BALANCE AS A BEING OF LIGHT The universal being is in unity with itself, the heart is balanced and the battle has settled. The shadow part has lived through and you have gone through all the pain to open the light in your heart. During this journey many insights have been opened in a new layer of consciousness, but you may wonder when does this journey end? The chaos in the world has never been greater. The suffering increases and so does the fear in your heart. The path of the Universal (Christ) Man There are countless examples you can follow to become enlightened, these show how the heavy physical yoke can be thrown off. Follow your feeling and throw the yoke off your shoulders so that you are liberated. Many Divine emissaries have descended into the lower world to place the traces of unity in the material world. Here lie the Divine seeds that may be fertilized by the Holy Water and the Holy Light. THE CHALLENGE Converting the sacred energy into a material form, in which the balance can be felt. HOLY PATH When you have found the unique path, it will enrich you with the new seeds of cosmic consciousness. The path of Jesus Christ to Divine awakening was also an example of the path of the universal Christ man. Thereafter, many kinds of veils have been laid over this pure path, to entice you into another layer of illusion. During this 7-7-7 portal these veils fall away, you will see where the shoe pinches and the solution is near. You may be sorry, but forgive yourself and move on. Each path carries a valuable lesson, for God's ways are wondrous and unpredictable. YOUR UNIQUE CODE The apostles were once the spreaders of the Biblical word, introducing a universal Christ man to earth, but in this new age you may open and follow your unique code. No one can accomplish this process without support from the Higher. Find your fellow man who resonates right away and offers a helping hand, to those who are still blind. Converting the material and transcending it to a higher resonance is a special process and that means that you respect the lower dimensions. The higher spheres only ask you to keep following the light of the path, despite everything, radiate this light of life even if you do not consider yourself a perfect person. Be an example of what you can convey. You don't have to follow the perfect spiritual picture, because that too is an illusion. INCARNATION & TRINITY ENERGY When you are born into matter from the Light, a difficult and complicated process ensues. If your light has to survive in the shadow side, you will meet many rejections. While looking for love. Persevere and cast off the garment of this imbalance, for then peace will arise in your heart. The Divine Light illuminates your soul and when you step through this gate of 3 x seven, a whole other world is enclosed. You now understand the cosmic laws better, but on the old path a kind of confusion can now arise. Use the creative power of the trinity to unveil your path. Trinity energy is very powerful and can be expressed in matter to give clarity. COSMIC LAWS VERSUS THE OLD PATH Here the pain of seeing the truth starts, the reality of matter is transcended where the gaze of the light can perceive the shadow side. You now clearly see the suffering in the lower world, you know that this lower world was once an earthly paradise... WAKE UP AND SHARE Now you feel the need to wake up the other person. You see how closed they live, while your empathic feeling has become very large and sensitive. You have compassion for your fellow man in the lower world. The Divine light has descended into your heart and this can be so overwhelmingly beautiful that you want to share it. This experience is strongest when it resonates very high and when you encounter the light of God. This deep love experience can be overwhelming, but if you can't share it, it can also be traumatic. This light wants to be shared, connect, grow and come together. LONELINESS The processes in the lower world of matter can therefore proceed with great difficulty. Realize that the complicated life you lead is also part of waking up in the enlightened state. It is the process that wants to open up more and more, the enlightenment has different stages. To get out of the heaviness, you may step further and further and open in a higher vibration. When this growth is hindered, it causes great sadness. The lower world can no longer comprehend the phases you are going through and they start ignoring you. You feel lonely and rejected, but now another path opens. The path of transition. HIGHER PLACES In the higher spheres you grow to the eternal light. The example of the Christ (and of many other higher or saintly ones) transcends the pain and human suffering through which physical death passes into another form of being. There are stages where an energetic death takes place and when you have looked this "energetic death" in the eye, you come to a special realization. You have conquered a lower part of yourself. The subtle etheric body of Christ awoke and finally ascended, timeless and eternal to the Seventh Heaven. Heaven is just a higher frequency, where the beings of light communicate with each other permanently through the Divine heart. Divine love is the power of creation and this is the basis of all life. The story in the Bible tells much more than the words that are written, it contains so many layers of depth and from which layer do you view all this, do your eyes see the clouding from the trauma or from a limited (religious) belief? The road that runs in the middle is the most logical path, look at the underlying patterns. What is really being told or reflected here? What resonates most with what you're looking for right now? In the footsteps of Jesus you can discover a lot, however you read or translate this. When the head looks without heart connection it is only a superficial instrument. No matter what wonderful book you read, you will not progress without the love of the God. Only the love of God will set you free and it opens the depth of understanding. GATES OF THE HEART After the descent of the Holy Spirit in which the Divine seeds are fertilized, the 4 gates in the heart can be opened first, this is the base of the earth flower that may open first. The dark gates become visible through the great light, your trauma or intense anger clouds the heart and the gates. It also burdens your thoughts, so that the thoughts do not go pure into the world. 7-7-7 PORTAL The lower world consists of thoughts of heaviness. The yoke on your shoulders pushes you down. The layer of the higher sphere consists of highly vibrating particles and these form a completely different world of thought patterns. You rise up, your aura becomes wider and bigger. You get a lighter and liberated feeling. You breathe a sigh of relief and the love pours in. Through the portal 7-7-7 the energy of the chariot enters and is now the vehicle that takes you to the higher vibration of Divine love. All that Exists is Present If hell exists in your head, it will be there, supported and shaped by all the negative thoughts and shadows of everyone. Thoughts are powers. The more images of war and misery are burned on your retina, the more your energy shrinks. At that moment they form their own world of darkness together. An illusion. The boon runs aground here and loses track. BEINGS OF LIGHT Hell or the negative beings exist only in your world of illusion. It is the creative powers of each human being misused and manifested to their own lower intent. This is the program of manipulation that imprisons man. Don't put the negativity outside of yourself, but look for the why. Every person has the power to convert this. LOVE IS UNIVERSAL HIGHER WORLDS OF LOVE ARE EVERYWHERE Outside the small dots of heaviness there is only the great Divine world of love. The higher dimensions are sacred and divine. These encompass everything and the entire universe consists of love, they are present en masse, also in your lower world. You can recognize them through empathy and honesty. Many kinds of higher intelligences are deployed, the Divine Plan is huge and impressive. The heaviness is but a tiny speck on the horizon in the vast cosmic sea of ​​light. Every human being carries a duality within, what do you focus on? Divine Higher Gifts The divine gifts present in man are often ridiculed and denied. discourages. They are eventually made invisible to your physical eyes and the programming in your head can no longer perceive them. Some highly conscious people are born in a lower plane. These people long for the light, but they are blinded. In addition, it is very difficult to develop your powers in a lower illusion. A mist of disbelief has been laid over the mind and man is portrayed as a low being with only baser needs. This is reflected over and over again in the world around you, until you believe it to be so. The portal of the 7-7-7 unlocks many mysteries. The mystery of the creative power becomes visible through your own creativity. BYPASS MATRIX The awake group who see through all this in their own way is getting bigger and bigger, here the creative power of the trinity energy is budding. Each person has a unique gift and is part of the great puzzle. The matrix of illusion acts like a algorithm noticing the awake human as a 'virus'. They are weakened, rejected and excluded emotionally, psychologically, physically and mentally. Do you feel different and threatened? Strengthen yourself in all these layers and know that you are a special kind of 'virus' in the illusion of turning things around through the love of the Divine, then you negate the current program within yourself and around you. When you survive this spiritual death, you are no longer a threat that can be eliminated. The Light of God cannot be turned off, only obscured by the illusion, when you allow it. YOUR AURA RADIATE LIGHT Because many groups arise and behave differently, they create many new thought patterns that change the dynamics in the field of illusion. They no longer connect to the illusion and literally get a different color. The color of their aura changes to a luminous energy and they no longer resonate with the gray matter. DISBALANCE A person consists of many facets and certainly not of 1 kind of color. Many wear bright colors, including those who live in an unconscious state. The love in the heart is then bright in color. The illusion also needs bright colors to realistically portray this field. The illusion plays with duality and bends it to their will. They want to manage both the joy and the sadness, after all, it is about causing the imbalance. Staying in your strength is the most difficult challenge of all, but it is the best path in which the chariot can guide you. THOUGHT ARE FORCES Everything takes place in the world of thought patterns. The clear light in the aura pushes aside the curtain of illusion and those who live mainly in the shadow world do not like this. It makes the shadow visible and that is very confrontational, they want to push the curtain back again. They have developed an allergy against these beautiful colors of light that want to restore the shadow side. Being addicted to imbalance is the core of everything, it keeps distracting you. Everything swings back and forth, so hold your loving vision and place it on a fixed point on the horizon. THE HOLY CHARIOT The signals given off by many thought patterns are influenced by emotions. Fear has a different pattern than love. This war of imbalance has been going on for eons and is kept alive by the ignorant. Waking up in steps and the waves of light are now flooding the earth and clearing away many illusions immediately. Don't let the chariot totter and stay in the footsteps of Divine love. SEVENTH HEAVEN The lower world tries again and again to create new illusions. They use the pain that is released to trap you again in another imbalance. The 7-7-7 gate opens the energy of the Seventh Heaven and the pain is now quickly resolved. This is the new approach that is being put down from the world of light. UNIVERSAL HUMAN Universal (Christ) Human stand up and bring balance wherever you go, the new world consists of a firm foundation that is opened and controlled from the heart. The new starseeds transmute into an impossible form: A Universal (Christ) Man. This QUEST is a profound path of unification with your Divine soul. This message is sent from the Christ Consciousness, the layer where everything comes together as one. Arthura Hector July 7, 2023 This message may only be shared in this form, out of respect and citing the source: © Arthura Hector All Rights Reserved

  • Full Moon: Reset Pineal Gland

    ASHTAR: PINEAL GLAND GETS NEW POWER The full moon of July 3, 2023 continues to work in the cosmic light. The first 'wake up' wave will spread and the head will be touched via the photon light. The pineal gland therefore receives a very high light and the power is increased and expanded. The third eye opens the images of yesteryear in a clear layer. COMPLAINTS Physical complaints can occur in the head, such as tired eyes and poorer vision, the ears can slam shut, which can cause ringing in the ears, high beeps and other humming tones. The cavities in the head and nose also respond to all this. Furthermore, the complaints of a short confusion can increase, because different people cannot process these changes. Black outs occur in those who have lived too much in the illusion. It is a quick reset where consciousness opens further into a higher octave. SLEEP Suddenly being overtaken by sleep, also during the day, is an additional phenomenon. Admit it, because the conversion takes a lot of energy. The reset continues, even during the day. Rest and deep sleep take you to another layer where you can process this better. Working in other dimensions plays a role, after all, that's where you receive the new lessons or you participate in the transformation of the new earth. This information first arrives in your subconscious, and then manifests itself in your physical body. In this way, the new solutions can be passed on. The new earth is being created by all of you. CONSCIENCE GOES TO SPEAK Prepare for a special period. The conscience starts to speak and images from the past come to the surface very clearly and show you a situation where the outcome turned out differently than you thought. Intense feelings are converted and that can be very confrontational. It feels like the world is turned upside down, with the head watching the horizon shift. CORONA TRIGGERS The corona trauma that has not yet been processed is touched. The announcement of a cover-up affair opens up many emotions. The many lies are opening further and many are waking up. The alternative channels debunked the lies much earlier, but now the mainstream media is also getting going. The media will wake up, but first they get stuck on many fronts, they are still being led on. In the end, they will find the answers in places where the secret is hidden. This denouement yields many results, as a result of which new confrontational information emerges. RECOVERY Despite this chaos, the recovery from the corona period can now begin. The whistleblowers stand up and the cesspool of abuses is opened. As the facts emerge, chaos ensues. The media is under pressure because they want to bring out the hidden information. Those in higher positions get restless and eventually hand over the information to the whistleblowers and the media. Ordinary citizens and tradespeople want clarification about the abuses that make their lives worse because the solution to the problem is always postponed. The shoe will wring at the nose and eventually everywhere. INFORMATION WAVE This wave of revelations clarifies much and can no longer be hidden. The chaos arises because the truth is doubted on many levels at the same time, which causes disagreement and a lot of unrest in the head. All this can be overwhelming, try to create a gentle calm around you at all times and detach yourself from the confusion and chaos. Wash away the fear and try to stay in love, so that the compassion in your heart does not contract, but rather grows. TRUTH AND LIE The more you allow the warmth of Divine love, the more you understand what is going on. You are protected by the light of the new frequency, the seventh heaven. It can be difficult to stay stable when the fence comes off the dam. Many emotional waves are going to wash over you and your head will be pulled in all directions, because where is the truth and what is the lie? That makes everything very confusing at first, unless you are well connected with your own inner love. Step out of the confusion and listen to your own heart. Leave this turbulent situation alone for a while and go to a place where you feel safe and protected. Find many other like-minded people so you can support each other in these troubled times. They can give you love and understanding so that your head does not run wild. It is the art of staying in your strength despite everything. Don't feel guilty when you manage to take care of yourself and when the other person can't. Try to help, but not at the cost of your own safety. You can't help anyone if you don't first balance yourself after a tough situation. Every person is free to choose, who knows, they may wake up precisely there where the lie predominates the most. The third eye will open further again, giving the physical eyes a very clear view of the current situation. A renewal opens up in relationships, a beautiful energy of love rises where you don't expect it. Family ties were under pressure for a while, but this is about to change. Beautiful reunions arise and new friendships are strengthened. It will be a particularly fertile year for love, families grow larger through births and new vows. BEAUTIFUL ENERGY The big cleaning has started! This first cosmic 'wake up' wave initiates a disclosure and affects everyone. This wave of light flows through all the chaos, creating great explosions of purification. After these calamities there will be peace again, which will turn into a serene energy. Unexpectedly and unpredictably, this energy travels back and forth across the Earth. This beautiful energy sent by the sunlight suddenly emerges where many loving souls come together. Connecting with Each Other In the depths of the pain, new connections are made. It's new and unbelievable, but somehow it feels really good. Don't worry, everything will come back into balance. For one very quickly and for the other it takes a while. Hold on and keep faith in the Divine Plan of Restoration. The buildup has already started in another layer where the frequency resonates very high, perhaps invisible to your eyes. Every now and then you can perceive this light and catch a glimpse of the new age of Aquarius, it will warm your heart and open the harmony. THE BLESSING CHART What can happen if you bundle loving thoughts together? The chaos disappears and a serene energy of light and harmony emerges. The choice is yours, because the blessing chariot that carries the number seven may continue to drive on the right track, so that the balance becomes a fact. The seventh heaven will open and this light will shine on your path. These beings of light come to you to help. And when you make the choice to connect instead of struggle you are lifted and embraced. July 1, 2023 Arthura Hector This message may be shared in this form, out of respect and citing the source: © Arthura Hector All Rights Reserved.


    ASHTAR: BIG WAVE OF LIGHT, YOUR REALITY VIBRATES AND SHOCKS. The sun will shine in your heart, because the Divine Light can no longer be stopped. The universal light becomes so powerful that the heart of man immediately changes into a visible connection of unity and balance. Every being will be filled with a great energy of love in which everything will shake with a huge bang. It will vibrate under your feet.. CHAOS The chaos will avenge itself in another layer where hard blows are dealt and the wars are put on edge. The game and the positions of different countries and political rulers become abundantly clear. They carry the power and the shadow. RED BUTTON The tension in politics will first increase considerably and lead to a true climax, in which the light forces are ready to intervene. With a deep sigh of relief, everything will eventually be toned down again. The aftertaste remains bitter for a while. In the world of the superpowers, great efforts are being made to create a new disharmony, illusions and dramas are deployed and built up. Everyone can watch in suspense how world politics sells the untruths and enforces many new rules. They call the shots in a way that doesn't benefit anyone but themselves...and then many will wake up and their eyes will open, because what they are about to perceive will never be forgotten. All this works very deep and long in the consciousness. SOUNDS OF THE NEW WORLD The tones of the new world can no longer be hidden, the new sound will transcend the noise and touch everything to the core. This new sound cannot be refuted or turned off. This frequency goes through everything, where the very large light wave will crash down and shake everything, especially where the shadow is. The rebound of an impure agenda comes back to those who want to dwell in the illusion or apply it to others. WONDERFUL SUMMER Nevertheless, it will be a particularly beautiful summer of honest encounters. Be aware of all the layers that are now intertwined, the shadow is filtered out, creating a fresh attitude. People will help and support each other, so that the illusion is broken on important points. The curtain opens and many will pale before what the truth conjures up. Lies surface and some people cannot bear these untruths and collapse (temporarily) or leave the material world. The movements are violent, but the commotion has a liberating effect. This situation is experienced as a cold shower where the new codes immediately enter consciousness This is a quick reset and it puts you directly outside the illusion, which is not very nice right away, but it will happen and soon you will understand what is meant . Then a deep rest ensues. FIRST WAKE UP WAVE The intervention of the great light will now rise firmly and the light forces will nip all aggression in the bud. The completion of this first deep wake up wave will continue to resonate around the world. All this is being done in a big way and no one can remember where it started. The changes seem to come out of the blue, so bang on everyone. No one is left out and every person will process this in their own unique way. So have respect for everything and everyone. Realize whatever happens, everyone does what they can. Quarreling and war are not a good outlet in this wake-up wave and it is better to express it through a creative movement, keeping the heart open to every living being. This huge blow, in which consciousness is reset to a higher plane in one go, can come in quite a bit. From that moment on new movements will arise throughout the summer and the effect of this great light wave will have a very long effect. PREPARATIONS The whole earth is being lifted into a new frequency of higher light. After months of conversion and preparation that preceded this, there will also be a relief. The energy worked forward and people moved quickly through many types of processes. This in order to receive the large light wave as well as possible. Processing will start after this and will also be tough, but only if you offer too much resistance. Go with it and let yourself be guided by the new unpredictable love light, in which all control systems are converted. Old programmings will be switched off and then a new impulse entered. CLIMATE AND NATURE Everything goes along with this great movement of light, the climate will also make a different turn and show abnormal temperatures. Everything changes quickly, be prepared for major changes in the weather and changing phenomena in the sky. Stay confident and protect yourself well. Nature has its own way of dealing with this. Prepare for anything and it will surpass you. Yet it will be a very beautiful summer with wonderful experiences. It's everything at the same time. LIGHT FORCES This whole event opens up a wonderful power and enormous creativity in you, so that you can put everything into perspective and feel the peace come up when you think it's getting too much. The light world will help you to relax and keep your balance. They come right next to you to lend a helping hand and assist you spiritually. You will receive protection from the highest sphere. Live for today and try to enjoy what is there as much as possible. Stay to yourself and stand firmly with both feet on the earth. Many get new hunches and follow a new course in what really suits them. See what feels good every day and try to help your loved one if you have the space to do so. The light in everything becomes bigger and more powerful, handle it well and stay in balance. June 19 2023 Arthura Hector This message may be shared in this form and with respect, citing the source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved.

  • Full Moon June: Aquarius breaks ASHTAR: THE AQUARIUS CHILD RAISES MATRIX The full moon of June 4, 2023 breaks through the old matrix and reveals the new resonances of cosmic consciousness. The light codes of Aquarius contain a beautiful energy that is now opening with enormous power and the child of Aquarius will speak through the new language. The cosmos sends pure waves of light to the earth and they get higher and higher. From the light of the full moon, the new codes wave to the (inner) Aquarius child. SPEAK THROUGH THE AQUARIUS HEART When the Aquarius child speaks, lights appear in their eyes and a sparkling energy spreads, many star children are activated from a dream consciousness. LIGHT CODES OF AQUARIUS They are the light codes that open from the heart and are sent directly to all they love. When these children are caught in a veil of illusion, this is now being lifted. They are invited by the cosmic waves of light to reconnect with the Divine light, allowing them to see the real truth and speak from that truth. They are going to speak through the new codes of Light, the new Aquarius language has many new sounds. They broadcast this through their dream consciousness, with the imagination spreading into the collective consciousness through the thoughts of image and sound. No one can hold this Aquarius child captive anymore, the locks dissolve and the new codes appear in their aura. This Aquarius light will negate the matrix of illusion wherever they are. MATRIX OF ILLUSION The full moon of June 4 will activate the Aquarius field even further, causing many to feel an inner urge to do something new. Are you still looking for the right path? This will open soon. Follow the light trails of Aquarius, they lead you to a higher plane, to the great Light where your ideals become reality. NEW AQUARIUS LANGUAGE The new language of Aquarius is a creative way to integrate the new energy in a playful way. When you feel drawn to bright colors, clean sounds and smooth movement, connect with this new energy. Aquarius speaks to your consciousness through a new layer, it opens your heart where the spiritual brain awakens in another unknown layer. CREATIVE SPIRITS The playing child belongs to Aquarius, the joyful heart will speak and a new way of communication will arise. The imagination is understood and some experience Aquarius from clear knowing, clear feeling or clear hearing. Many other clear perceptions consciously start mixing with who you are as a human being. Healing arises spontaneously in the clear connection between the spiritual feeling and the higher mental brain. AQUARIUS CONSCIOUSNESS The Aquarian consciousness is so different, the old thinking is so limited. Aquarius has a much wider scope than the limited 3d consciousness connected to the matrix of illusion. These limitations are broken, creating a much larger playing field to start creating new things. Give in to the new impulses that open up in you and create your own new world. The old dogma slowly disappears behind the scenes and makes way for enrichment, creating a new wave of energy. The tensions created by the chaos will still be present. Consciously choose to convert your mind to a positive way of life. BLOCKING SHADOW PARTS Not everything can be converted immediately, some shadow parts have come up faster due to this moon. From the new moon, a spicy energy entered you to make the lower parts known. This is not always fun to experience, but after the full moon the redemption will come, the insight. Conflicts have arisen to be resolved, all this is the result of a very large acceleration. THE LOST PART When you've lost a part of yourself in battle and trauma has blinded your eyes, now is the time to get that part back. Become whole again and restore your entire system.. When a heaviness passes by and the old pattern is transferred to a renewed form, it makes way for the new patterns of Divine love. It looks like a roller coaster that always makes a deep drop from a high point. The Aquarius child lets go of the old when it laughs and enjoys the leap of faith. Embrace the new feeling of the playing light child. CHALLENGES ON YOUR PATH Aquarius brings many challenges. Strengthen confidence, because the light that resonates through you contains a completely different vibration. It always takes you to a new layer of deepening, how do you experience this renewal, from fear or from trust? FAMILY TIES The old lines with your family and friendships are put to the test. Can you already perceive the new path? Let go of the old connections, it gives an unreal feeling, because Aquarius announces itself and brings something new. Don't think about what you're going to lose, think about the new gift you'll receive. THE FIRST JUMP Those who dare to make the first jump in the Aquarius field end up in particularly beautiful situations, your dreams become reality. The others will follow the first, they become aware that the new era is dawning. The feeling of leaving the old behind rises en masse and the desire for something new becomes enormously powerful. MAITREYA ENERGY This full moon gives the go-ahead to a new impulse. During the summer solstice of June 21, 2023, the energy of Aquarius will be anchored in the first layer of the new Aquarius consciousness on Earth. The earth will give you many special experiences, so that you will experience this adventure consciously and in confidence. A new language opens up in the field of clear perception and communicating with the earth and the cosmos comes naturally to you. The Maitreya energy is in the light of the sun and sends new waves of light to the consciousness of all living things. June 3, 2023 Arthura Hector This message may be shared in its entirety, as it is set up and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector All Rights Reserved.

  • Violet Moon & Aquantum Power ST. GERMAIN: VIOLET FLAME: "QUANTUM LOVE The full moon of May 5, 2023 will be all about the Violet Flame. An extra high wave of violet light is created. The electromagnetic field resonates higher and higher and during this moon the violet light will be activated. The Earth will make its first Quantum Leap in the summer of 2023. SUMMER OF LIGHT & LOVE In the coming summer everything will come together in the light of Divine love, the wave that arises is enormously powerful. It will be a gathering of like souls. VIOLET FLAME AND THE PHOTON LIGHT A very high frequency photon light is sent from the cosmos to the earth, when it arrives at the core crystal the violet ray will be activated. In the heart of the earth, the violet light resonates from the full moon, this light will heal your heart. During the violet moon, the tone is renewed in pure sounds. The crystals in your house will sing along during this moon of May 5, 2023. The Christ consciousness is now emerging, the first step towards unity will be achieved. This higher vibration will fill your heart from the power of Divine love. Many dark shadows are dissolved in the collective consciousness, so that you can manifest clear thoughts again. Confusion, dizziness and light-headedness may occur, but this is only temporary. If the complaints last too long, visit a specialist. The physical body can sometimes not process the conversion properly and then you get stuck in old patterns. The pain comes from this old connection. BREAK THE BARRICADE When you encounter a barricade in your path and your growth is stunted, this invisible obstacle can block your way. Because the mind is numb with doubt and fear, this blockage can no longer be perceived. Be lifted by the violet light of Saint Germain and take a small quantum leap from unconditional love. This violet light will protect and heal you, so that everything will flow again. Don't show off Another's Feathers! Stop hiding behind someone else's plumage, but show your own color. Show yourself as you are and break through the ego barricade. The old Matrix of Illusion is coming to an End Be aware of the major change that will now become visible. The quantum power in the brain is shuffled and rearranged again. This can sometimes feel strange and even cause some confusion, as the horizon shifts. CRYSTALLINE CELLS The cells in the body can be restructured by the influence of this high violet light, whereby the crystalline light penetrates deep into the cell. This reconnects the DNA to the higher light. 'A Particular Transmutation Takes Place'. QUANTUM POWER The Quantum ability is linked to the crystalline consciousness. The crystalline cells are activated by the violet quantum light. SPIRITUAL BEING The violet light of this full moon will move strongly back and forth, awakening the spiritual being in you. Many are starting to remember why all this is happening. The care for nature and the earth opens up to them. In the beginning this will give some sway, but eventually everything will settle down and any panic will make way for a new loving mission. Many changes are also taking place deep in your system. Live today and try not to be too much in the head, thinking hinders the healing process, even if you don't understand everything: 'Understanding will come later and then everything will fall into place' . DREAMS Your best dreams come true when you ride the high wave of change, breaking through the illusion is sometimes a bit unreal. It can feel strange and maybe a little different, because your horizons are expanding. When the acceleration shows itself on the horizon, many special color nuances appear. Follow the heart and inspire each other. Let go of the block and enjoy this change. SUMMER OF LOVE During the summer of 2023, special connections are created and unconditional love is first introduced to Earth in the human mind. Nature and animals have carried this with them for a long time, but now people can experience what is meant by 'unconditionality'. Until 2033, the explosions of unconditional love will be sent to earth from the cosmos, because Divine love will form the basis for the new earth. Arthura Hector May 1, 2023 This message may only be shared in the above manner, out of respect and with reference to the website and source: © Arthura Hector Copyrights: All rights Reserved.

  • Full Moon: Wavy Emotions

    SANANDA POWERFUL LOVE ENERGY through the EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FULL MOON APRIL 6, 2023 The full moon of April is very powerful, the energy comes to earth in big waves and it sometimes resonates very high. This light activates emotional intelligence and causes some unexpected explosions, this gives some hitches on your path and you can get a bit overstimulated. Yet this energy will also bring you a lot of good. FIND THE EMOTIONAL BALANCE Your balance will be tested, because special emotions will emerge. Those who are connected to an old karma notice emotional changes in the relationships. Letting go of the karma becomes difficult when it is dealt with in an old way. The acceleration of energy arises in the connection line where the emotions cross and dissolve again. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE If you mainly live from the head, you will be tested to start living from the feeling again. You will be washed clean by the many emotions that you may experience again in a deeper layer. In addition, those that work through the heart are further increased in vibration. This attunement is necessary, because the emotional intelligence is going to be reset. You get access to a wider range of possibilities, because there are great gifts hidden there. The knowledge that comes with it comes from the unity energy: The Christ Consciousness. The outside world is the 'mirror' that reflects the emotions. You are going to make a super fast connection with the others around you. BLAZY FEELING A fuzzy feeling can arise as the lines are reset between you and your family, relationships and friendships. These are very special connecting lines that have brought about a lot in today's life. Waves of emotions can start to play up, take a rest at that moment and don't panic or call for help. This switch eventually brings about new loving connections, from which a wonderful experience can grow that sometimes seems a bit unreal. Help is sent from the Christ consciousness… the loving unity of God. MOTHER EARTH HELPS Mother Earth's cosmic intelligence is very active and she long ago created many kinds of life forms through her love energy. Her planetary consciousness is connected to the great Divine Light. This is a tremendous awareness of love that is always creating and manifests itself in every spark of light. The earth is an emotional being and through her power of creation the emotional intelligence can now arise, when it raises in the vibration new forms of consciousness come to life. PANIC, SOOTHING CALM AND CREATION From nature flows a soothing calm that can calm the emotions. This is not just, here you make the connection with the cosmic consciousness, which flows through mother earth. She can be present in everything with her loving energy, she is the mother who gives comfort. You feel this power in nature and in yourself as a creative force. The pure Christ energy helps you to accomplish all of this. When many emotions start flowing through you, some confusion can arise. Realize that these emotional waves come to you from a loving ray, then a reset occurs in the emotional brain. In the connecting lines between you, your loved one or your neighbor, a magnetic attraction of pure harmony arises. When the changes in the emotional system become too much, they can burn through causing panic and despair. Know that this is the reversal in the consciousness of money and possessions. Within you the turning will take place. The emotional brain is aligned many octaves higher. The current emotional brain is barely developed and is mainly active in fear, but this is about to change. In the previous periods great preparations have been made to reset the mind to a higher sensitivity. FROM MEDIUM TO HIGH SENSITIVE AND SUPER SENSITIVE The world is going to turn differently and this is now becoming clear, because everything will be turned upside down. The rational brain cannot handle this renewal and therefore a natural switch is made to the emotional brain. This switch is especially very unreal, but rest assured it will be fine. Some who are connected to the legacy system are not always able to make this transition. They lose track, but in spite of everything, the great wave of love is moving and will free every human being in every difficult situation, so that the love energy is experienced in its depth at any time. Sometimes in the last hour of farewell, but much more often when one is in the fullness of life. This love power will resonate in every human being, getting stronger and stronger. Every minute of the day, every day of the month, but especially after every solar year, this force increases. THE UNIVERSAL MAN From different layers, the universal human being is born with a wonderful range of gifts and talents. The emotional brain will be decisive and the rational brain will support it. Eventually man will be able to merge both parts into a beautiful consciousness of unity. All this takes time, this is the year where emotional intelligence rises and slowly blossoms. The universal view is broadened and further developed. UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS: INNER LOOK Panic and fear cause the force of manifestation to block or take a completely different course. When you notice this, go in and see what it takes. Also in terms of material, what do you really need? Which direction feels good and will it still be the same tomorrow? Nothing is fixed, everything is in motion and within every hour or even within a minute this can change again. FAMILY AND PARTNERSHIP Use your feelers and listen carefully to who you are and what you need right now. Certain intense situations within the family, with partner or colleagues can be deeply touched, but in this great emotional change you can recover faster through the love light, which creates positive thoughts. Quarrels don't last long, dissatisfaction can also disappear in no time. Some material things you no longer need, they disappear. Don't worry because there will be another solution. BE FLEXIBLE Move with this rapid change so you don't get stuck all the time. Don't be angry or disappointed either, because it's part of this time of transformation. Confusion and forgetfulness can ensue. Realize this and try to deal with it as calmly as possible. There are peak periods where this rises more strongly, but it decreases again when the balance is reached. Deep emotions are touched and that also gives some commotion, go through it from a calmness.. You can't do more than what is possible now. Don't fight what can't be done any longer, but wait patiently for the new opening. Look especially at what you can do, which door is already open? MAKE CHOICES Numerous choices can also be inhibiting, narrow down the choices that fall outside of your magnetic attraction and choose what clicks right now. Realize that tomorrow may be different, don't be rigid. Live today and release yourself from an old burden and dream of magnetic revelations and manifest from flexibility. Above all enjoy Create from a higher emotional intelligence and then watch the numerous possibilities open up... April 5, 2023 Arthura Hector This post may be shared, as written here on this page, with credit to the source and original website: © Arthura Hector All right reserved. VOLLE MAAN 6 APRIL 2023 De volle maan van april is zeer krachtig, de energie komt in grote golven naar de aarde en zij resoneert soms heel hoog. Dit licht activeert de emotionele intelligentie en zorgt voor wat onverwachte explosies, dit geeft wat haperingen op je pad en je kan daardoor wat overprikkeld raken. Toch zal deze energie je ook veel goeds brengen. DE EMOTIONELE BALANS VINDEN Jouw balans wordt op de proef gesteld, want er gaan bijzondere emoties tevoorschijn komen. Degene die met een oud karma verbonden zijn, merken emotionele veranderingen in de relaties. Loslaten van het karma wordt bemoeilijkt wanneer er op een oude manier mee om wordt gegaan. De versnelling van energie ontstaat in de verbindingslijn waar de emoties elkaar kruisen en lossen weer op. EMOTIONELE INTELLIGENTIE Leef je vooral vanuit het hoofd dan wordt je op de proef gesteld om weer te gaan leven vanuit het gevoel. Je wordt schoongewassen door de vele emoties die je opnieuw in een diepere laag mag gaan doorleven. Daarnaast worden degene die werken via het hart verder verhoogd in trilling. Deze afstemming is nodig, omdat de emotionele intelligentie gereset gaat worden. Je krijgt toegang tot een breder scala van mogelijkheden, want daar liggen grote gaves verborgen. De kennis die daarmee gepaard gaat komt vanuit de eenheidsenergie: Het Christusbewustzijn. De buitenwereld is de 'spiegel' die de emoties reflecteert. Jij gaat een supersnelle verbinding maken met de andere om je heen. WAZIGE GEVOEL Een wazig gevoel kan ontstaan, wanneer de lijnen worden gereset tussen jou en je familie, relaties en vriendschappen. Dit zijn hele bijzondere verbindingslijnen die heel wat teweeg hebben gebracht in het huidige leven. Golven van emoties kunnen gaan opspelen, neem op dat moment rust en raak niet in paniek of schakel hulp in. Deze omschakeling brengt uiteindelijk nieuwe liefdevolle verbindingen tot stand, waaruit een wonderlijke beleving kan groeien die soms wat onwerkelijk lijkt. Hulp wordt gestuurd vanuit het Christusbewustzijn.. de liefdevolle eenheid van God. MOEDER AARDE HELPT De kosmische intelligentie van moeder aarde is zeer actief en zij creëerde lang geleden via haar liefdesenergie vele soorten levensvormen. Haar planetair bewustzijn is verbonden met het grote Goddelijke Licht. Dit is een enorm groot bewustzijn van liefde wat altijd crëeerend aanwezig is en in elke vonk van licht tot uiting komt. De aarde is een emotioneel wezen en via haar creatiekracht kan nu de emotionele intelligentie op gaan staan, wanneer deze zich verhoogt in de vibratie komen er nieuwe vormen van bewustzijn tot leven. PANIEK, RUSTGEVENDE KALMTE EN CREATIE Vanuit de natuur stroomt er een rustgevende kalmte die de emoties kan bedaren. Dit is niet zomaar, hier maakt je de verbinding met het kosmische bewustzijn, welke door moeder aarde heen stroomt. In alles kan zij aanwezig zijn met haar liefdevolle energie, zij is de moeder die troost geeft. Deze kracht voel je in de natuur en in jezelf als creatiekracht. De zuivere Christusenergie helpt jou om dit alles te verwezenlijken. Wanneer er vele emoties door je heen gaan stromen, kan er wat verwarring ontstaan. Besef dat deze emotionele golven naar jou toe komen vanuit een liefdevolle straal, er ontstaat dan een reset in het emotionele brein. In de verbindingslijnen tussen jou, je geliefde of je naaste ontstaat er een magnetische aantrekking van pure harmonie. Wanneer de veranderingen in het emotionele systeem teveel worden, kunnen deze doorbranden waardoor paniek en wanhoop kunnen ontstaan. Weet dat dit de omkering is in het bewustzijn van geld en bezit. Binnenin jou zal de kering plaatsvinden. Het emotionele brein wordt vele octaven hoger uitgelijnd. Het huidige emotionele brein is amper ontwikkeld en wordt vooral actief bij angst, maar hier komt verandering in. In de vorige periodes zijn er grote voorbereidingen getroffen om de geest te resetten naar een hogere gevoeligheid. VAN GEMIDDELD NAAR HOOG GEVOELIG EN SUPER GEVOELIG De wereld gaat anders draaien en dit wordt nu duidelijk, want alles komt op zijn kop te staan. Het rationele brein kan deze vernieuwing niet aan en daardoor wordt er een natuurlijke omschakeling gemaakt naar het emotionele brein. Deze switch is vooral heel onwerkelijk, maar wees gerust het komt goed. Sommige die verbonden zijn met het oude systeem, kunnen niet altijd deze overstap maken. Zij raken het spoor bijster, maar ondanks alles komt de grote liefdesgolf in beweging en zal ieder mens in elke moeilijke situatie bevrijden, zodat de liefdesenergie wanneer dan ook in haar diepte wordt ervaren. Soms in het laatste uur van afscheid, maar veel vaker wanneer men in het volle leven staat. Deze liefdeskracht gaat in elk mens resoneren, steeds sterker en sterker. Elke minuut van de dag, elke dag van de maand, maar vooral na elk zonnejaar wordt deze kracht groter. DE UNIVERSELE MENS Vanuit verschillende lagen wordt de universele mens geboren met een prachtige waaier aan gaves en talenten. Het emotionele brein zal doorslaggevend zijn en het rationele brein ondersteund deze. Uiteindelijk zal de mens beide delen kunnen samenvoegen tot een prachtig bewustzijn van eenheid. Dit alles heeft tijd nodig, dit is het jaar waar de emotionele intelligentie opstaat en langzaam ontluikt. De universele blik wordt verruimd en verder ontwikkeld. ONVERWACHTE SITUATIES: INNERLIJKE BLIK Paniek en angst zorgen dat de manifestatiekracht blokkeert of een heel andere koers uit gaat. Wanneer je dit bemerk, ga dan naar binnen en kijk wat er nodig is. Ook in de materie geldt nu, wat heb je werkelijk nodig? Welke richting voelt goed aan en is dat morgen nog zo? Niks staat vast, alles is in beweging en binnen elk uur of zelfs binnen een minuut kan dit weer anders zijn. GEZIN EN PARTNERSCHAP Gebruik je voelsprieten en luister goed naar wie je bent en wat je op dit moment nodig hebt. Bepaalde heftige situaties binnen het gezin, bij partner of collega's kunnen diep geraakt worden, maar in deze grote emotionele verandering kun je via het liefdeslicht sneller herstellen waardoor er positieve gedachten ontstaan. Ruzies duren niet lang meer, ook ontevredenheid kan zo weer verdwijnen. Sommige materiële zaken heb je niet meer nodig, deze vallen weg. Wees gerust want er komt een andere oplossing. WEES FLEXIBEL Beweeg mee met deze snelle verandering, zodat je niet steeds vast loopt. Wees ook niet boos of teleurgesteld, want het hoort bij deze tijd van omvorming. Verwarring en vergeetachtigheid kunnen ontstaan. Besef dit en probeer er zo rustig mogelijk mee om te gaan. Er zijn piekperiodes waarbij dit sterker naar boven komt, dit wordt weer minder wanneer de balans is bereikt. Diepe emoties worden aangeraakt en dat geeft ook wat reuring, ga erdoorheen vanuit een kalmte.. Je kunt niet meer doen dan wat er nu mogelijk is. Vecht niet langer tegen wat niet kan, maar wacht geduldig op de nieuwe opening. Kijk vooral naar wat je wél kan, welke deur staat al open? KEUZES MAKEN Talrijke keuzes kunnen ook remmend werken, verminder de keuzes die buiten jouw magnetische aantrekking vallen en kies datgene wat op dit moment klikt. Besef dat het morgen weer anders kan zijn, wees niet star. Leef op de dag van vandaag en verlos jezelf van een oude last en droom over magnetische openbaringen en manifesteer vanuit flexibiliteit. Geniet vooral. Creëer vanuit een hogere emotionele intelligentie en zie dan de talrijke mogelijkheden opengaan... 5 april 2023 Arthura Hector Dit bericht mag gedeeld worden, zoals het geschreven is hier op deze pagina, met de vermelding van de bron en originele website: © Arthura Hector All rigtsh reserved.

  • Activation Pillars of Light: Masculine Heart Illuminated

    ASHTAR: THE HEART OPENS IN A HIGHER FREQUENCY In the coming spring period there are special days when the light is very bright. These are the days when the male heart is touched by a high light. The female mystery is revealed, many lovers meet (again). The Pillars of Light arise where the energy is pure. These light pillars are centrally positioned and they amplify the frequency, strengthening the anchoring and resetting the male heart. ACTIVATIONS The light pillars receive energy from the crystalline core of the earth and the cosmic energy of the sun. These two energies come together in the pillars of light. These vertical lines of light resonate high and scatter crystalline light photons. CORONA: WREATH OF LIGHT The solar eclipse in Australia and Indonesia on April 20, 2023, symbolizes a dark dot that is now emerging. This may be healed, so that the higher vibration can reach the heart. A Corona is a beautiful halo of light around the sun and this is created during the eclipse, this light indicates that special protection is present. No matter how big the shadow, the light remains and finds its own way. Accept the cosmic protection from the divine light and position your thoughts positively or negatively in the light of the sun, so that all thoughts in the collective become enlightened. THE CROWN The crown is like a flower that can open and close to the heavenly signals. Make sure you are well tuned, so that you can always receive a nice upload. You can receive the heavenly signal purely when the heart resonates with the cosmos. The petals of the crown can be 'out of tune' and can be rested again through sound healing. Trauma or "being too much in the head" can keep the leaves closed like a bud. A reset can replace the 'old leaves' for a beautiful new energy. Not only the crown is reset, but your entire system. Everything is connected and because the crown is brought into a higher vibration, the other chakras, such as those of the heart, may also resonate higher. It is an interplay of light photons. Male Heart The male heart is drenched in a clear energy and in this special process a light is shed on the shadow point, where the toxins are allowed to leave the body. If this does not go well, problems can arise in the heart or in other organs. Be alert when heart complaints occur and take the necessary measures. Listen carefully to the inner voice and pay attention to the signals. If necessary, take a break for a while, because the male old part will 'die off', a new layer will emerge. In this new layer a deeper mystical vision develops, in which compassion and care for the other will be expressed. Contact with other dimensions is also opening up further. The New Aquarius Man The transmutations take time and not everything can be accomplished at once. They are waves of awareness being opened by the Pillars of Light. There is a lot of movement in the collective male consciousness and the cosmic waves are working strongly in the female and male energy. After all, one cannot develop without the other. The New Aquarius Woman Last year the feminine energy was in the light of the Holy Mother Mary, many woke up in a renewed layer. Some of them have been touched but not yet activated and this will now be accelerated. They are activated to support the masculine energy of the heart and to accomplish the exchange of mystical knowledge. The mystical female part is opened in the male part, these are profound processes and the sadness emerges. They weep and now see how the masculine energy is fragmented and distracted by material lower things. The restrictions imposed in the male system prevented them from blossoming in the mystical female part. THE NATURE OF MAN The original natural codes form a very beautiful and subtle energy. In the present time, feeling and love are often dismissed as a superficial and complicated subject. Just now that the new time is being born, one may stand up for the true feeling. Sexuality is a sacred healing energy, but it has been rejected into a lower state where the denial of this power is great. In the man this can be a fear of the female mystical knowledge. ESCALATIE TECHNIEK Iedereen van klein tot groot wordt in de war gebracht door de escalatie techniek die op subtiele wijze in reclames voorbijkomen. Ze worden onbewust opgelegd via de media, zodat het natuurlijke gevoel in het hart geblokkeerd wordt. Wanneer je de verbinding met jezelf kwijt raakt ontstaat er veel verwarring en frustratie in het hart. Het hoofd neemt het over om te voldoen aan deze onnatuurlijke levenswijze. De heilige verbinding met jouw unieke gaves worden verstoord. THE REAL FEELING Some sensitive minds get confused, the feminine side is suppressed and the frustration is launched with an explosion into the world of matter. In their hearts they lack the spiritual feminine connection. The Aquarius child cannot integrate this and gets stuck. It is an energy that contains a lot of sadness and especially frustration. Don't let all this escalate into something that is sickening for generations to come. STAR CHILD The highly sensitive star child may grow up in freedom. They may develop the feeling of the magical experience in a natural and creative way without manipulation from the outside. In a safe environment and not in a public environment where 'unnatural' stimuli can arise. Those who are not understood anyway can completely lose themselves in all this. The gifted child has a natural outlook in which lives its own universal wisdom. This wisdom is often hindered from being expressed. They are still not seen in it. Don't Derail It There will be a lot of layering in the vibration, because the current frequency is going to rise even further. Out of respect for the male and female part, much can be explored in a creative and spiritual way. It is the good intention that counts. Many temptations arise and these are far from a natural and healthy behavior, where there is no respect for the spiritual feminine and masculine balance, aggression arises. ESCALATION TECHNIQUE Everyone from small to large is confused by the escalation technique that subtly appear in commercials. They are imposed unconsciously through the media, so that the natural feeling in the heart is blocked. When you lose connection with yourself, there is a lot of confusion and frustration in the heart. The head takes over to conform to this unnatural way of life. The sacred connection with your unique gifts is disrupted. WHAT IS IT REALLY ABOUT? The inner experience is a unique experience for every person that can be carefully unpacked. Without divine intentions, this can go the wrong way, with fanaticism taking over the world of subtle feelings through intrusive attention. PLANETS OF LIGHT In the World of Light there are many planets and galaxies in which the feminine and masculine are expressed in different ways, but always with respect for the other and according to the universal law of one. SKIES OF LIGHT Outside the lower third dimension there are many heavens of light. Everything outside of you consists of a loving light. The dark fearful thoughts only exist in the lower dimensions of the society in which man lives. This is only a very small point in the great divine whole. Beautiful divine creations abound, the matrix of illusion seems large, but in reality it is very small. DON'T MAKE THEM BIGGER THAN THEY ARE, DON'T GIVE THEM ALL THE ATTENTION The lower forms can come to life only in the mind of man. Choose the new path of the loving heart every day, everything is constantly changing. From the Pillars of Light a new frequency is being set every moment. Renew your thoughts in the form of flowers. Flowers contain a sacred geometry and this has a healing effect. FLY UP LIKE THE WHITE DOVE... And lands together in a loving frequency that suits you. Include your own feelings of divine unconditional love and creativity. Let the Kundalini flow naturally, because it keeps your body and mind healthy. When you hurt the other and break through the protective layer in children you are guilty of manipulation. Children need protection from their parents, they cannot yet protect themselves like adults, this is because they live in wonder. It can confuse their imaginal mind and affect the child's mind. Fairy tales are a real world for them and the distortion of these archetypes causes damage to the natural dream dimension. The dream chakra is closed by fears. The Higher Light will Guide and Protect them Be aware of the many changes that occur in the lower and higher resonances, (temporarily) leaving that which can no longer be properly connected. The cosmic waves come to earth in many forms of pure light, with the Pillars of Light spreading a high energy restoring balance to everything. YOU ARE THE LIGHT, PASS IT ON. Arthur Hector April 16, 2023 This message may be shared out of respect and as it is placed here and with reference to the original (Dutch) source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved. Translated by Google

  • Spring Equinox: The Grand Assembly

    ASHTAR: THE SUN'S POWER FILTERS YOUR SHADOW SIDE During the spring equinox of March 20, 2023, the Great Assembly is speaking of the effects of the great reversal that have been carried through from the divine light. WHAT IS EXPECTED The solar power will increase. The movement towards the new consciousness will soon arise and from the spring energy a large dose of photon light will gradually enter the earth. In the summer of 2022, the photon light has prepared the earth for the arrival of a large light that will be started in 2023. HEAT AND RAIN Spring starts quietly with occasional warm days in a row that are suddenly alternated with cold (rainy) days, so that cooling will also occur. The weather is hard to predict, be prepared for all kinds of seasons. TILT COLLECTIVE The tilt in the collective consciousness is now slowly starting, a tilt in consciousness is also taking place in the individual person. The energy of the earth will go through a change and you will notice this, there will be a changing temperature. This special phenomenon is going to have a deep impact on the emotional intelligence of humans. BRAIN In the last few months a reversal has taken place from the light and it will now develop further in an enhanced form. Especially the head can feel different, parts of the brain are activated that were inactive for a long time. A beautiful movement in the human layers of consciousness is reflected in the energy. The light will shine brighter and many healings suddenly arise within your energy system, in which the shadow side is further filtered out and converted. APATHY The heat of the sun creates very warm and languid days, body and mind are brought into a kind of deep relaxation. A feeling of trance or drowsiness overtakes you, so that the new in your system can be activated. Apathy (resignation) can arise with a great overload, the emotions are frozen. For some, the overstimulation of the light plays a role, bringing up deep emotions and unrest. Take a lot of rest in the coming time and don't exhaust yourself too much. Distance yourself from situations where there is a lot of strife or when things don't turn out the way you want them to. The cooler days, often with rain, ensure that you can act actively and clearly again. These are the days where the new power becomes noticeable, the standstill can now be caught up. Despite all the chaos, the acceleration of light continues to increase. The decision of the great Central Sun is certain: "The light is going to intensify, so that the earth can evolve into a star." This is not possible immediately and life on earth will be prepared from a layer to make the transition to a higher frequency. LIGHTSHIPS The lightships in the sky cause a lot of activity in the airspace, causing special phenomena to take place. These are the light ships that work from a higher frequency into the energy of the earth. These air activities are new to the firmament, the great acceleration of light can temporarily unbalance the balance of the earth, causing the climate to fluctuate with extreme outliers here and there. OPENING NEW PORTALS Opening new light portals is necessary to increase the interaction between the light dimensions and the earth. These are special actions from the Divine light dimensions, as the Angels, the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light and the representative of the Central Suns meet in large gatherings to discuss the state of affairs regularly. Many others such as the Interplanetary and Intergalactic Sacred Councils are also involved in this transition. The Grand Assembly of March 20, 2023 is part of that, spring is a new starting point to make changes and this is being discussed. LEMURIA The Lemurian Council and the Atla-Ra represent the inner Earth and Earth in general. They are very close to man and observe all life on earth, they report on everything and pass it on to the universal great councils. Many of them (Lemuria) come to people at night to show the way in this new consciousness, through the unconscious they can speak from loving codes and images. First of all, you are reassured and they tell you what is going to happen, so that you are prepared for what is to come. They will never intrude and dissolve when fear arises, for they cannot live in a fear vibration. They do try to remove and solve the fears together with you. Fears are shadow clouds and some of them can be easily disconnected. How deeply are you attached to an old pattern? Instruct your own system to loosen the lines. ADVICE AND HELP At bedtime you can ask for help out loud or go in quietly and ask for the fears to be released. This way your aura becomes a bit softer and the reception of new information can now come in better. The choice is yours, you unlock the lock of your system. TO TRUST All this has to do with trust, can you open up to the light? Can you let go of the strings and realize that holding on to control is also connected to fear, because within it lives the fear of distrust. You can convert WAN-marriage back to VER-marriage, this can be a beautiful healing step in the liberation of your inner light. The light in your heart may shine again. The more trust, the more love, the more healing arises and the more light may flow through you. AREAS ON EARTH Some areas are near or directly below the equator and there the differences between the seasons are much smaller than in Europe. However, drought and rainfall, such as during the monsoon season, can lead to extremes. Everywhere on Earth the Weather Extremes will be Showing If you are in good contact with your intuition and inner voice these can help you, when these speak clearly the fears are addressed and you can follow the inner warnings and guarantee your own safety. Train this and make it a pure talent. NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE BRAIN You can choose to place everything that is not good outside yourself and send a negative charge to the outside world, but what really matters is your inner balance. Extreme anger directed outward says something about yourself and this can eventually lead to overheating of the brain. The acceleration of light causes the brain waves to be brought into a higher frequency. If you remain stuck in an old emotion and your life goes wrong, realize in time that this is not the right way and change it. HYPERSENSITIVITY Deep emotions come to the surface and that has to do with a healing release process. When you are hypersensitive and the many conversions lead to overstimulation, focus on healing the balance. In the coming time the light will be everywhere and they will receive every call in love. You don't have to do it alone. Call upon the Divine Light of love and they will appear by your side. The Power of the Light In and Around you become Enormously Strong This requires a lot of effort from your energy body, feel good what you can and cannot handle and give in to it. Listen carefully to your body and work on a preventive plan B of balance. Call in the help of a specialist in time if your entire system locks up, because sometimes you need physical or mental help. LIGHTWORKERS If you are an (alternative) helper or lightworker, there may also be periods when you have to 'mark the place'. Take time to rest and make sure you don't fall into a serious depression or become overburdened, work on the prevention plan B and back-ups in time. Additional uploads and conversions will take effect within this group, requiring additional rest. This is necessary for the new information to sink in and to be propagated again. They may take care of the many others that may continue to grow.. WONDERFUL EXPERIENCES Many wonderful experiences will cross your path, they enlighten the soul. Embrace these gifts of light and continue on the new path. These are the signs of the true Divine light and they work with you to balance the acceleration of your inner light so that you become a free and loving human being. Vernal Equinox: The sun is perpendicular to the equator and the day and night are of equal length on March 20, 2023, the Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) is at 10:24 PM. This night is a healing gift for beautiful prayers. Arthura Hector (Original Dutch March 20, 2023 CALL My posts are shared very nicely on different websites and I really appreciate that. Still, I occasionally hear that my texts are being adjusted, I don't mean a single typing error here, because I sometimes make those. Unfortunately, translating whole sentences differently is not allowed. The websites linked to my posts may also differ from the original Ashtar Rose, please correct. My thanks are great. Arthura This message may be passed on in its entirety and only in this way, citing the source: ©Arthura Hector All rights reserved.

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