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- New Timeline of Light
ASHTAR: LIGHT FORCES ARE BUNDLED LIGHT PORTALS Many powerful portals are opening in the sign of the angelic energy 4-4. The number 8 is the symbol of the lemniscate and it stands for the eternal flow of the life energy. This one is timeless. A totally different development will arise from the light, this special process will push the consciousness of society in a different direction. Special groups are formed from the heart. The love light rises and is born from the mud of chaos. This new vision is being created from the new timeline of light. Many good deeds will arise to help the fellow man in need. These initiatives are getting bigger and more powerful. The projects that are set up from a humane vision. Are carried by the Light, so that all the negative will be negated. Love is the key in this new movement and it opens a great power in your heart. It will unleash a huge wave that will rise worldwide. A new connection between many caring people who want to help each other. As politics turns to war and destruction, an empathic movement, from an unexpected quarter, will lend a helping hand. POLITICAL OLD POWER The old forces of manipulation try to expand their vision, but as they do this they encounter more and more opposition. The old timeline becomes weak and loses its power. That is why the old powers want to push through their 'Big Reset' as soon as possible. They have no time to lose, because the light photons are going to embrace the earth with an accelerated force. They know that the old system is crumbling, because it is losing its pillars. They become weaker. Disruptions begin to arise in the field of the ego, as the new energy of love resonates only with the empathic capacity. The chaos shown by the media only represents one side of the story. That will also change, more and more images will come from a loving encounter. There is so much more alive and this will soon become apparent. The great powers are still playing the game and are mainly focusing on the power of the multinationals. This old vision is stagnating. NEW TIMELINE The mindset of the new timeline is: Help yourself, but also your fellow man. Open your heart. Carry the love in your heart and you will see this become one of the most powerful energy. Turn your focus to the new group that love supports others. The light opens and everything that is carried out in the love light becomes greater. Don't be afraid to stand out, because a whole new timeline is opening up and it is separate from all manipulations. In this timeline of love, the manipulations can no longer affect you, for it does not affect you there. MIRACLE This new timeline is a miracle for many and you can suddenly be engulfed by this energy and start experiencing special things. Some are suddenly absorbed into this light and feel unreal. Some can suddenly tune in and see paradise open. The new timeline of love can work through into the old timelines and sometimes there is some friction in time. Predictions are announced and later turn out to be different. Know that these carry a kernel of truth, only the receiver is in a different time frequency at that moment and the translation to this time on earth is always changing. See everything more nuanced, feel with your heart, because the new movement has no recognizable shape yet. It all has yet to arise in spirit and matter. Sometimes developments happen so fast that there are gaps in time or in memory. The light quickly dissolves the old parts and they disappear suddenly. The new and old timelines are intertwined. This is temporary in nature and this process automatically returns to its own permanent structure. How do you translate these new shapes and symbols that are shown to you, because there are no examples available yet: 'They may be created'. Feel good if your heart resonates with the messages that come along and also pay attention to the wishful thoughts that are packed in them. Sometimes dreams are needed to turn reality upside down and to activate the seed of possibility. A new movement now resonates through everything, if you open up to it, you will experience a completely different reality. PREDICTIONS Don't get disappointed if the forecast doesn't come true, because what were you looking for? Changes begin in the heart and the Divine renewal comes from the cosmos. These connections are sacred and they come to you through the love energy. The new timeline is a miracle that is not yet well understood. It's all going to unfold, deep within your heart a knowing opens up. This knowledge resonates with the new timeline and everything is still integrating, allowing it to be interpreted differently. Keep faith in a beautiful and special future. Your wishful thoughts, the dream time and the new timeline work together towards a new earth. Manifestation arises as soon as everything comes together in the point of unity. Each consciousness is being rebalanced so that the new energy can transform you. Your hidden talents are emerging and what you once wished deep in your heart can now be realized. The inner child is allowed to play again, but now as an enlightened being. The game is being refreshed. The new timeline will continue to work energetically, some material things cannot go to the new timeline, other forms are created for that. The new timeline consists of a fine matter, in which pure light can resonate. The heaviness is replaced by another form of consciousness. You have now arrived in this process and the experience of the invisible is becoming visible. The vehicle of man will move with this higher vibration and it is constantly changing. Do you experience this as magical or do you think you are dreaming? That could be right. The mind and your perception receive new impulses and regular resets, so that you resonate well with the new timeline. The fresh air and nature can help you to ground yourself again. When the stimuli or conversions become too intense, follow your gut feeling. If you really can't function anymore at a certain point, then let everything go and give in to these impulses. If the external stimuli are too much for you, rest, but do consult a medical specialist in time. Take good care of yourself and your fellow man. Adoania Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart October 28, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ahtar-rose.com or https://ashtarcommand.wixsite.com/ashtar-rose All rights reserve
- Full Moon: Liberation Manipulations
ASHTAR: THE MOON OF WILLPOWER Full moon of October 9, 2022: The moon of willpower wakes up. The maze of manipulation still traps many, but the misty exit clears. Through clear perception one sees right through the illusion. Your intuition becomes stronger and the maze of confusion dissolves. DROP IN THE MAZE A dominant will arises when you are sucked away from your own core. You look for a way in which the other person becomes the filling of your emptiness. Be careful not to go astray and end up in a vicious circle, because the maze of manipulation then becomes a fact. FIND THE BALANCE IN YOUR HP The blessing chariot is symbolic of the balance and the power that you are allowed to drive. The horses symbolize the steering and your horsepower, to make the journey in consciousness. Driving the horses or your horsepower ensures that the blessing chariot continues to drive on the right track. Properly directing the energy will make the journey prosperous and blessed. EARTHLY AND DIVINE LAWS When the blessing chariot is imposed by the laws of earthly society, the horses can prance. The terrestrial program that is imposed will disrupt your horsepower. The natural system becomes overloaded and derailed, causing the car to lean. The Divine Power given to you is blocked and it blinds your vision. SOCIAL PURPOSE The price of material possessions has run amok and provokes a lot of aggression. The trick is to keep looking at the future from a positive perspective. Deploy your own horsepower and dream about peace. Do you have a beautiful dream that you want to manifest, get started, because the time of manifestation is now approaching. INJUSTICE The sense of injustice is rising and no one accepts any form of unreason anymore. This moon is the start of a new period, the willpower is used for many purposes. There will be a great need to get one's own blessing chariot to safety, because those who are affected by the new political solutions are often the ones who suffer from it. CONFUSION GOVERNMENTS The lunar energy that will flow from the Divine unity strengthens the loving intentions. The chaos that those in power spread forms the web of confusion and the threads stick where manipulations and lies are proclaimed. They become entangled in their own web of confusion and so it is important that you control your own blessing chariot and bring it to safety. Don't go along with the destructive thoughts that bring you down. Make a distinction between what you really want and what is imposed on you. We Repeat Again: Enter the silence and listen to your inner voice. This true voice speaks from love and not from damnation. Continue to enjoy the beautiful nature, so that you stay in touch with your true nature. The inner truth will emerge naturally as you immerse yourself in real life. It will help you embrace nature. Meditate, pray, go into silence, dance, be creative and connect with the animals and nature. They all speak through the voice of oneness. There is no confusion or chaos there, that is where the Divine Harmony is. POINTING FOCUS Let go of the guilt and focus on your own vehicle of: 'Your body, your mind and your own blessing chariot'. Go on a journey with it and make the most beautiful journeys through the layers of Divine Creation. When you focus on the inner experience and the heavenly gate, protection comes and the great confusion will not touch you. From the Quantum energy, open this new layer and connect to it (see previous post about the Quantum ability). Receive the Divine knowledge and pass it on to your children, family and friends: Do not convince them, but move from freedom and create new possibilities. Take them with you in your stories about nature and the sun. Tell them about the light that is about to shine and about the clouds of manipulation that cause confusion in the mind. The mind looks for the depth of logic, but does not find it in the plain words of government. POWERS OF MANIPULATION The forces of manipulation are trying to invade your mind and steal your dreams. Every person has unique dreams with their own symbolism, these are very personal and are connected to the psyche. The psyche is a kind of scale and ensures the balance of a healthy mind. ARTIFICIAL DREAM IMAGE The ideal image of the world is a one-sided dream image that is controlled by manipulation. Your imagination and therefore also your dreams are controlled via the images of advertising or media. Become aware of this path of manipulation and choose a different route. Follow your own journey and map out the route that suits you. Let go of the manipulation images and give it as little attention as possible. Stand up when your human rights are violated, together you are much stronger. EMOTIONS Getting angry isn't bad, but don't dwell on it too long. Happiness and joy belong to you, because when you feel good about yourself, you can help others better. Pull each other out of the pit, but don't let yourself be pulled into the pit. Try to be an example from simplicity and love. MANIPULATION Manipulation has no chance of success if you and many others say 'no' en masse to imbalance in politics. The (very) rich people are not going to give up their comfortable life, they just want the masses to think it is. When this becomes apparent, many wake up. PARADISE A new development is going to be created that runs parallel to the Great Reset. From a totally different concept this manifestation of peace will be followed and thus the flow of Divine unity can be born. It is not a religion, it is not a dream or a fantasy, but a beautiful reality. The old world is still in your system, and only when the new movement begins to manifest and flow through your minds can the renewal be articulated in your mind. It starts small, but it will soon fertilize the whole earth. This is the task of the new man on earth. I salute the Light in your heart Adonai Ashtar October 9, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Cracks in Political Platform
ASHTAR: QUANTUM PORTAL 3-9-6 NEGATIVE BATTLE The cracks in the political platform are getting bigger, this could lead to the fall of the Rutte IV cabinet in the Netherlands. The political debate creates a diffuse atmosphere in the autumn. The foreign pressure is mounting and taking a different turn, this comes as an unexpected impulse and creates another shock wave that will affect everyone in 2023. From the moment the war disrupted the Ukraine, an artificial war was put in place to increase the psychological pressure. This psychological burden is part of the great chaos that is being rolled out on a worldwide level. DAMAGE OF TRUST Undermining your basic personal security will lower confidence in politics to below zero. This autumn is going to be tough and the blowing over of many old structures is now really about to happen, the great chaos will take place nationally and internationally. It is important to relax and protect yourself from the impact of the outside world. PSYCHIC LOAD Make a distinction between your own private situation and the problems that play out in the far outside world. Let go of the heaviness that you have no influence on and make sure that your personal psychological pressure decreases. The media likes sensationalism and with a colored scenario, it can increase the fears. Don't be influenced in a negative way! The highly sensitive people can take extra protection, it is important to keep different things separate. Stay realistic and look at the outside world with a clear neutral view. Solve your own problems as best you can and stand firmly in your original core. Be real: What belongs to you and what does not? That way you can safely surf through these big waves of violence. The increases to a psychological low in 2023 Tensions are mounting in foreign policy and straining the mind. An unprecedented low will occur in 2023. Prepare for this event so that you are not blown away. You become vulnerable because of all the unrest and therefore the great chaos enters you unconsciously. Become aware of this and deal well with overstimulation. In order to maintain a good connection with the Light Dimensions and your higher self, it is necessary to detach yourself from this old manipulation. You are (still) part of it, so it touches you. How far do you let the chaos get in? It is a difficult time for everyone, the political rulers have opted for an extra heavy scenario of fear. So that they can increase their ego, making the next political step very unsafe with all the consequences in 2023. A great fear is swirling in politics for the failure of their 2030 agenda. They want to transform this world of manipulation and bend it to their will. Manipulation invades your mind and wants to take over your emotions negatively. Focus on what you want to transform. Create a piece of new earth that will rise from a different power. PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATION In addition to all the psychic oppression, a totally new field of liberation is emerging, this movement is getting stronger. Take part in this new liberation and start with positive thoughts. Communicate consciously with the Quantum field, which is everywhere. Through the Quantum Field you can communicate with your cosmic knowledge and realize new ideas. This consciousness is opening and this is the new power. The Divine powers are now taking a definitive place in the Quantum field and the new Earth is resonating through everything. This period of great chaos can be a turning point for everyone. It can drastically change life in the positive sense of the word. The more consciously you deal with this phenomenon, the stronger you become in manifesting a new loving world. Create a new world from unity and simplicity, embrace and pass on your original knowledge. Through your ideals you can transform the world around you into a beautiful manifesto. Open this power, despite all the chaos that wants to distract your mind. The suction of the Big Reset has begun. Be aware of this. UNNATURAL WARS In your dual world areas regularly arise that have been polluted by much sadness and negative energies. The trauma must be converted so that the energy can flow again. These places are prone to disease, quarrels, misfortunes, disasters and wars. They are the dark spots in the energy field of mother earth and these parts become dull in color. NATURAL HEALING Mother Earth restores these areas with her self-healing ability. An explosion of purification ensues. There may be temporary war, disease and severe climate disturbances in this purification, but these serve to clear the air. This is the natural way, unless this peak is exploited artificially. Wars and diseases last far too long and weigh the energy of this area in an extreme way. The dark place now becomes a long dark maze. Manipulative powers use these areas to start a war and exploit their power. The dark circles become active. This can only be broken by a lot of light, love, clear conscience and deep rest to recover. From the cosmos and through the Divine Source a healing energy is sent again and again and a healing occurs. This imbalance is then carried out in the energetic layers. Solar flares, magnetic fields and natural lightning restore the balance. DIVINE LIGHT Do not let yourself be carried away too much by the negativity and first bring your mind into balance. Put your focus on the recovery and the immediate environment, so that the power released from it can support the earth. The more light that shines in you, the more powerful everything becomes. Do not become part of an unnatural struggle, but direct your energy towards a peaceful and pure light. In this way your potential is increased and the cooperation with the Divine Light forces ensures that you are protected and safe. Step out of the vortex of fear and set up a vortex of love, but first through your own system. I salute the light in your heart Adonai Ashtar September 30, 2022 (3-9-6 Quantum Portal) This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Equinox: Activation Quantum Power
ASHTAR: ELECTRIC EQUINOX AND THE QUANTUM CHILD OF LIGHT MAGNETIC FIELD In recent months, the magnetic field became active and influenced the energy on Earth. The Earth resonances rose to a higher frequency in the Quantum Field and many waves were created. AUTUM EQUINOX During the Equinox of September 23, 2022, the Quantum Field was fertilized with a higher intelligence that could transfer higher knowledge. These waves activated the knowledge (via electrically charged particles) in and around the human body. So you can speak of an intelligent force that activated the brain. The Quantum energy began to flow and move causing a higher knowledge could be delivered to the human brain. The light codes in the Quantum Field were spread and activated the Light Child. Activation Light Children Many Light Children were activated and prepared to speak about the abuses in which the Mary and Angelic energies are active and protecting those who need it. Through the Light Codes in the Quantum Field, communication with a higher consciousness is possible. The higher dimensions are connected to this and so the Light Child can be reached through a higher consciousness. Everything is prepared and brought out at the right time. It is ready, but the safety of the children is paramount. QUANTUM FIELD The Quantum Field consists of invisible impulses. It transfers its knowledge from different levels of consciousness. It is a kind of communication faster than light. It bridges great distances in the cosmos, but also in the ion field of the earth and also between humans, animals and plants. All around you are Quantum Particles that are activated by the consciousness of a living organism, in the form of electrical impulses. The Quantum particles establish an interconnection so that the energetic light packet is sent and received from one address to another. The content of the information packet influences the form of transmission in waves, particles or radiation. (Telepathy and morphogenetic fields also work that way in their own environmental structure.) EARTH RESONANCE The Schumann resonance (earth resonance) is constantly increased by lightning strikes and influenced by magnetic waves from the cosmos, causing the Quantum particles to move faster. Most people receive the light codes in their sleep. Often in meditations, moments of silence and through dream time the light codes are made material via a cosmic ray. Images or other signals then arise in consciousness. LOWER RESONANCES The lower fields cannot enter this higher field, they form digital clouds in the consciousness of the psyche and through the cat and mouse game they try to disrupt your true focus. This psychic manipulation can be circumvented by raising the brain waves and ascending to a higher vibration. From this view you can see through the manipulations and choose the right path. BRAIN WAVES How can you positively activate your brain? It starts with positive thoughts, from which positive images and feelings arise and these influence your mind and the brain waves in your brain, so that the frequency wave changes and gets higher. Through the stillness of the heart your dreams, inner visualizations and imagination can be used to activate a higher field. The inner light will shine. Emotions and feelings of love, empathy and compassion arise and contain the light codes to open and enter the gate. Mediation, mindfulness, music, art and/or a loving prayer etc. can open the way for you to make this connection. The more often you repeat this, the stronger this connection becomes. Eventually your Line of Light becomes so firm that it is permanently anchored. It is the Light Line which rises from the core of Mother Earth, through the heart to God the source. The Higher Self can make the right attunement in this way and help you choose the right thing during difficult situations, through the inner voice. INNER CHILD It is important to purge and disconnect from the past. Create a beautiful bond with the inner child. The inner child may now grow with you to the age you really are, so that the knowledge is released and can be realized in an earthly form. Feel your unique blueprint, your true core. I salute the Light in your Heart Adonai Ashtar September 24, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hectorwww.ashtar-rose.comAll rights reserved. MAGENETISCH VELD De afgelopen maanden werden de magnetische velden actief en beïnvloedde de energie op aarde. De aarde resonanties stegen naar een hogere frequentie in het Quantumveld en er ontstond vele golven. Deze golven activeerde de kennis (via elektrisch geladen deeltjes) in en om het lichaam van de mens. Je kunt dus spreken van een intelligente kracht die het brein activeert. QUANTUM ENERGIE Het Quantumveld werd bevrucht met een hogere intelligentie waarbij een hogere kennis kon worden overgedragen. De Quantum energie begon te stromen en te bewegen waardoor de hogere kennis afgegeven kon worden aan het menselijke brein. De lichtcodes in het Quantumveld werden verspreid en activeerde het Lichtkind. Activatie Lichtkinderen Vele Lichtkinderen werden geactiveerd en voorbereid om te gaan spreken over de misstanden, waarin de Maria en Engelen energie actief zijn en degene beschermen die dit nodig hebben. Via de Lichtcodes in het Quantumveld is er een communicatie mogelijk met een hoger bewustzijn. De hogere dimensies zijn hierop aangesloten en zo kan het Lichtkind bereikt worden door een hoger bewustzijn. Alles wordt voorbereid en op het juiste moment naar buiten gebracht. Het staat klaar, maar de veiligheid van de kinderen staat voorop. QUANTUMVELD Het Quantumveld bestaat uit onzichtbare impulsen. Het draagt haar kennis over vanuit verschillende bewustzijns niveaus. Het is een soort communicatievorm sneller dan het licht. Het overbrugt grote afstanden in de kosmos, maar ook in het ionenveld van de aarde en tevens tussen mens, dier en plant. Overal om je heen bevinden zich Quantumdeeltjes die actief worden door het bewustzijn van een levend organisme, in de vorm van elektrische impulsen. De Quantum deeltjes brengen een onderlinge verbinding tot stand, zodat het energetisch lichtpakketje van het ene adres naar het andere wordt verzonden en ontvangen. De inhoud van het informatiepakketje beïnvloed de vorm van verzending in golven, deeltjes of straling. (Telepathie en morfogenetische velden werken ook op die manier in een eigen omgevingsstructuur.) AARDE RESONANTIE De Schumann resonantie (aarde resonantie) wordt steeds verhoogt door blikseminslag en beïnvloed door magnetische golven vanuit de kosmos, waardoor de Quantumdeeltjes sneller gaan bewegen. De meeste mensen ontvangen de lichtcodes in hun slaap. Vaak in meditaties, stilte momenten en via de droomtijd worden de lichtcodes via een kosmische straal stoffelijk gemaakt. Beelden of andere signalen komen dan in het bewustzijn naar boven. LAGERE RESONANTIES De lagere velden kunnen niet toetreden tot dit hogere veld, zij vormen digitale wolken in het bewustzijn van de psyche en via het kat en muis spel proberen ze jouw ware focus te verstoren. Deze psychische manipulatie kunnen omzeild worden door de hersengolven te verhogen en naar een hogere vibratie op te stijgen. Vanuit deze visie kun je de manipulaties doorzien en het juiste pad kiezen. HERSENGOLVEN Hoe kun je jouw brein positief activeren? Het begint bij positieve gedachten, waaruit positieve beelden en gevoelens voortkomen en deze beïnvloeden jouw geest en de hersengolven in je brein, zodat de frequentiegolf verandert en hoger wordt. Via de stilte van het hart kunnen jouw dromen, innerlijke visualisaties en verbeeldingskracht ingezet worden om een hogere veld te activeren. Het innerlijk licht gaat stralen. Emoties en gevoelens van liefde, empathie en mededogen komen boven en bevatten de lichtcodes om de poort te openen en binnen te treden. Mediatie, mindfulness, muziek, kunst en/of een liefdevol gebed etc. kunnen voor jou de weg openen om deze verbinding aan te gaan. Hoe vaker je dit herhaalt hoe sterker deze verbinding wordt. Uiteindelijk wordt jouw Lichtlijn zo stevig dat deze permanent wordt verankerd. Het is de Lichtlijn welke vanuit de kern van moeder aarde, via het hart naar God de bron opstijgt. Het Hoger Zelf kan op deze manier een juiste afstemming maken en je helpen het juiste te kiezen tijdens moeilijke situaties, via de innerlijke stem. INNERLIJK KIND Het is belangrijk om het verleden te zuiveren en los te koppelen. Zorg voor een mooie band met het innerlijk kind. Het innerlijk kind mag nu meegroeien naar de leeftijd die je werkelijk bent, zodat de kennis vrij komt en in een aardse vorm gerealiseerd kan worden. Voel je unieke blauwdruk, jouw ware kern. Ik groet het Licht in je Hart Adonai Ashtar 24 september 2022 Dit bericht mag gedeeld worden in haar geheel en onder vermelding van de bron: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Magnetic Moon of the Light Child
ASHTAR: THE CHILD OF LIGHT IS GOING TO SPEAK ABUSE CHILDREN The full moon of September 10, 2022 will cause a deep clearing. The light child wakes up and transforms her energy, it gets the need to start speaking actively. The brain is not yet fully grown, but the voice that will speak comes from a higher consciousness. It is the call of an ancient wisdom and it is connected to a higher dimension of light. This intelligence has been disrupted and is now being opened to give insight. The Mary energy calls all children to activate the inner light. LONG AGO This moon takes the brain waves to a higher level, so that images from a distant past emerge. These are beautiful images in which the Light Child lived in harmony, but this memory brings up many emotions, because the world they live in is so different. The child of light now wants to break the chains of captivity so that they can all stand up to be seen and heard. For the heart can no longer bear all this. BIG IMPACT: END OF AN ANCIENT ERA A new time is dawning, Elisabeth the Queen of England has passed away on September 8, 2022. The New World Order is now rising, but many secrets are revealed, they are crushed with great difficulty. Yet there will be an unexpected blow, in which the (light) children play a major role. The chaos that is being put down is going to slope: 'The truth will come out.' Not everyone can bear this truth and some will succumb to this blow, many will pass, but the chaos also carries much light and comfort. Focus on that, even if you feel the sorrow of the world. Try to recharge yourself with beautiful music, colors, flowers, artistic movement and singing, then you can tolerate and process all this better. Get out of the negativity in time. HOLY MARY ENERGY The Holy Mary energy will help the light child to find the right way, people will appear on their path who will help them to transform this suffering. The parents who have been entangled by many abuses stand up to rescue their child from emergencies. The social workers, counselors and teachers are also starting to stir, they see too much injustice and suffering. The government has to answer for itself and is wavering. INNER CHILD The inner child that has never been able to speak suddenly becomes aware of the common thread in their lives. Following the common thread brings them to the obstacles they have been feeling all their lives. The inner child wants to speak and it fights free so that their new talents can be born. When the inner child is healed, the new talents develop quickly. The Prisson of the Illusion is Broken The illusion is an unfair game that no one has to live up to because it manipulates your choice. The free choice from the heart will arise and this realization will bring many to their senses, causing the mind to become rebellious. As the New World Order expands further, there will be great opposition. Autumn carries a new solution and it is not just the leaves that will fall. MAGNETIC MOON The full moon has a powerful effect on the Earths magnetic field. Her great transformation power is much stronger than usual, this is due to the magnetic wave (Arthura: see previous posts), this will now merge with the power of the full moon. The Magnetic Moon and Mother Mary work together on a special healing energy. The soft and comforting Light they send to your heart and to the children of light who are opening. THE NATURAL WAY The natural connection between mother and child is reinforced by this moon. The parents bear the main responsibility and not the 'unknown specialist'. The government wants to take over the parental role, but the love bond between the light children and parents is very strong and conquers all. CHILDREN OF LIGHT The light children long for a natural connection. Often they do not understand how it works on earth, a loving embrace is so much needed. Disconnecting the parents too quickly from an unnatural choice can cause great damage. Light children come from a loving light world in which everyone is connected to each other. The duality on Earth makes them very lonely. Far too quickly children are treated like adults, even though they are very wise, with their connecting light being broken. The connecting light is the line that connects the heart to others. This light may be received and passed on, if there is a rational block here, remove it! NATURAL CHOICE Are the children on earth still allowed to play? Can the adolescents still slowly fly out and (temporarily) return from a safe parental base? Becoming independent goes through trial and error, it is a natural process. The regular aid works according to the laws of the government, the old box method. How can a government know what this child of light needs? Light children and parents know very well what they need, through a holistic way (helicopter vieuw) and according to the laws of nature they can come into balance together again. Detaching from each other is done in a gentler way. Children of light want to follow their hearts, give them space. The inner child of light in your heart wants to play, give it space. Don't be afraid to give that space or to take up space. This natural movement was often disturbed and may be restored from the heart. I salute the Light in your heart Adonai Ashtar September 9, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hectorwww.ashtar-rose.comAll rights reserved. MISSTANDEN KINDEREN De volle maan van 10 september 2022 zorgt voor een diepe opschoning. Het lichtkind wordt wakker en transformeert haar energie, het krijgt de behoefte om actief te gaan spreken. De hersenen zijn nog niet volgroeid, maar de stem die gaat spreken komt vanuit een hoger bewustzijn. Het is de roep van een oude wijsheid en deze is verbonden met een hogere lichtdimensie. Deze intelligentie is verstoord geraakt en wordt nu geopend om inzicht te geven. De Maria energie roept alle kinderen om het innerlijk licht te activeren VER VERLEDEN Deze maan brengt de hersengolven naar een hoger niveau, zodat er beelden vanuit een ver verleden bovenkomen. Dit zijn mooie beelden waarin het Lichtkind in harmonie leefde, maar deze herinnering brengt veel emoties naar boven, omdat de wereld waarin zij leven zo anders is. Het lichtkind wil nu de ketens van de gevangenschap verbreken, zodat zij allen kunnen gaan opstaan om gezien en gehoord worden. Want het hart kan dit alles niet langer meer verdragen. KLAP OP DE VUURPIJL EN EINDE TIJDPERK VAN EEN OUDE MACHT Een nieuwe tijd breekt aan, Elisabeth de koningin van Engeland is overleden op 8 september 2022. De Nieuwe Wereld Orde staat nu verder op, maar vele geheimen komen boven water, zij worden met veel moeite de kop ingedrukt. Toch zal er een onverwachte klap ontstaan, waarin de (licht)kinderen een grote rol spelen. De chaos die neergezet wordt gaat hellen: 'De waarheid zal tevoorschijn komen.' Niet iedereen kan deze waarheid verdragen en sommige zullen onder deze klap bezwijken, vele gaan over, maar de chaos draagt ook veel licht en troost in zich. Richt je daar op, ook al voel je het verdriet van de wereld. Probeer je op te laden aan mooie muziek, kleuren, bloemen, artistieke beweging en zang, dan kun je dit alles beter verdragen en verwerken. Stap op tijd uit de negativiteit. MARIA ENERGIE De Heilige Maria energie zal het lichtkind helpen de juiste weg te vinden, er zullen mensen op hun pad verschijnen die hen helpen om dit leed om te zetten. De ouders die door vele misstanden verstrikt zijn geraakt gaan opstaan om hun kind te redden uit noodsituaties. Ook de hulpverleners, begeleiders en leerkrachtengaan gaan zich roeren, zij zien teveel onrecht en leed. De overheid moet zich gaan verantwoorden en wankelt. INNERLIJK KIND Het innerlijk kind wat nooit heeft kunnen spreken, wordt zich plots bewust van de rode draad in hun leven. Het volgen van de rode draad brengt hen bij de belemmeringen die zij hun hele leven al voelen. Het innerlijk kind wil gaan spreken en het vecht zich vrij, zodat hun nieuwe talenten geboren kunnen worden. Wanneer het innerlijk kind is geheeld, gaan de nieuwe talenten zich snel ontwikkelen. De gevangenis van de Illusie wordt Doorbroken De illusie is een oneerlijk spel waar niemand aan hoeft te voldoen, want het manipuleert jouw keuze. De vrije keuze vanuit het hart gaat opstaan en dit besef zal vele tot bezinning brengen, waardoor de geest opstandig wordt. Wanneer de Nieuwe Wereld Orde zich verder uitbreid, zal er een grote tegenwerking ontstaan. De herfst draagt een nieuwe oplossing in zich en niet alleen het blad gaat vallen. MAGNETISCHE MAAN De volle maan werkt krachtig door in het magnetisch veld van de aarde. Haar grote transformatiekracht is veel sterker dan anders, dit komt door de magnetische golf (Arthura: zie vorige berichten), deze gaat nu samen vloeien met de kracht van de volle maan. De Magnetische Maan en Moeder Maria werken samen aan een bijzondere helende energie. Het zachte en troostende Licht zenden zij naar jouw hart en naar de lichtkinderen die opengaan. DE NATUURLIJKE MANIER De natuurlijke verbinding tussen moeder en kind wordt door deze maan extra bekrachtigd. De ouders dragen de hoofdverantwoordelijkheid en niet de 'onbekende specialist'. De overheid wil de ouderrol overnemen, maar de liefdesband tussen de lichtkinderen en ouders is zeer sterk en overwint alles. LICHTKINDEREN De lichtkinderen verlangen naar een natuurlijke verbinding. Vaak snappen zij niet hoe het op aarde werkt, een liefdevolle omarming is zo hard nodig. Een te snelle loskoppeling van de ouders vanuit een onnatuurlijke keuze, kan grote schade aanrichten. Lichtkinderen komen vanuit een liefdevolle lichtwereld waarin iedereen verbonden is met elkaar. De dualiteit op aarde maakt hen heel eenzaam. Veel te snel worden kinderen als volwassenen behandeld, ook al zijn zij heel wijs, waarbij hun verbindingslicht wordt verbroken. Het verbindingslicht is de lijn die het hart connect met anderen. Dit licht mag ontvangen en doorgegeven worden, ligt hier een rationele blokkade, hef deze dan op! VAKJES METHODE Mogen de kinderen op aarde nog wel spelen? Mogen de pubers nog wel vanuit een veilige ouderlijke basis langzaam uitvliegen en weer (tijdelijk) terugkeren? Zelfstandig worden gaat met vallen en opstaan, het is een natuurlijk proces. De reguliere hulpverlening werkt volgens de wetten van de overheid, de vakjes methode. Hoe kan een overheid nu weten wat dit lichtkind kind nodig heeft? Lichtkinderen en ouders weten heel goed wat ze nodig hebben, via een holistische wijze en volgens de wetten van de natuur kunnen zij weer mooi samen in balans komen. Het loskomen van elkaar gaat op een zachtere manier. Lichtkinderen willen hun hart volgen, geef hen de ruimte. Het innerlijk lichtkind in jouw hart wil graag spelen, geef het de ruimte. Wees niet bang om die ruimte te geven of om ruimte in te nemen. Deze natuurlijke beweging werd vaak verstoord en mag herstelt worden vanuit het hart. Ik groet het Licht in je hart Adonai Ashtar 9 september 2022 Dit bericht mag gedeeld worden in haar geheel en onder vermelding van de bron: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Dutch Cabinet Waves and Falls Apart
ASHTAR: SEPTEMBER, THE MONTH OF THE UNHEARDED CHILD SCANDALS The government in the Netherlands has been faltering for some time. The waves get higher and break up on the figurehead of the prominent politician. Never before have the fluctuations been so great and the abuses so clear. Dutch politics finds itself in a tight spot when the announcements come from the children in need. They stand up and speak the truth about their situation. Dire cases surface and this will lead to a low point. This truth will not sustain the current cabinet, because the shock is too great. The indignation will blow over the Netherlands like an emotional wave and the foreign media will buzz with awe. SURCHARGE AFFAIR There will be even more movement in the disclosure of background information. This tottering cabinet will eventually come to a deep fall, but this will not be news to them. The allowance affair was and is a major misconception and many have suffered and are still suffering from this inhumane course of action. This legislation needs a major overhaul. Too many innocent children and young adults have become involved in this facade. HOLY MOTHER MARY Mother Mary supports and protects all these children who have suffered because of this earthly legislation that has damaged them. Those responsible for this remain in a denial attitude, but that will soon come to an end. The Divine energy intervenes and the light starts to shine in the hearts of these children. THE FALL OF THE CABINET Once again the cabinet will fall and they want to once again govern the Netherlands caretakers. Unlike 2021, they will now pull the shortest strings. The entire allowance affair brought down the Rutte III cabinet in 2021 and the Rutte IV cabinet again, this time with a completely different outcome. FULL MOON SEPTEMBER The energy of the coming full moon of September 10, 2022, will vibrate all of this. The start of the disconnection will be swift and many children will be freed from a plight. Add to that the many wrongs that still persist. All this plays into it and it leads to a certain political low point. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN An extra healing energy is released that is deeply touched by this chaos. Everyone is supported in this phase by the intense love of Mother Mary. On many levels the chaos becomes a fact and the whole world is watching. The cabinet must now give in and offer extra help to the Dutch people where poverty is rising. Their harsh attitude can no longer be tolerated. They can no longer turn their heads from the many wrongs they have caused. MAGNETIC FIELDS The drought is caused by the magnetic wave that is now spreading and making everything static. This will soon change, as soon as the rain comes the completion will be a fact and everything will be restored. The magnetic wave has reached the Earth's ionosphere and is opening up the truth on many levels. In addition, the activations continue: 'Your consciousness is opened and the aura gets an update'. This update prepares humans for the next leap in consciousness. A special power opens in your heart. Do you take time to rest and do you sometimes feel an electrical impulse? A magnetic wave indirectly hits your energetic field, creating higher, higher frequencies. When the chaos becomes too much and your energy drops, take a time out and recharge yourself. There's no point in exhausting yourself. Keep taking care of yourself from a safe environment at all times. Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart September 5, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector,www.ashtar-rose.comAll rights reserved.
- Supermoon: Activation Intelligence Codes
ASHTAR: WAVES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE FULL SUPER MOON During this full supermoon of August 12, 2022, the waves of consciousness are getting higher and higher. They wash away all veils and dissolve the blockages. The waves from the cosmos open the intelligence of the lost codes during this full supermoon. The divine gift of universal communication becomes active again. The universal man is born from the old recovery codes of the moon. ORIGINAL DNA Deep inside you carry a special knowledge, but can you already summarize and propagate this inner knowledge in words? An emotional block can bring the creative intelligence to a standstill, this can be the cause of many obstacles in your life. When the creative intelligence in the DNA is activated, you become whole again. TYPES OF INTELLIGENCES The Higher self is connected to a higher gift, in the physical brain lies the genetic material of the original (intelligence) codes and when this is activated by the divine, you can develop your super powers again. EFFECTS The waves of the new consciousness are entering your system, you feel the swell going back and forth. Especially in the head and the pineal gland, images can arise that you do not yet understand. Where do they come from? It can be a bit confusing and overwhelming, just let it happen. These are the signals that lead you to the secret knowledge of Atlantis. Atlantis was swallowed by the waves of the water and lulled into a deep sleep. The loss of a special civilization lies deep in your heart. This civilization carried the knowledge of a higher consciousness. Everything is bubbling up again and this knowledge wants to come to the surface. Know that everything is different now. The memory will only appear as a kind of dream, because man can now focus on the new earth! REMINDERS AND SIGNALS Have you ever, dear human being, had a wonderful experience in this present life and were you shocked? Have you hidden these powers and kept them hidden? These were the signals from an ancient time. These forces want to open up in you again, for this is who you really are. Many carry special talents in the original DNA. This talent only opens up when you work on the new earth in love. From beautiful thoughts, creative intelligence, physical strength and constructive intentions. This is the time slot that protects this new dimension. Multiple intelligences will never be abused again. NATURAL INTELLIGENCE Natural intelligence is one of the great forces within man's ability, and it opens up. Working with nature, communicating with the other spheres of the forest or the cosmos, it is already present, but people can now consciously experience this again. FEMALE STRENGTH The feminine intelligence flows to you through the higher collective. Fears are connected to that and block a part of your female intelligence. Always feel each wave of new energy moving through you. The man can become anxious, but the woman can also be afraid of her own strength and so they step away from this conversion together. Mother Mary's love can heal them. Ask her for help and she will appear with her White Blue Silver Circle of Lilies. The intelligent heart is immediately activated by her pure nectar. Each wave brings you closer to your true self. The higher the consciousness becomes, the more you activate the original DNA. Do not be afraid, because this natural process is supported at the same time by the earth flower. She takes you along in this swaying movement of the new birth. BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND? Some people do not move completely and stand partially still. This standstill indicates that they are afraid to move forward. They jump like a frog to another leaf, but do not get any further. They cannot let go of the willpower of 'I determine'. Following a higher force is too fraught for them. Again and again on another leaf the sign of redemption appears and they say: 'Yes, I want redemption, just not in that way'. And then they stand still again. ADVICE If you keep repeating the movement and do not want to delve into the surrender, you will remain in this state. Sometimes you freeze, sometimes you run away or you hide under another leaf. Move according to the rhythm of the natural heart, this will get you where you need to be. Fears are there to be converted so that your movement continues to move forward. Every day brings a new beginning. Keep going and don't give up. Just start again and become aware of who you are. A higher Divine power of unity gives the signs, the route you are allowed to walk during the great transformation then becomes clear. The signs appear naturally in your path, sometimes illogically and not according to the system you have learned. Trust these signals, it is the path, the common thread that will guide you safely through the chaos. CRISIS Humanity is on the eve of an economic, but above all a psychological crisis. This revolution turns everything upside down. The loss of profit or property will wake up many, the layer of the material realms was never touched. There is going to be a major shift in the energy layers. The rich become 'poor' and this is not meant as a punishment, but to wake them up and break them free from the old dogma. Ordinary people receive the abundance where they need it. Just where it is not expected, a great portal of consciousness opens. The great waves of consciousness are spinning everything and taking everyone along in this upheaval. When you go along with the reversal and rely on the big picture, you move smoothly with the rotation of the axis. The wave that engulfs you does not wipe everything away, but cleanses your soul. Literally, the water will wash everything clean through the downpours that bring everything back into balance after the heat. The shortage of water is replenished, it can even flow over the banks. SURRENDER Surrender is the answer, but with much resistance to keep the old, this upheaval will become a difficult period: 'A battle with the ego.' POSITIVE MINDSET 'Set your focus on the Divine love and you will be carried. The greater your confidence, the more you can be in the surrender and receive the abundance of the transition.' I salute the Light in your heart, Adonai Ashtar August 13, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose All rights reserved.
- Sirius Portal: Higher Magic & Holy Lion Power
ASHTAR: THE HOLY MISSION As the Sirius portal opens, a tremendous power will be released in the collective consciousness. The sacred knowledge that now becomes visible is injected into the collective memory. This radiation will come together with the power of the solar storms and the photons that vibrate very high and they cause an influx of sacred energy from the diamond light. DREAM CONSCIOUSNESS Sacred knowledge and higher magic arise from the archetype of the feline, such as the lion. The intuitive ability is going to make great leaps and connects with all that is divine. Open your divine spark and let it flow in. Gentle and loving, the lion may also occasionally pull out its claws in defense, righteousness, and protection. Dire situations will arise and some can no longer bear the injustice. From that vision, things are very clearly explained: 'Whoever manipulates will perish'. POWER OF EIGHT In addition, the power of eight will allow infinite energy to flow. The lemniscate is recoded from the deep awareness. This is the key to the redemption and the knowledge of the unity consciousness, such as the Christ consciousness. Through the dream a connection can be made with the collective memory, so that the unity light will shine in your past time lines, this light will be activated. The shadow cloud that is now being withdrawn lets the knowledge of the sacred light shine forth. All of this illuminates the many timelines connected to your consciousness, running from the past to all the other lifelines you have ever lived through. This gear is snappy and sometimes you can get confused for a while. So much is then vibrated, dissolved and touched that a kind of disturbance in perception temporarily takes place. You can literally lose your balance or figuratively see the horizon tilt. PHYSICAL WORLD Anything that opens up in the physical brain will also affect the gut. The nervous system sends out signals and therefore it seems as if your physical health is also out of balance for a while. Consciousness can also wander for a while and it seems as if you get a little outside of yourself. Sleeping a lot brings you to the dream time, you can then get very close to the higher energy. The sacred knowledge is then shown to you and opened as a book of wisdom. This book of sacred wisdom is going to appear visibly to you. If this comes to you through a dream, try to remember it or ask for a repetition so that you understand it better. NEW FEELING It is not so much about all kinds of symbols, but rather about the new feeling that arises. Symbols or images help you to remember this more easily, they lead you to the meaning hidden behind the dream. The new feeling is often unknown and difficult to comprehend or explain. DREAM LANGUAGE It is important to learn to read the dream language. The translation will sink in more and more, so that the feeling can be transferred to the physical world. The manifestation of the dream becomes reality. The boundaries fade at some point, make sure you stay well connected to the core of Mother Earth at all times. Connect youre chakraslines of your feet with the inner core of the earth. You should not wander between the physical world and the dream world. HIGHER MAGIC The knowledge of Sirius is connected with the power of the Higher Magic. After the fall of Atlantis this portal has been closed for a long time. This for security to prevent abuse of the powers, as is known the holy powers were abused for the wrong purposes. Pay close attention to the manipulation techniques that were used then, recognize them and convert them. The old pitfall may be muted. RAINBOW LIGHT The rainbow light will appear in the heart, so that all colors can be embraced and the empathy is increased. Much warmth and love will arise during this summer through the Holy Mary Energy. The passion and compassion may come together in freedom and resonate from connection in the many groups that live from the heart. Her loving energy will be felt. RULES OF RESPECT Out of love and unity, one can treat each other with respect, especially when one heals someone, regular or alternative. In alternative healing, one may adopt a wait-and-see attitude until someone has a request for help. When a fellow human being gets stuck, but cannot see his own blockage. Then ask if you can help them. Start a conversation and see what is possible. Don't manipulate, but protect yourself. HEALING A closed aura should not just be broken open. Your abilities will become stronger, that does not mean that you can work on your own. You cannot just invade the other without permission, this is inappropriate and is seen as manipulation, violation of free will. Even remotely, the higher self may first be asked whether this person gives permission. It is not about what you want to heal, no matter how good you are, but about what the other needs and can receive. In addition, the higher Divine light may support the healer, so that he receives and transmits the correct information through a higher vision. HELP HIGHER DIMENSION Pure information comes from a higher layer and not from the alter ego. Watch for this as the shift of energy takes place in your system. Take a break or ask for extra guidance from the higher loving dimensions and the Divine Light. If you are temporarily unable to connect to the Light, your system may be updated, which takes time and energy from your own resources. At that moment you need all the energy for yourself, take a time out. STATE OF EMERGENCY In emergencies, there are other rules of respect. When a life-threatening situation arises, you are guided from the higher field: 'You are in the right place and at the right time, to support and guide this needy person to a safe state'. Do not be overconfident and, if necessary, call in extra help via an emergency center. FORCES INCREASE Your inner powers can greatly increase, especially when the blocks are lifted. Or would you rather not step further and stay stuck in your old form? Which can. You choose. Know that now the time has come to join in a special transformation, so that the real inner strength arises to strengthen your talents. These are deployed from a deep connection with the Light World and the Divine Source. If you choose, choose a clear path and not the one of doubt. Don't feel guilty about the choice you make. Many will be touched by the light of love and they will rise to connect with the Star Dimensions and the Light Worlds, to open the Divine in man. The inner world will manifested the dream. I salute the Light in your heart, Adonai Ashtar August 8, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety citing the source: ©Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Disclosure UFO Phenomenon
ASHTAR: CONTACT OTHER DIMENSIONS NEXT STEP The next step: There is going to be an important revelation in the contact with the other dimensions. The star brothers and sisters from Divine love light are ready to get in touch with you. The war between Russia and Ukraine is slowing down and throwing a veil over this positive progress. Despite all the opposition, a next step is being taken in making the UFO evidence public. SWITZERLAND When Switzerland no longer takes the neutral position in this war and becomes involved in this conflict, a different course is chosen. Switzerland has been the central energetic point in Europe from ancient times and plays an important role in the revelation of UFO contact. Many evidences have been stored in secret and the Netherlands also contributes to this. UFO EVIDENCE The war between Russia and Ukraine together with the influence of NATO form an energetic triangle. In this triangle the conflicts can be worked out more quickly, especially with the increased energy of the diamond light and the opening of the Sirius gate. The delay has been set up to bend all this into its own way of acting. The influence of the Netherlands is strongly present here. The Congress of May 17, 2022 (see link ) created an opening to contribute to the disclosure of the extraterrestrial contact. The next step to substantiate this announcement will be different than planned. The delay that now arises brings the position of the light dimensions into a certain situation. They will consider informing humanity in a different way. PLAN B As I, Ashtar already mentioned, we (Ashtar Command) will also proceed to the next step, we will help to further implement plan B. This means: 'Approaching many people individually.' If the political leaders do not cooperate, we will continue to make the interdimensional contacts public. If Russia had announced the discloser, Europe (NATO) would soon follow. This Plan A was swept off the track and the war continued and extended. All this to save time and increase the veil. At the UFO Congress of May 17, 2022, it was finally decided to continue the progress of this meeting in secret. The superpowers will meet this month in a closed conference. There are those in power who want to play the leading role in this discloser of the UFO phenomenon. The game of the big egos is not over yet. They dispute each other who will be the frontrunner in the space program, so that a certain 'profit' can be made here too. "Leaders of the earth realize what really matters: Working together in unity and bringing this special news together, so that humanity feels safe." The war has become a diversionary maneuver to avert all this. Russia has made an important point and wanted to comply with plan A. This has been stopped by NATO. A discussion ensued, which resulted in a conflict. The conflict is still ongoing and the outcome is unknown for now. They know that the war cannot be continued for much longer, because there will be great opposition from a failing economy. The recession will then become so great worldwide that the secret supporters can no longer maintain it. Many worldwide are suffering from this condition and this must be brought to an end soon. The decisive point lies largely in science, in which those in power want to exclude the private millionaires. Here's a gap they hadn't counted on. What is overlooked is that everyone on Earth has a right to have a say, where is the voice of the people in this secrecy of the UFO facts? CONTACT POLITICAL LEADERS We of the star dimensions are in regular contact with your rulers. Some are positive and want to make a difference. The other parties do not want to make the next step in announcing the extraterrestrial contact yet. DIAMOND LIGHT The diamond light will support the revelation from a loving tone, many peaceful worlds want contact with people. In the coming period humanity will be lifted up in consciousness. At this stage, the release of this special world news will be smooth and positive. SIRIUS PORTAL This month the Sirius Portal will also be opened, so that the lion's power amplifies everything once again. The eight of power carries within it the symbol of infinity and this stands for: Unity, peace-loving and harmony. The zero point of the new earth energy will flow together through the heart of man. The culture of fear now fueled by war, failing economy, global famine and disease must be stopped. If too much unrest and fear is sown, great chaos ensues and some governments want to strengthen their power because of this, but imbalance is not the starting point of the Supreme Universal Councils. The visible and invisible battle that is being waged on Earth will flow together with the revelation of the UFO contact. POSITIVITY The good news is that there are many individuals on Earth who are willing to work from the heart to accomplish the Divine plan. Many have already risen and many are yet to follow to carry out the unveiling and this one is: "Educating humanity about the free universal spheres and worlds and taking the UFO (light vehicles) experiences out of secrecy." The knowledge and information about different dimensions and its frequencies will be spread and this awareness will increase. The explanation of how to make contact with the light dimensions will be distributed worldwide. In addition, the star brothers and sisters will show themselves in your sky. UNIVERSAL HIGH COUNCILS The Cosmic and Universal Councils are sending out clear signals and warning the leaders of the Earth of the consequences to come. Divine laws are violated when human suffering increases. If the governments continue to work against it, we will go from the starlight, carry out plan B and approach everyone who is accessible. The hearts are opened more quickly in this cycle, because the light on earth changes and the photons are really unstoppable. This great wave of magnetically and electrically charged particles is an opening reality. In this way we can come closer to the human being and speak through the heart. We of the starlight show ourselves in many forms and through signs in the sky. Many evidences will arise and be shared through various channels. Love we will spread, so that our intention becomes clear. Negative stories that certain rulers want to spread about the extraterrestrial contact will not get a foothold. The power of the Light becomes enormous and the true facts are shown. We come in love and would like to connect with you. Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart August 1, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Frequency Boost: The Diamond Light
ASHTAR A deep longing opens in your heart: 'You want to step on to a higher field of love. Do you want to go to the higher frequency of the new earth? Then it is now time to prepare for a frequency increase of the diamond light. The preparations have been started and they come to you at a wondrous moment of awakening. Focus your attention on this phenomenon and it will come to you. A field of high diamond light is created and this field opens a great spiritual portal to the fifth dimension. Those who want to join the field of higher love can step on board. Let's join our energies together and continue the spiritual journey to the new earth, it will be a special adventure. FROM SIMPLICITY From simplicity man will be surrounded with joy. Through a simple question, you direct your heart's energy to the Divine Love and ask if you may be included in the field of the diamond light. This pure and powerful light flows from the primal source where she was born, it will be infinite and abundant on earth. It is already present in the core crystal of the earth. ETHEREAL The Holy Mother Mary has prepared all this and through the Holy Grail the energy is going to vibrate higher and higher on earth. Human consciousness is being expanded and the etheric vehicle is being perfected. With this light body you can travel in different dimensions. The many diamond lightships, including mine, Ashtar, and the Ashtar Command will welcome you. The Light Chambers on our starships are open to those we guide in them. The healings will be profound and cleanse the aura of all negative charges by ionizing the imbalance. Meeting other life forms is not so far away from you anymore Your frequency is usually increased during sleep so that you don't get overstimulated. In this way you learn step by step to make a connection with the higher field of transmutation, so that the Aquarius information can be absorbed in a natural way. The diamond light chambers play a role in this. Contact with other civilizations from the Light Dimensions will soon increase. Don't be afraid and ask if it can go smoothly. Ask for a sign of love and harmony, so that the fear dissolves and your eyes can begin to perceive the Divine connection. PSYCHE During this reset, a psychological interaction can take place in the brain. The brain looks for recognition where it can place this experience in your psychological memory. It opens the hidden layers in the psychic field of the dreamtime and the heart. These experiences are unique and personal. Everyone has their own talent and language. The heart is connected to the symbolisms of the dreamtime, but also to your DNA and blueprint. DNA: DIVINE BLUEPRINT Every blueprint has a different tone, every person carries a unique code. This code can only be accessed by free will. Remember who you are or have you forgotten how it works? You can ask for help, but know that your permission is needed to retrieve the memory. Many have traumas in this area, by deception the code has been placed in the illusion. To restore all this, you can ask for a healing reset. First, surround yourself with the Divine diamond light and ask your inner portal of the heart to reset your blueprint to its original state of being. COSMIC CONNECTIONS When you ask for a reset of your original blueprint, a new connection opens with old light lines. The connections with your cosmic star brothers and sisters are being touched, they will hear your call. After all, you are part of a cosmic circle of light that works from the big picture. They are eager to help and support you, for you are the lost link in this cosmic circle, which has been extinguished and sedated. Your starlight may shine again. The cosmic connections are like energetic strings that run through the cosmos, like the strings of a musical instrument and they respond to your thought waves. Your cosmic family is standing next to you and from the Divine love light they will answer the questions through thoughts. You were born from a Divine Creation, along with the circle of light. You are never alone. DIAMOND LIGHT When you enter the field of the diamond light, you experience a great power. During this reset, a deep conversion is made, in which emotions can also start to move. Thoughts and images come along and sometimes you receive a download, this download contains knowledge that belongs to you and has arisen from many lives. This is who you really are, the memory comes up of what your original state of being is and you perceive the circles of light that belong to you again. The truth comes out on all levels and this one opens where you focus your attention CONFRONTATION ON EVERY AREA Man comes to see the truth in everything. If you turn your attention to politics, you will see the truths unfold there. Or do you focus on duality and chaos, the truth opens up here too. BOOK OF TRUTH If you focus your energy on the diamond light, the truth of the light will open. The book of truth will begin to connect with your energy and your divine spark. You don't have to make big moves to make a change somewhere. Share your beliefs with like-minded people. Open the other's eyes, so that this seed will grow. See the gaps and solve them together. PASS ON THE SPIRITUAL LIGHT Pass on the new insights, which have been formed by the Light, and talk about them from simplicity. Share these with each other and observe the solutions. Once this is set in motion, a new spiritual energy starts flowing into the hearts of people. Concrete plans arise from this knowledge and somewhere in the silence, in the background, a new basis is formed. As soon as the spiritual Divine Light in you has further awakened, you will be connected to this invisible field. This special field will work together with your etheric energy body. MANIFESTATION POWER The frequency of this invisible field is high and loving, everything will flow naturally. Many circuits are made into one whole before your eyes. These seem like miracles. Don't be discouraged if a lower vibration rises right next to you and distracts you. Certain unpleasant situations are also included in the conversion. Follow your heart, in what you can or may not do. Protect yourself well, because everyone has their own responsibility. Charity is beautiful and good to propagate, we support this from the loving starlight. But there are exceptions, when the situation becomes too dangerous and your own safety comes under pressure, get yourself to safety. In difficult moments, ask for the help of your Light brothers and sisters, so that your safety is guaranteed. HARD TIMES Difficult times are coming and many are coming under pressure. Despite all the influences and opinions you feel coming in, stay true to yourself and provide a safe base. Stay in a relaxed atmosphere as much as possible and nurture the compassion in your heart. The groups that have been involved in the fall of the earth want to continue in their own way to carry out the artificial plan. They cannot fight the high Divine light from an artificiality, the reflection of the diamond will blind their eyes and they will become rudderless.... Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart July 22, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Supermoon: Total Renewal of Your Aura
ASHTAR FULL SUPERMOON JULY 13, 2022 HOLY MARY POWER This powerful supermoon will represent a renewal that is unprecedented, the clearing in the last few months has taken effect and now a renewing energy can flow into your aura. EXPERIENCE The experience will feel a bit unusual and uncomfortable. This new feeling is not recognized and has not yet been stored in the collective consciousness. Searching for an explanation or an explanation comes with time. The most obvious is to embrace and welcome this new feeling. NEW WIND This is the wind of the new earth that reaches your aura and everything flows through. From this flow new thoughts and creations, so that you are impregnated with new solutions. The outside world craves new creations, because the old gets stuck. FRESH ENERGY This fresh and invigorating energy gives you space and frees you from old programs. This experience becomes special and profound. Her beauty unfolds before your eyes, so that the heart is filled with joy and relief. MELANCHOLY Sometimes there may be a bit of melancholy, which is necessary to say goodbye to the old. The realization arises that the old is really going to disappear and it feels like a deep bow to an old past. A farewell with a tear, but also with great relief. This period has been planned for a very long time, but as with any new birth, something will first be allowed to die. The impermanence of the physical is passing, but the new seeds have already been sown. Soon the young shoots shoot up from the earth. Feel the heart open in this renewing energy. The new young shoots are still vulnerable and may become stronger. Protect yourself well and nourish your consciousness with the Holy Water, so that these new shoots grow into a beautiful new creation. This renewing energy is a gentle, yet powerful energy. Subtle and yet so present. Mary gives you this energy, so that you can act quickly and effectively in this chaotic time. It takes in many who have become aimless through dubious practices, they can no longer oversee the whole. Their hearts become confused by the negative charge that has been created. CLARITY The trick is to make clear choices and to separate them from the many chaotic messages and images. Don't get confused and stay in your own energy. Every now and then make a beautiful ball of energy and fill it with the colors that are healing for you, place yourself in this ball of light. The renewed Energy will flow Through you. Right through all the chaos, every person is touched with the soft and purifying energy of Mary. She remains present at all times, for her love is the most powerful form of protection and it heals the heart. That way the confusion can be banned from your system. NEW DIVINE FIELD During the full moon of July, the magnetic field is strengthened. The large cosmic field, which is now getting stronger and stronger (see previous post summer solstice), will increase in strength during the full moon. This results in a great explosion of energy in the cosmos, the so-called Holy Marriage. From this arises a great renewing power of love. This wave will also hit the earth. The consequences can be very diverse, from extreme heat to heavy precipitation. The heat will be cooled down again by the water. This balance of extremes includes a natural movement. The head feels a bit strange, because the emphasis is on the heart. The head becomes empty and the heart is filled with compassion. This is a very special experience and people are slowly coming to a different form of communication. The etheric body comes to life, head and heart are attuned to each other. HOLY SPIRIT The holy spirit can descend upon those who embrace it. The inner enlightenment can take place and all this will form an intimate connection with the loving energies of, on, within and outside the earth. They support and guide this entire process in the right direction, so that those going through this are not disturbed by the chaos that arises at the same time. A loving energy will begin to form around them. Many revelations will take place in the heart of man, but the mind will also absorb this revelation. ANIMALS The animals react to the new energy and feel the new connection. The reaction to your new form can lead to many beautiful experiences. Give it a chance and be open to the change. The animals feel the fear in every person, now that all this is dissolving, they like to come closer. So don't get hung up on the doomsday. POLITICAL SYSTEM Harmony is the result of many meetings in whatever form. Despite the harassment from the old system, innovation can still be achieved, for example in the design of new legislation. A stubborn political system will fall if they don't listen to the new adjustments that are opening up. The renewing energy is so strong and powerful that this is going to be a big problem for the old system. Not going along with the innovation will weaken the current system. Those who choose this path are responsible for their own demise. The old one no longer works and will dissolve, realize that in the meantime a new system is being put in place. Slowly this new system will become visible and work through in the connection of the new ideologies. Just a little while and a new layer of awareness will emerge in man. All this is going to rise together with the building of a new civilization. Man is led to the solution and not to destruction. PASSION AND TALENT Your passion and talents are reborn through the innovative energy. You will get an upload and therefore new courage to continue. The renewed vitality will give you a lot of extra strength to step further in the process of the 'new awakening'. The love energy will have a healing effect on the brain and the intelligence will continue to develop. Creativity will become an important foundation and will manifest itself in various ways. This full moon will be a special announcement of time and movement. Timelines can be converted and the dream becomes your travel guide. Feel the inner power that wants to open now and let it happen. Despite the fear scenario that is put down, you can renew yourself. Always wash off the old and fill yourself with this renewing energy. Call on Saint Mary and ask for her strength to empower this process of renewal. Believe in your own power, Believe in the manifestation of spirit, Believe in the cosmic love flowing through you and then it happens, your inner light starts to shine and glow. Adonai Ashtar I salute the light in your heart July 10, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: ©Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. Link Dutch: https://www.ashtar-rose.com/post/totale-vernieuwing-van-jouw-aura
- Holy Mary: Healing Magnetic Fields
ASHTAR: SECOND 6-6-6 PORTAL POWER OF LOVE A very strong energy will enter the earth via the second 6-6-6 portal on June 24, 2022. A large magnetic field will be placed on it via this portal, containing the forces of the cosmic marriage. On this day the cosmic forces are very active in the conversion and from that moment on you will start to move and feel very different. Stay as close to yourself as possible and go in, look at this field, see what it says to you. With a great force, the magnetic field from the cosmos through the Maria energy will expand and settle during the coming period. MAGNETIC SUMMER From the summer solstice, the solar flares are even more active than before, this energy will spread over the coming months. A great field of revelation will take place. The sun continually reactivates the electromagnetic particles around you. The electrically charged particles, such as the photons, have already formed a large electric field before, but more will arise. Now another force opens up, because of the solar flares magnetic particles start to appear in the dark matter and they form a magnetic field. The receiving energy of Mary has become so enormous that she will manifest itself interactively with the electric field. The Power of Love will arise. This is going to be a very great phenomenon, which will have an impact on Earth. COSMIC WAR Many codes are now opening in the core of your heart. The portal opens and where the knowledge of the unit is they come out. It is up to man to deal well with this knowledge, because the future of the new earth lies here. The memories of a cosmic war of an advanced civilization will come again, now to be redeemed forever. TASTE AND SMELL SENSES During Corona, complaints were discussed where the taste and smell disappeared, the taste buds are a direct connection with the smell. The taste and smell bring you back to a deeper memory. There is nothing as strong as a scent associated with a particular situation. It is stored deep in the psyche, with the brain associated with these senses becoming active upon recognizing this taste or smell. It opens gates into the deep roots of being you. The old memories will resurface, if there is a blockage for you, get started with it. SPIKES The spike protein found in the Covid-19 virus is a symbolic reference to the nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross. This memory is connected to a very large collective memory. It forms in the psyche a memory of this time. Symbolically, it also represents a psychological fear of the death of the Christ. Subconsciously many terms have been used to create confusion through many periods, including now. The original meaning has faded. The Christ consciousness is not a religion, but refers to the unity consciousness that resides in every human being. This will take on a different shape through the illusion of fear. The actual memory is overwritten in memory. So that a new masquerade arises and you can no longer get to the original memory. The light that now opens restores everything, ask for it, it is your free choice. Speak to yourself and say: 'All that is veiled in me, let it resurface (in steps) so that the original memories can be seen and felt again.' FIRE AND PHOTOS The living fire in the photons lifts the earth extra in its strength and the magnetic water can now come together again in the core of everything that lives, an opening is now created where the secret knowledge is stored. The water flows freely and purifies the lie and unlocks the secret. These may now become visible and the mask lifts itself and behold, a completely different world emerges. MATRIX The cosmic war ended in an artificial matrix that has continued to work on Earth in the mind of man. All this will dissolve and people will feel, know, hear and smell clearly again. Unconsciously, this war is still being waged between the different fields and powers. Often in a psychological way that is expressed in certain media and advertisements. The distorted image is going to lose its power. The original memory opens up on every level. The creative minds become very conscious, the fantasy and dream fields lose their veils, the truth can sometimes feel naked for a while. You are looking for a new cover but don't know where or how yet. For a moment it seems that your memory is getting worse, but in fact it makes way for a completely different deep memory that is triggered by smell, image, sound and feeling. Release yourself from this violent past, in which many are still unconsciously trapped. BEING IN THE NOW The best attitude in the coming chaos, the realization that you live in the NOW and that the situation is very different. The starting point has changed and now you can stand up independently in your passion and the mission that you feel arise in you. Hang no longer in the past of servility and suffering. Get up and create a new life. When both force fields open in you, you will automatically be connected to the new electric-magnetic field of the earth and now you can dream and manifest again, from a deeper feeling. These two force fields will merge in the coming period and work through you from love. A new period is dawning and man is getting closer and closer to the intense feeling of: 'Letting go of the old and admitting love.' This power is new. The inner world of the original Earth is getting closer. The reflection from politics and manipulative powers can discourage and confuse you, hold on and feel what is really going on. Adonai Ashtar I salute the light in your heart June 24, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.