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- Holy Mary: Origine, Mother of All Children
Holy Mary: 'This Summer I Will Open Your Living Origin'. (Part 2) I am Holy Mary, the Mother of all children in the universe and my power of love is healing. This summer my love will come over you like an invisible cloak, protecting you from all the unrest that arises. Also, my love energy will watch over your soul, the origin soul is the seat of the Living Light. The Divine spark in the heart is connected with the living Universal light and the living water of the Holy Grail. Here lie the creative powers of man and they are activated in the etheric light. CONSOLATION I come there, where great shadows have arisen to transform everything and help man as a true Mother. I will send you love when the need is great, tune in to my energy and my cloak of love will be draped around you. This power is enormous and available to everyone, because my heart is enormously driven to embrace and comfort you, dear person. I protect all weak and lost souls, where it is necessary on Earth and where they pass to the Other Side. Where there is war my healing power of love will also descend. Especially the children will be lifted by me. Some of them have passed away and are being transferred directly through my Blue Ray of Light to Children's Heaven. There they are received by the Rainbow Light to heal. They will be transformed there into the Rainbow Angels, who will lovingly support the loved one left behind to light their path on Earth. Much suffering has arisen and the earth feels so sad, the earth is the mother of man and We work together to strengthen the earth's core. The female original creative power is attacked and debunked several times. Those who manipulate still want to implement changes from an artificial field: 'They do not want cooperation between the female and male creative power'. What they want is to subject this power to a system that artificially grows without sun or love light. The true light of life has been sucked out and replaced by the artificial light. An artificial god they control so that they can store and manage 'profits' in their own vault. This possession is an illusion. LIVING ORIGIN The earth is a living consciousness with its own original power, its will is connected with the will of the Divine Intention. She will never allow the artificiality to rule her. She wants to come together in harmony and bring forth life from wholeness and balance. She embraces the masculine energy of the sun and expresses these creations on her skin, but also in her core of the earth flower. This earth energy will support me and all my fellow sisters from the cosmos, the universal origin and the Divine life force. Nothing will be lost that may be born in the etheric light. If you dear human wish to open your etheric power, now is the time to become aware of it. WHITE LILY My white lily symbolizes the purity and clarity on your path. I will send this scent of origin energy to you to surround you with purity. The love that is then released is great and soft at the same time. The feminine power will come to itself again, containing the masculine energy that will lovingly support her in this process. It touches both origin parts. This is not a war against the feminine, but the freedom of the merging of the total whole and that touches both origins in duality. ORIGINAL YOU The masculine force will resonate with the original state of being. The man has been led as far away from home as the woman. So in everything, including in the natural formulas, there has been imbalance and confusion. Science will be allowed to go back to the pure forms to understand the new creation. Abuses will not occur on the etheric earth and will be rectified immediately. The etheric field can only cooperate with the original principles to bring about the renewals. Your energy will be rebuilt, layer by layer. Remember your original state of being and a healing will take place. Step by step I propagate the clarity so that insight and memories resurface from the original state. You are an original human being created from the Divine. CHAOS THIS SUMMER Confusion and chaos hold back this insight, at least that is the intention. I work through the inner experience, so tune in to that. Your inner world is protected by the divine spark. There lie the worlds of love and Divine creation. These are pure and lovingly present in the DNA of every human being. Remember your cells and their original structure, understand again what lies deeper within the light cells. There are the beautiful new original building blocks for the new person. Aeons ago these were placed and kept hidden for the moment when man was allowed to know again. The moment of knowledge transfer has already started, do not be distracted by hatred and powerlessness. Everything is hidden inside you, you just need to open it. When the chaos becomes too much in your outer domain, leave it alone for a while and focus your thoughts on your own body: Your temple of Creation. Let the clarity guide you and rediscover who you are. When the struggle takes place outside of you, focus on the peace in the heart. There are many paths and each path will be unique, so do not judge the other. This will be the new way and it will be accessible to everyone. The road to it is very diverse and sometimes incomprehensible to the human mind. Expand your mind through the empathy of the heart and let go of the other. ORIGINAL ACCESS The new earth has a natural entrance and this code is connected with the love in the heart and the intention of the empathic thoughts. The recording goes without saying, because those who don't want to stay where they want to be. See it as a natural movement, undulating like the sea, as ebb and flow arise, the coming and going of thoughts and intentions. What you need stays with you and what's left washes away. The vibration you are in is the code of where you are going. This can only be done through the heart and the intentions become original again. There is no stern gatekeeper guarding this portal, but a loving rapture asking permission from both sides. It runs smoothly, like when you dive into the waves of the sea. Sometimes you are above the water and sometimes below the water. Both parts of consciousness may go along with this new whole. You create your own world and from there you walk the path of the new earth. That way you reach this new dimension. Nothing is manipulated, it takes the path of recovery, breaking free from the manipulation. This is Where Man Is Now The love vibration approaches and opens the heart and more and more often you will want to dwell in this. It is your will that makes the choice. Where do you want to be and how do you train yourself? Often through terrible experiences that make your mind realize: 'No, this can't be true, I don't want this.' In addition, wonderful experiences arise and you increasingly get homesick for this loving atmosphere of peace, harmony and joy. The original paradise is in your heart. From there it can take shape in your outside world, often with like-minded people. Your own vehicle with all the senses, physical or energetic, will create paradise on earth. From its own power this will become reality, supported by my maternal energy and all other cosmic and Divine powers. Inner and outer then work together to create a new paradise. ARTIFICIAL FIELD For now, the artificial field will also continue to represent their way, but it will be imposed from outside. There is no interplay between your inner and outer desire, there will be an artificial structure that will give the human being the impression that there is something to put in. Only a few will be allowed the power of creation in a particular defined structure, as an artificial field may also be formed from a creative mind. These creative slaves are highly sought after, without them there would be no artificial world. Natural Field of Creation In the natural flower of creation the spider spins its sacred geometry from the dreamtime, the dreamtime can only be reached by those who voluntarily carry this flower of life and are aware of the creation process, having released the fear of the spider. This is the original creation process. For example, many fears have been placed in the manipulation field that are used through the archetypes and dream symbolism to keep you far away from the creative power. But if one overcomes these fears and receives the true knowledge, a portal will open to universal liberation. Breaking free from fear and embracing the power of creation is liberation from the prison that you often maintain yourself. It is a mechanism in the illusion and it is the greatest obstacle in its liberation. The resistance to letting go of this mechanism is very great in many cases. As a result, the forces of manipulation can still penetrate you and affect your brain, even if you don't want to. Recognizing these patterns in the manipulation field often takes a lot of energy. Many drop out because the work becomes too heavy. The manipulation field has arisen to offer humans an easy chair, so that the great thinking is done for you, not with you. It discourages you from centering yourself. Have you given up your freedom of your own free will, but have you forgotten it? For that reason, my healing energy will lead you to your own original bleuprint. A clarity comes into your mind and now you can see through the illusion, to the true path of the manifestation. The chaos is only there to distract you. Don't be afraid of the spider in the web, it is part of your creative power and can be used again in the way you want to shape it. Through the original power of co-creation with Divine Love. Find your own original power again and put it back into action out of love and in a renewed form. So that the manipulative forces can no longer perceive you, then you become invisible, because the new field is unreachable and elusive for them. That's where their fear lies, they're losing their grip on you. Adonai Holy Mary, the mother of all children I salute the love in your heart June - 21 - 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. Link to message: https://www.ashtar-rose.com/en/post/holy-mary-origine-mother-of-all-children
- Highly Intelligent & Paranormal Therapist
This is a somewhat older article. Some things I'd like to update, but it's still very informative and that's why I'm posting this. Chapter 5: PARANORMAL THERAPIST 5.1 Introduction What can a psychic therapist do for a highly intelligent child with problems? Provided that he has knowledge of highly intelligent, how will the psychic therapist approach children with problems? Because a gifted child has different thinking structures, problems often arise. The child usually feels misunderstood by the environment. Frustrations cause various problems. How the child deals with these frustrations and how they express themselves depends on the child itself. It is known that gifted girls are more likely to express themselves through withdrawal resulting in a feeling of loneliness, while boys are more likely to express themselves through expressive behavior such as hyperactivity and rowdyness. Of course every person is different and so is the environment. When we speak of a highly intelligent child who shows characteristics of ADHD, we do not yet know which and how many characteristics we mean. If a child has a combination of giftedness with, for example, the ADHD disorder, or which combination we can think of, then we are outside the scope of this thesis. It is assumed that the disorder has then been diagnosed by a specialist by means of available and reliable tests. Of course, the therapist can also offer help here, but these subjects will not be discussed further in the following. This thesis is based on children who are gifted and therefore experience problems that can manifest themselves in symptoms of disorders. 5.2 Detection of the highly intelligent As we have already read, it is not always self-evident that gifted people are also found to be gifted. The 'problem' are often children for whom the cause has not (yet) been identified. The most reliable way to diagnose giftedness is to have the child tested. However, it is possible that the problems that the highly intelligent child has are of such a nature that the test cannot always provide a definitive answer. When a child with the characteristics/phenomena of giftedness comes to the psychic therapist, he will in any case be able to think of giftedness on the basis of his paranormal observations and his psychological and psychiatric knowledge, assuming that the psychic therapist is familiar with the theory of highly intelligent. If the psychic therapist thinks/expects that the child is highly intelligent and this seems plausible through conversations with the child and the parents, the paranormal therapist will always advise that a test be taken (by a professional and specialized psychologist). When a child is tested and turns out to be highly intelligent, just explaining to the child that it is highly intelligent and what this means in the child's way of thinking can have a very positive effect. Even if there are no other problems, the highly intelligent child will most likely have wondered whether/why it is different from others. When there are problems, by explaining why and when things go 'wrong' in communication with others, the child can already feel supported. It can also be explained on the basis of this result why the child will underperform, has a fear of failure and/or shows other/several negative characteristics. However, if the problems are of such a nature that it is expected, or if it appears, that the test cannot yet provide a definitive answer, then the stability and sensitivity of the child must first be worked on. -27- highly intelligent children When the stability is very disturbed, it can be difficult for the psychic therapist to get to the cause of the problems, as the aura will turn out to be a mess, the energies do not have the right structure. Etheric body Astral body Mental body Spirit body (soul) Angelo, 2000: p 55 5.3 Guidance in the process of recognition by the highly intelligent self When a child has a lot of problems and is found to be highly intelligent, the process of recognizing the child itself has yet to begin. It is not enough for every child to know what is the cause of, for example, the 'restlessness' that the child experiences. It is a very important step, which is generally taken by the specialized psychologist who has tested the child. Even if, for example, the child can get into a very good guidance circuit with this psychologist, the results of which will certainly be visible, additional guidance may be necessary. The child is confronted with the fact that, for example, the problems that the child has caused, and for which it may have been called upon a lot, have a different cause than the child had come up with himself. For example; the child had long since realized that it was different, that it thought differently from others, could not follow the rules (even if it really wanted to), sometimes went mad in anger. For example, in his/her 'wisdom' the child had long since 'established', and perhaps even accepted, that he/she was 'not quite right'. Suddenly the child turns out not to be 'crazy', but rather 'smart'. The child can be tossed around in the 'old' self-image and accepting the correct self-image. Through psycho-education and magnetization, the psychic therapist can help and guide the child in the process of recognition. By magnetizing the child, the flow of energy in the aura can be optimized. -28- highly intelligent children With a better flow, the child will not only feel calmer and more comfortable, but will also be much better protected against external influences. This combination with magnetization means that because the child starts to feel more comfortable, the child is also more accessible for psycho-education. By understanding and accepting that the child is gifted and therefore thinks and registers in a different way, it will be easier for the child to deal with certain situations. This will also give the child insight into its own actions. 5.4 Guidance in the process of recognition by the environment When a child turns out to be highly intelligent, it is especially important that the environment of the child, parents, school and friends, recognize this. As noted earlier, we still live in a society that apparently finds it difficult to digest that someone is gifted. The cause of this is often sought in jealousy (I want that too, that's interesting), fear (I'm dumber), ignorance (what is that and what does it mean) and in particular the Dutch attitude 'just do it, then do it. you crazy enough already' seems to be often used for gifted people. Parents often find it difficult to accept that their child turns out to be gifted. It often gives an uncomfortable feeling; like you want to be special with your child. Despite the fact that people know and realize that a highly intelligent child is just a child who may encounter many more problems in life, the acceptance process remains a difficult thing. Unfortunately, the environment also contributes a lot to this. You do not chat for a while about your gifted child as you do about small things and, moreover, when you talk about your child, you also talk about things that the child is very good at. Or maybe about the problems your child is experiencing, that's only whining when you start complaining about a child who is so intelligent! Regardless of the environment, it takes a certain amount of confidence and self-esteem to feel comfortable recognizing your highly intelligent child. It is clear that this is essential, children simply sense how your feelings are towards them. If you, as a parent, feel uncomfortable with the fact that your child is highly intelligent , it may be that the child sees this as a negative emotion towards the child itself. For example, this will make the child feel very lonely. The risk that the child no longer sends signals is then very high. So if I, as a psychic therapist, have a gifted child in practice, not only the treatment of the child is of high priority, but also the psycho-education of the parents in the process of recognizing and accepting the fact that the child is gifted. The parents will still need their self-confidence and assertiveness about this in our society. In addition, in this way they can learn to communicate better with the child. Understanding the fact that the child thinks 'differently', registers things in several steps, has a very positive effect on communication within the family. After all, the parent also has the task of trying to achieve recognition for the child in the environment, for example at school. A certain degree of knowledge of the subject matter and of the child's way of reasoning is important here. -29- Highly intelligent children 5.5 Treatment for various problem areas Often a problem or several problems are indicated that appear to be caused by a negative self-image of the child. As a psychic therapist it is of course important to treat the problems, but in the first instance it is important to 'show' what the cause of the problems is. Clients often do not or no longer realize where the core of the problems lies. A child who becomes rowdy out of boredom will realize that it is becoming rowdy, and can often indicate in which situations this arises. In conversations, it will eventually come out that the child becomes irritated, for example, when it feels insecure or threatened. But even then you are not at the cause, it is an effect. When boredom (with highly intelligent) has been going on for much longer and the child has already received a lot of comments and criticism as a result, the child can become insecure and develop fear of failure. The child then gets a negative self-image and will start to express this, for example through wantonness, so the wantonness is a result of a negative self-image which is a result of (reactions to) boredom which is a result of being gifted. Thus, it may be that many of the negative characteristics we discussed in Chapter 3 result from giftedness. As a psychic therapist I therefore have the advantage of certain gifts that allow me to 'see' these kinds of things, for example. Since there is still no recognition and/or acknowledgment, the psychological part of the treatment, psycho-education and psychotherapy, has the highest priority. Psycho-education is aimed at learning to deal with, and providing knowledge and insight into, the characteristics and properties of giftedness. By applying psychotherapy, in particular client-centered therapy1, the child will become aware of its own processes. The aim of this therapy is that the client gains insight into his own problems and learns to interpret his own behaviour. Client-centered therapy focuses primarily on the client's current behaviors and attitudes, assuming that the client knows best what is and isn't good for him. The therapist's main task in client-centered therapy is to create an atmosphere in which the client can develop to the fullest; that is, in which the client can be himself and maintain his self-esteem. In this way I can make the child aware of the phases it has gone through before it has reached the 'consequence' stage (in the example wantonness). I can lead the child to the root of the problems. Because the psycho-education and psychotherapy in this phase is mainly aimed at developing the child's positive self-image, the child will be able to develop as it really is. This is the process of self-actualization or self-realization. To quote our example; because the child is aware of its own processes, the following will happen. We have seen that because the child is gifted, the child gets bored. In our example, this gave the necessary negative reactions, resulting in a negative self-image, resulting in rowdiness. -30- Highly intelligent children When the child is aware of why he is bored, this gives the child an opportunity to indicate that he is bored. Assuming that the environment responds well to this, the chain is broken and further negative consequences will not be possible. Even if the environment does not react well to it, the child will not immediately develop a negative self-image when he realizes that he is getting negative reactions to the fact that he is bored. The psychic therapist takes a holistic approach. This means that not only the psychological aspects and the physical aspects (mechanistic approach) are looked at, but the whole. The spiritual (spiritual) and social aspects also come to the fore here. The paranormal therapist then “works” with the aura and the (7 main) chakras. By magnetizing, the psychic therapist can activate the self-healing ability. When confronted with unpleasant or distressing things, we try to ignore or circumvent such a problem, trying to minimize the impact it has on us. of this must be stored in the subtle bodies, especially in the chakras. For example, everything that happens on the mental or emotional plane has an energetic influence on the etheric body (Angelo, 2000). This in turn affects the physical body. Most of us are only aware of a change on the physical level and have no idea that this can be the symptom of a cause in the subtle and disembodied bodies. If the process of storing negative energies in a chakra is not noticed, those energies accumulate there and inhibit the function of the chakra. Over time, the chakra can become completely blocked and stop functioning. This has a progressive effect on the energy system, as other chakras try to compensate for the lack of activity of the blocked center. This puts extra strain on the system elsewhere. This effect can manifest as either an emotional or mental disorder, or as a physical ailment. Because the energy system is always trying to restore balance and bring us into a state of harmony, it sends us signals to draw our attention to the problem. At the physical level, this usually occurs in the form of pain or the initial symptoms of some ailment or disease. With highly intelligent we often see this in the form of the problems described in chapter 3. -31- Gifted children In the case of gifted individuals, the psychic therapist will focus in particular on those chakras that are associated with the problems. (1997) As can be seen from the table, the excessive features and the deficient features in a person are related to a particular chakra. When we look at the problems that the highly intelligent can experience, and the phenomena that arise from them, we see that they correspond to certain chakras. The psychic therapist who is not only familiar with the theory of auras and chakras will therefore also be able to observe certain blockages in these chakras. Example: gifted children often appear to have hyperactivity (ADHD symptoms). Chakra 1 will not function optimally, the child is not stable (grounded). Chakra 3 will also be blocked causing the child to express itself hyperactively. In general, this child also has concentration problems in which Chakra 6 plays an important role. -32- Highly intelligent children By concentrating on these chakras during the treatment, the child will become a lot more stable, calmer and more concentrated. Of course the psychic therapist will not limit himself to these 3 chakras. Expressing hyperactivity will bring about other consequences related to other chakras. Also because the other chakras try to compensate for the lack of activity, it is especially important to treat the 'whole'. For example, the psychic therapist can unblock the chakras in the child by treating the child, thereby achieving a good flow of energies. Combined with this, with the help of psychoeducation and psychotherapy, the child can be brought to a level where he can function properly and well in his environment again. 5.6 Summary The most important thing for the highly intelligent child is that it is established that the child is highly intelligent. The cause of the problem must first be investigated, after which the consequence can be explained. When (the cause) highly intelligent is suspected, the psychic therapist will advise an intelligence test, through such a test this can be confirmed, which is important for the child and the environment in the process of recognition. The psychic therapist will have to guide the child, but also the environment, with the process of recognition. The treatment plan will look like this: • The cause of the problem has not yet been identified; stabilization of the child through magnetization. If the child is more stable, the child will become more easily accessible to the psychic therapist. It will then be possible to establish that the child is gifted. • The cause of the problem has been established, the child is highly intelligent: Psycho-education; provide insight and knowledge of the theory/problems of giftedness. psychotherapy; client-centered therapy; that the client gains insight into his own problems and learns to interpret his own behaviour. magnetize; unblock the chakras whereby a good flow of the energies is achieved. Arthura: What can and cannot be tested Tests do not always work well, because the child who is highly intelligent in other areas may be highly intelligent. Especially living from the feeling, emotional intelligence, intuition and creative processes cannot be tested. Seeing the solution ahead or accelerated as a visual thinker but also through the feeling, actually many layers at the same time, cannot be tested and are therefore not recognized. If an entire family is highly intelligent , this can cause problems and lack of understanding in the current care. Parents are misjudged by the social services and often the child too, the parent sees and knows this and is subsequently labeled as a meddling parent who cannot let go. The therapy is being used in the wrong way. This is harmful to the bond between parent and child. Removal actually causes more trauma. As a result, assistance often 'removes' the parent from the therapy. Especially because the regular therapist does not treat this. 13 Chakra treatments I can read and see the energy lines, blockages in color, shape and sound. Restore and give energy where needed. Is it seeing clearly, hearing clearly or feeling clearly? This letter above contains a lot of good information, but it is from 1997, now there are new additions to this letter. Tests can actually work against you. There is still much room for research, but by whom? This may be done by the highly intelligent Person himself. Like-minded people can find each other and how? So that they can see each other and also be able to translate their problems into the world. Get recognition for who they are. They speak the same language, but especially in which they excel, they can inform and especially wake up other HBs. That is the most important, so that they do not become socially lonely and are considered crazy. High Sensitivity HSP (High Sensitive Person) form a larger group and as much as 20% of humanity, they are often the first to arrive, this is often the first recognition of who they are allowed to be. Yet on a certain level they are isolated again, because high sensitivity is only part of giftedness. The world is changing drastically and that's why these highly intelligent people appear. And they are going to shape the new world and bring forth new ideas. So that the big picture comes back into balance. My language is not understood by everyone, but by those who feel it too. And that's how we find each other. More and more attention is being paid to HSP and HB, also in the regular system. being too smart is not a problem for the other 97%. But not everyone is that child prodigy who goes through everything without difficulty. In addition, the HB may continue to attune to the world that is not HB. Learning again and again to communicate with the world around you, training yourself in this can also be a challenge. Find the solution! They usually do that too, except when a lot of trauma plays a role and also when assistance puts them on the wrong track. It is then quite a job for children or young adults, who want to belong to something and be normal, and then turn it around. Repairing them is a chore, but they are quick when they are understood. Even if they want to accept this themselves. I work with the 13 chakras. Other parts of the brain are then turned on. and further develop. About 3% of humanity is gifted and less than half a percent is hyper-gifted. The term highly intelligent came to me at a later age and this brought a lot of insight. The combination with high sensitivity, spirituality and paranormal awareness also brought clarity to me. Still, I didn't fit in anywhere. Now I know why and that gives me peace of mind. I'm happy to be like this. Even though the world around me often seems to work and live in a completely different layer. I often adapt, but also because I then distance myself and look for and find a solution in the background based on self-respect. after that i explain it .. but that's not all. It is very tiring for the other. Don't lose yourself because you think or are different. Take yourself seriously and don't get lost in an addiction or depression. Welcome to this world Aquarius Human, you are needed. Create your own path. Arthura
- SummerSolstice 2022: Holy Mary Power
ASHTAR: HOLY MARY AND THE ORIGINAL ENERGY (Part 1) SUMMER SOLSTICE The summer solstice of June 21, 2022 will usher in the power of the Blessed Mother Mary. From now on it will flow into all hearts, stronger than ever. The sun plays an enormous role on this day, and in the past period the solar flares from the cosmos have become very large. These large swarms of solar flares create a large electric field that will have a major effect on all living things this summer. Its power will be enormous and the healing Mary energy will be released in this very high vibration. Every person is touched. Open your heart to her gentle love energy, her power will have an enormous effect on the entire consciousness. The original part of man becomes visible again, it has been veiled for a long time. ELABORATION OF SOLAR FLAMES During the summer solstice, the sun is at its highest, where the seasons alternate and the light from the sun weakens and increases, this gives an extra boost. This causes the Earth's magnetic field to expand and amplify. Magnetic fields form an attraction, so that the new cosmic seeds will fertilize the earth with a higher vibration. These are the seeds of light that can now be massively implanted in the consciousness of the earth and man. When a planet starts to propagate new creations, the life forms are touched in their original form. A completely different vision will open next summer in which creativity is number one, through creativity people can adapt the world and reset it to its original state. The artificial field is lifted where the forces are highest. Many stalled conflicts are once again given the chance to be resolved in a peaceful manner. WAR Some conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine, could have reached a ceasefire much earlier. Natural consciousness made this possible. (Arthura: Through the many solar flares that have arisen and the high light that was released. See previous posts). Unfortunately, the manipulative forces are stubborn and want to thwart natural consciousness in order to achieve their goal. They want to infiltrate the healing Mary energy by creating a lot of chaos and emotions, so that this beautiful energy in humans is disturbed. The fear of the feminine Maria energy is so great that they have postponed the peace negotiations. They want to keep the original light particle in the DNA veiled. MANIPULATION In the war zones, many shadows of sadness arise, bringing the energy to a standstill. These blockages or shadow fields are not further purified in a natural way, but end up in a kind of vacuum. This has certain consequences that the manipulating forces have no idea about and these consequences will also cross their path. Directly and indirectly, because love is so strong that it bends everything. First in the etheric field and then this becomes visible in the physical plane. NATURAL RECOVERY The natural recovery is disrupted in this way. The Light forces will direct extra energy to radiate into the shadow areas via the higher frequencies. The vacuum that has arisen will want to spread, the opening will take place through the ionosphere of the earth. The pressure will increase and nature will react to remove this vacuum. Strong forces will arise such as heat waves, storms, rainfall and thunderstorms. Ionosphere The ionosphere is a layer around the earth where the particles are ionized by the sun. The lower limit of the ionosphere is at an altitude of about 80 km. The ionosphere mainly contains ions and electrons. SEND THOUGHT OF LOVE This coming summer many stalled conflicts will once again have the chance to be resolved and to clear the earth of its shadow fields. Send out thoughts of love through the Mary energy so that you become a pillar of Light and Love. It is hard work, because your own imbalance is also taken into account and restored. Every time there is an imbalance in the heart, it will be healed. The Mary power is a purifying energy that brings much clarification. CREATIVITY An original vision will open this summer: Creativity will reign supreme and permeate the solutions that may arise. Your senses become very sharp and the energetic senses are opened, you become again: 'Clairsighted, clairaudienced, clairsentient, clairsmelling and claircognizant. These talents are part of human beings, but have often faded into the background, allow them again consciously. Put your trust in this beautiful ethereal vehicle. Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your soul June 21, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Full Super Moon: Activation Etheric Field
Ashtar: Superpowers ACTIVATION The full supermoon of June 14, 2022 opens up the deep desire for a different society. The energy becomes ever higher in frequency, the power of the crystalline field becomes palpable. In addition, a new field is activated, the etheric field in which humans gain access to other powers. Humans reach a higher state of consciousness, where your etheric senses and talents are activated. Solar Flares June's supermoon continues to work through Earth's waters. When the solar flares get very strong, the water begins to bubble. When the water boils it will bring the tempered to a climax. Normally the water provides a cooling effect, but due to the fierce solar flares and the political approach, the summer will also cause hotheaded opinions. All this can cause disturbances in the electromagnetic field. These are only temporary glitches. 'Politics challenges humanity and this leads to great unrest, stay in love, especially now.' Etheric Field The etheric field is an invisible part for many, but that is about to change. Your eyes will look differently, your feeling, taste, smell, hearing and touch will change. Each experience becomes deeper and more intense through the activation of the etheric field. Superpowers arise and your gifts become Divine. COSMIC ZODIAC SIGN The moon of June becomes full in the constellation of the twins and it is connected to Mercury. This air sign can move quickly in the etheric field and likes to fly to dreamtime. One has to be careful not to make it too light-hearted. The feet are necessary to push off from the earth and to land if one wants to come back to earth after flight. Step by Step The symbol of the twins represents a physical part and an ethereal light part. The gross material will go to a subtle form. Calmly explore this new field and see what it brings you. Take it step by step, because if too big steps are taken now, it can sometimes have a negative effect. One quickly loses patience and the balance starts to falter, so that one starts tripping over one's own feet. So be patient and relaxed with yourself and the world around you. Meditate when things get very chaotic. Progress is stabilizing, but too much overheating can lead to aggression. Warning A warning for the coming period is needed. Reacting too quickly from an overheated feeling must be calmed down, try to move from a calm pace. As much as you would like to implement a change faster, this step can be taken in balance. The moon points to the symbol of the patient man, the twins who work together and consider the other part. Empathetic and attuned. BALANCE When a powerful feeling comes up to you and you want to increase the speed, pay attention. These are the super powers that open up, strengthen your center and don't get out of balance. First look at what is still missing, these superpowers are not yet completely attuned to your earthly body. Ensure good anchoring with the earth, prevention is better than cure. Getting into your power gives a positive result, but deal consciously with this power that you feel bubbling up. Use these well. When you move forward step by step, you may come to a great discovery in yourself. Your star power is going to show itself! PHYSICAL AND ESSENTIAL FORCES The physical forces are a bit slower and unwieldy. The etheric body is light as a feather and therefore super fast. These two extremes may be coordinated with each other. This new vehicle needs some practice before it can be flown to the cosmos. Don't get lost and practice this with small movements. The physical consciousness is challenged to move in 'slow motion', while the etheric part shoots forward faster than ever. TELEPATHY The Earth twin moves in the dual. The cosmic pair work from a different power: 'Two parts that work together separately from each other through the mental connection line of telepathic communication.' This way we can work together from unity. Keep the overview in all situations, because both parts must be attuned to each other, otherwise the etheric force will fall apart to a lower field. Don't be tempted to get into a lower vibration. An etheric body can pass through matter, but a physical body cannot. The transition from the dream to the physical reality may be smooth. Don't let it get stuck, like the gears of a clock stop. Are there too many options and can't you choose or are you confused by all the information that comes your way? Then take a time out and come to your senses. Feel your own inner strength and oversee it all, without crash-landing in the swamp. This will go through trial and error, because by gaining experience one learns to drive the new vehicle well. NEW COMMUNICATION Miscommunication can also arise in the attunement of the physical to the etheric part. Incomprehension has many gaps, after all, everything can be attuned to each other. Expressing yourself well in the new form is not always obvious. Don't let discussions degenerate into an impossible battle. Take many moments of rest to be able to contain this. You can achieve a lot from your power point by creating space through 'slow motion'. Experiencing a different reality can give a wonderful feeling, but occasionally also for frustration. It depends on your intention. The politicians (and the ego) want to achieve something quickly by forcing something, this will cause difficult situations. When your powerful intentions are soft and pure, the etheric field opens up. From patience you reach the unity in your heart. The etheric field will provide a new way of living. These new superpowers are emerging, and a quantum leap could emerge at any moment. Give it space and the love will flow. Tame the rush and the heat that you feel and turn it into an inner peace, so that the heat cools down. Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart June 12, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. ACTIVATIE De volle supermaan van 14 juni 2022 opent het diepe verlangen naar een andere samenleving. De energie wordt steeds hoger van frequentie, de kracht van het kristallijne veld wordt voelbaar. Daarnaast wordt er een nieuw veld geactiveerd, het etherische veld waarin de mens toegang krijgt tot andere krachten. De mens bereikt een hogere staat van bewustzijn, waarbij jouw etherische zintuigen en talenten worden geactiveerd. Zonnevlammen De supermaan van juni werkt door via het water van de aarde. Wanneer de zonnevlammen heel sterk worden begint het water te borrelen. Wanneer het water gaat koken zal het de gemoederde tot een hoogtepunt brengen. Normaal gesproken zorgt het water voor een verkoeling, maar door de heftige zonnevlammen en door de insteek van de politiek zal de zomer ook heetgebakerde meningen veroorzaken. Door dit alles kunnen er storingen in het elektro-magnetisch veld ontstaan. Dit zijn slechts tijdelijke storingen. Let op: 'De politiek daagt de mensheid uit en dit leidt tot grote onrusten, blijf in de liefde, juist nu.' Etherisch Veld Het etherisch veld is voor vele een onzichtbaar deel, maar daar komt verandering in. Jouw ogen gaan anders kijken, jouw gevoel, smaak, geur, gehoor en tastzin veranderen. Elke beleving wordt dieper en intenser door de activatie van het etherisch veld. Superkrachten ontstaan en jouw gaven worden Goddelijk. KOSMISCH STERRENBEELD De maan van juni wordt in het sterrenbeeld van de tweeling vol en deze is verbonden met Mercurius. Dit luchtteken kan in het etherisch veld snel bewegen en vliegt graag naar de droomtijd. Men moet oppassen dat het niet te luchtig wordt allemaal. De voeten zijn nodig om zich af te zetten van de aarde en te landen als men na de vlucht weer op aarde wil neerkomen. Stapje voor Stapje Het symbool van de tweeling stelt een fysiek deel en een etherisch lichtdeel voor. Het grofstoffelijke zal naar een fijnstoffelijke vorm gaan. Onderzoek op een rustige manier dit nieuwe veld en kijk wat het je brengt. Doe het stapje voor stapje, want als er nu te grote stappen worden gemaakt, kan dat soms nadelig uitpakken. Men verliest snel het geduld en de balans gaat wankelen, zodat men gaat struikelen over de eigen voeten. Wees dus geduldig en relaxed met jezelf en de wereld om je heen. Mediteer wanneer het zeer chaotisch wordt. De vooruitgang is zich aan het stabiliseren, maar teveel oververhitting kan zorgen voor agressie. Waarschuwing Een waarschuwing voor de komende tijd is nodig. Te snel reageren vanuit een oververhit gevoel moet tot rust gebracht worden, probeer vanuit een rustig tempo te bewegen. Hoe graag je ook sneller een verandering door wilt voeren, deze stap mag in balans worden genomen. De maan wijst naar het symbool van de geduldige mens, de tweeling die samenwerkt met elkaar en rekening houdt met het andere deel. Empathisch en afgestemd. BALANS Wanneer er een krachtige gevoel bij je omhoog komt en je de snelheid wilt gaan verhogen, let dan goed op. Dit zijn de superkrachten die opengaan, versterk je centrum en raak niet uit balans. Kijk eerst wat er nog ontbreekt, deze superkrachten zijn nog niet helemaal afgestemd op jouw aardse lichaam. Zorg voor een goede verankering met de aarde, voorkomen is beter dan genezen. In je kracht komen geeft een positief resultaat, maar ga bewust om met deze kracht die je voelt opborrelen. Gebruik deze goed. Wanneer je stapje voor stapje vooruit komt, kan het zijn dat je tot een grote ontdekking in jezelf komt. Jouw sterrenkracht gaat zich laten zien! FYSIEKE EN ETHERISCHE KRACHTEN De fysieke krachten zijn wat trager en logger. Het etherisch lichaam is vederlicht en daardoor supersnel. Deze beide uiterste mogen op elkaar afgestemd worden. Dit nieuwe voertuig heeft nog wat oefening nodig, voordat er naar de kosmos gevlogen kan worden. Raak niet verdwaald en oefen dit met kleine bewegingen. Het fysieke bewustzijn wordt uitgedaagd om in een 'slow motion' te gaan bewegen, terwijl het etherisch deel sneller dan ooit vooruit schiet. TELEPATHIE De aardse tweeling beweegt in het tweeledige. Het kosmische tweetal werkt vanuit een andere kracht: 'Twee delen die apart van elkaar samenwerken door de mentale verbindingslijn van het telepathisch communiceren.' Zo kan er vanuit eenheid worden samengewerkt. Behoudt in alle situaties het overzicht, want beide delen dienen op elkaar afgestemd te worden, anders valt de etherische kracht uiteen naar een lager veld. Laat je niet verleiden om in een lagere vibratie te komen. Een etherisch lichaam kan door materie heen gaan, maar een fysiek lichaam niet. De overgang van de droom naar de fysieke werkelijkheid mag soepel verlopen. Laat het niet vastlopen, zoals de tandwielen van een klok stil komen te staan. Zijn er teveel mogelijkheden en kan je niet kiezen of raak je verwart door alle informatie die op je af komt? Neem dan een time out en kom tot bezinning. Voel je eigen innerlijke kracht en overzie dit alles, zonder een noodlanding in het moeras te maken. Met vallen en opstaan zal dit gaan verlopen, want door ervaring op te doen leert men het nieuwe voertuig goed te besturen. NIEUWE COMMUNICATIE In de afstemming van het fysieke naar het etherische deel kan er ook een miscommunicatie ontstaan. Onbegrip heeft vele hiaten, alles mag immers op elkaar afgestemd worden. Jezelf goed uitdrukken in de nieuwe vorm is niet altijd vanzelfsprekend. Laat discussies niet ontaarden in een onmogelijke strijd. Neem veel rustmomenten om dit te kunnen bevatten. Vanuit jouw krachtpunt kun je veel bewerkstelligen door ruimte te creëren via een 'slow motion'. Het ervaren van een andere werkelijkheid kan een wonderlijk gevoel geven, maar af en toe ook voor frustraties. Het hangt af van jouw intentie. De politiek (en het ego) willen snel iets bereiken door iets af te dwingen, dit gaat voor moeilijke situaties zorgen. Wanneer je krachtige intenties zacht en zuiver zijn, gaat het etherische veld voor open. Vanuit geduld bereik je de eenheid in je hart. Het etherische veld zal voor een nieuwe manier van leven gaan zorgen. Deze nieuwe superkrachten gaan opstaan, en een kwantum sprong kan op elk moment tevoorschijn komen. Geef het de ruimte en de liefde gaat stromen. Bedwing de haast en de hitte die je op voelt komen en zet deze om naar een innerlijke vrede, zodat de hitte bekoeld. Adonai Ashtar Ik groet het Licht in je hart 12 juni 2022 Dit bericht mag gedeeld worden in haar geheel en onder vermelding van de bron: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- 6-6-6 Portal & Mary Magdalene
ASHTAR: MARIA MAGDALENA ACCELERATION This moon will be dominated by the feminine energy that will now flow: 'Mary Magdalena, the feminine Christ' will soften your energy this month and whisper to all hearts to bring peace where there is so much confrontation. 6-6-6 PORTAL Old misconceptions are turned into pure wisdom. This portal is sacred and has been twisted and distorted many times. It is the power of the holy trinity from the six-pointed star. This hexagram is the symbol of the merging of the feminine and masculine parts: The Sacred Marriage. Three times this power gives a tremendous acceleration of energy and the fertilization of a new field of love. Place the three sixes above each other and see a spiral appear, it rotates and purify the magnetic field on earth. The wisdom of the feminine power in the vegetable kingdom will move therein. The three Sixes are a rotating energy and will go into effect on June 6, 2022 (6-6-6). This whirlwind (tornado) can blow strongly and thus clears negative fogs. ACCELERATED COMPLETION OLD PATTERNS The moon will be full on June 14, 2022. The Mary Magdalene energy will be sent by the wind to the places where there is much discontent. Her purification will open the eyes and make many look up, confused from all the unrest, the clarity can then blossom again. CLEARING MINDS As clear as crystal her sound will begin to ring and the realization of what is really going on is born. Many are awakening and taken into the pure energy of its holiness in the Unification of consciousness, through the portal of acceleration. VISIBILITY Something important is going to happen and it will become visible. The reason of the war that goes on like a masquerade and covers the actual game with a fog, this will be solved. Many have been killed and many have suffered. The negative wave is becoming clear and blowing in the direction of NATO. This produces a restless image in the media from the restless society. Once again evidence is surfacing and the world is watching, dumbfounded and ashamed, humanity is coming to realize that a terrible mistake has been made. A cloak dissolves, revealing that the void behind these motivations represents an unstable goverment. The war is going to be a big sobering act, which is going to work like a hangover this whole year round. In addition to the beautiful love energy that will flow, the confrontational truth will also arise. DESTABILIZATION Those in power are now nearing the point of destabilization and are eventually going to 'take back the throttle'. There is a force on the way accelerating all of this. The portal of rotation opens a new vision and in it the forces of light work to support the field of love. KARMA The Mary Magdalene energy is a beautiful loving tone that embraces oneness. This vibration opens the eyes and a clear look appears. The individual boundaries are being re-established and that is necessary, because an old karma is being cleared up. An important point has been reached worldwide. This starts with a discussion between the powers within NATO. Here, too, the repetition of karma plays a major role. SUMMER 2022 ANCHORING In addition, love is opened to fertilize summer with a lot of light. The solar flares start stirring again and a large magnetic field is released on Earth. At the end of the month of June, this energy is confirmed by the summer solstice, here the anchoring of a new force takes place. ASTRAL FIELD The battles take place not only in the physical plane, but also in the timelines of the astral life forms. This swell of unruly waves opened a battle and the imbalance of old karmalines was (are) cleared. Some pieces need to be worked out in the physical layer and this layer can offer some resistance. Do you also feel the resistance, rest assured, through the power of Mary Magdalene everything will accelerate and the clarity will return. The winding path is now made straight and clear, the point you wanted to go to becomes visible again. The mists on the horizon dissolve. UNIFICATION During the summer solstice, the Mary Magdalene energy will merge with the Holy Mary energy. They become one and anchor the love energy through the alignment of the earth, this field of love is expanding faster and faster. Those who are sensitive to this can tune in and start working with the new light from that point. They are connected to this field of higher energy, expanding their talents. The earth reaches many peaks of very high resonances. The accelerated spiral of purification will flood especially the female part to restore unity and connect everything. Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart June 5, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. PS: After message led to this info on the internet Devil's Wheel and Coriolos Power This equation describes the "dynamic equilibrium" between the external force and the two inertial forces centrifugal force and Coriolis force. When attempting to move radially towards the center of the disk, the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are perpendicular to each other and can therefore be distinguished. (If you're distracted from the radial direction, the Coriolis force also has a radial component that adds up to the centrifugal force.) In addition to the fun factor, experiences with inertia are also conveyed. This equilibrium between the external force perpendicular to the direction of motion and the Coriolis force also occurs in airflows in geostrophic winds . The external force there is the force of the pressure gradient. In the art, this effect z occurs. B. on the crane when it is running and at the same time the trolley is moving. An external force acts perpendicular to the movement of the trolley. Their inertial resistance is the Coriolis force. Movement on the Earth's surface and Coriolis parameters Division of Earth's angular velocity into horizontal and vertical components based on latitude The Coriolis parameter on Earth as a function of latitude Any object moving on the Earth is deflected by the Coriolis acceleration, because the Earth is a rotating system. The only exceptions are movements parallel to the earth's axis , eg B. at the poles the movements up or down, at the equator the movements exactly north or south. The influence of the Coriolis acceleration on the direction of motion can most easily be visualized using a spherical Earth figure; For the study of series of motions under the influence of the forces involved, a more accurate model of the shape of the Earth must be used (cf. Didactic aspects ). I am not a scientist, but came across this info after getting this message. That's why I'm adding this info for those who want other explanation?
- ASHTAR: In the Light of the Photons
Turning Point: Electric Field Increase The tuning point that will now take place is in the initial stage. The winter solstice of 2021 caused a major light explosion in December 2021, (message 12-2021). An electric field of high light was sent to Earth from the cosmos. At this point, an electric field has formed again. The waves from the sun get bigger and bigger. For many tangible and for others invisible. The pinnacle will be realized during the summer solstice of 2022. The energy is increased and the resonances rise to an unprecedented height, the position of the sun is then at its highest. Just as the moon plays a role at high water, the sun can exert its influence on the electric field. These are the electric fields with highly charged photon particles. DARK MATTER The moon energy provides the reflection in the element water on earth. It reflects the cosmic rays amplified back to Earth. The moon feeds on many types of cosmic rays and re-emits them through dark matter. There are many cosmic elements active that play an as yet unknown role. All this has to do with the phenomenon of dark matter. An invisible matter that works through everything. New impulses are born from dark matter, which is why dark matter is a great mystery to today's scientist. No constants are found, but always new rhythmic movements. These variable outcomes confuse the scientist's mind. They cannot yet decipher this 'language'. Dark matter is not the same as a black hole, but it is related to it. LIVING CREATION ENERGY The dark matter that creates many mysteries has been called the challenge of science. Now that they 'found' the so-called God particle (Higgs-Boson) in July 2012, this evidence was only a temporary high. From there she discovered the dark matter, which led the riddles about the living God particle to more mystery. The scientist, but especially those in power are very interested in this living particle of creation. In this way they want to try to decouple this power and thus take control of the artificial 'life'. Do they then acquire the power of the gods? Cosmology (science of evolution) needs a different approach. There will be a turning point in all this, a high energy wave will now flow through the earth. It will now move from the love light. It proceeds like a cosmic dance and artists recognize themselves in this. It is the passion of the moment, an inspiration that is released with a new discovery of colours, movements, shapes, geometric rhythms, sound that come together in the photon light. It is the movement of the electromagnetic attraction and repulsion impulse, from which many new creations are born. COSMIC LANGUAGE This 'language' from the cosmos was placed on earth in the past, to bring new light. This power of love was molded into a religious mold that eventually gave many the power to oppress others. Many wars arose. The packaging of the pure universal form was eventually transformed into a mask of the truth of the feminine and masculine energies. The Sacred Marriage of Atoms When the earth comes into a higher resonance, consciousness will increase. The new movement that is now emerging will soon bring the original language of unity to Earth and begin to overwhelm the consciousness of man. The universal knowledge is released and the tones associated with it will be understood through the heart. BIG TURNAROUND The big turnaround is being prepared in the lunar cycle and will increase in several waves. The next solstice will magnify this impulse, causing a great explosion of light. The coming summer is going to be very powerful on all fronts. For some, this higher tone will stir the soul and make visible the love it so longed for. At another time, the shadow will open and show the fear of the past. Seeing and feeling the truth can be confronting. A cosmic awakening is often accompanied by a light shockwave. Take the time and rest for it, because a special portal of love opens. Allow this love to heal your heart and it will make the fear disappear. Everything can be released into the energy of the Blessed Mother Mary. The barrier is going to unfold, difficult situations come in a softer layer. Wars are brought to a halt. In this feeling of softness much more can be achieved, slowly the movement of change becomes visible. This one is so strong, it can't be stopped. Adonai Ashtar, I salute the Light in your heart May 25, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Historical UFO CONVENTION: May 17, 2022
Sorce: The SUN us news The United States Congress today held a public discussion of UFOs for the first time in half a century, and several "near misses" involving UAPs were cited. Here are some of the key revelations we learned about UFOs and UAPs during the conversation. The government must take "immediate action" after revealing 11 UFO near misses, an expert has urged. The revelation that U.S. pilots nearly collided with unidentified aerial phenomena — or UAPs — was made during Tuesday's landmark congressional meeting on the subject . US Naval Intelligence Deputy Director Scott Bray shows the House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee a declassified video of a UAP. UFO expert Nick Pope has urged the government to take "immediate action" after revealing 11 UFO near misses. Pentagon officials admitted there have been 400 unexplained sightings. During the public discussion — the first in half a century — Congress horrified defense officials about the number of sightings and their origins — but many questions remained unanswered. Nick Pope, an expert on UFOs , said he hoped the admission that there had been a number of near misses would get people to take the issue seriously and warned that "we may not be so lucky next time." to have". "The hearing wasn't the revelation some people in the UFO lobby were hoping for, but it's a welcome step forward," Pope told The US Sun exclusively. “It was very clear that many representatives had taken a close look at this and given it some deep thought and really held the Department of Defense (DoD) accountable and aggressively pushed for answers, and rightly so. "Even though there wasn't a huge amount of new information, I still think it was positive and a step forward. The DoD was clearly very cautious and guarded and didn't want to unpack too much in the unclassified session." He added: "But there were some interesting nuggets there. I think they rightly focused on near misses between UAP and aircraft - saying there were 11, reinforcing the fact that this is a major safety issue in the air. “If you have 11 near misses, you'll eventually run out of luck, and the next one won't be a miss, so let's take immediate action before we actually have a collision. "And throughout the briefing, I think it was fully recognized that whatever we're dealing with is a defense and national security issue." Pope said it was also important that while officials were hiding a lot of information, they didn't rule out the idea that UFOs could be of extraterrestrial origin. He said, "The key phrase I noticed was 'open to all hypotheses'. And that says to me that they haven't ruled out the alien hypothesis. “The DoD always hides behind the fact that many of these cases have not been identified, which is fair enough, but they must have what is called a 'best current rating' – so what's the most likely explanation for these UAP sightings? "I wish one of the reps had brought them to the scene and said, 'What's your best current rating?" He added: "For example, they could have zoomed in on the three best-known UAP videos and asked what their best current rating was. They must have one. "What about ranking the competing theories in order of probability? So it could be either: either it's our own technology, it's enemy technology, it's alien, it's exotic atmospheric plasma phenomena. Almost like a ranking of possible explanations." US intelligence chiefs Scott Ronald S Moultrie also presented the information available to the House Subcommittee. Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray points to a video view of a UAP during the hearing. 'LACK OF KNOWLEDGE' Pope also said he was "disappointed" with what he called a "lack of knowledge" of some of the larger known UFO sightings in US history. This included the astonishing 1967 Malmstom incident, in which 10 nuclear weapons were disabled and men saw a UFO in the sky at a top-secret military base. Pope thinks the DoD should look through their own history to see what hidden information they might find. "I was disappointed, but not surprised, that the DoD lacked knowledge of major cases like Malmstron," Pope said. "The DoD seemed to have made the decision to reset the clock and start pretending this all started in 2004 with the Nimitz and it doesn't, it comes with a backstory of nearly 80 years, which has been largely ignored or to forget. LIVE CONGRESS The United States Congress today held a public discussion of UFOs for the first time in half a century, and several "near misses" involving UAPs were cited. The public UFO hearing included evidence of what the US military calls unidentified aerial phenomena, or "UAPs, " before moving on to a closed-door session. It comes after a recent military report citing 11 "near misses" between UAPs and U.S. fighter jets, and those sightings were discussed at the hearing. The report in question makes no mention of aliens. Tuesday's hearing featured experts showing some video clips of UAP encounters and were expected to address the possible origins of the unidentified objects , which move differently than anything known to science and some people have suggested may be. are top secret planes built by foreign adversaries. Others believe that their origin is extraterrestrial. The public hearing began at 9 a.m. ET and ended around 10:30 a.m. The hearing was chaired by Congressman André Carson. UFO hearing live blog for the latest news and updates 17 MAY 2022, 17:30 When was the hearing? The US Congress held a public discussion about UFOs on Tuesday. Unidentified aerial phenomena, or "UAPs ," were discussed in a public meeting before the investigation was moved to a closed-door session. The public hearing began at 9 a.m. ET and ended around 10:30 a.m. MAY 17, 2022, 17:00 Five unanswered questions: Russian and Chinese UFOs If the United States experiences a wave of UFO sightings, it would make sense that other world powers such as Russia and China would be dealing with the same thing. It's an important question , especially when you consider whether the mysterious phenomena could be hypersonic drones used by those countries. But when the topic came up during the hearing, it was closed by Moultrie and kept for the "closed session" after the public meeting. MAY 17, 2022, 16:30 Five Unanswered Questions: UFO Injuries Another question that remains unanswered, and which was not even raised during the hearing, concerns reports of witnesses injured by UFOs . It has been suggested that some pilots who encountered the mysterious plane suffered radiation burns, and classified documents released from a previous UFO research program revealed several symptoms. Pentagon insider Lue Elizondo told Fox News recently released reports reveal links between alleged sightings and injuries, possibly the result of contact with "advanced technology," but the topic was not discussed at the hearing. MAY 17, 2022, 4:00 PM Five Unanswered Questions: Weapons Blocking Fighter pilot Lieutenant Commander Chad Underwood encountered the infamous "Tic Tac" and has previously claimed that his weapons systems stalled when he tried to join. Radar interference deliberately sends out radio frequency signals that can give the receiver false information. But Moultrie said at the hearing that the United States does not currently know whether the UFOs are actively trying to block US military equipment. He explained that the apparent "interference" could be due to the way the objects are controlled using radio frequencies. MAY 17, 2022, 15:30 Five unanswered questions: UFOs and the sea Some of the most famous UFO images appear to show an object moving seamlessly between the sky and the sea . And there are rumors that US military submarines encounter objects traveling at "unprecedented speeds" while underwater. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi raised the issue at the hearing on Tuesday , but the topic was soon shut down. Representative Krishnamoorthi asked if the US had designed censorship to detect such underwater objects. Moultrie said it would have been discussed in the secret "closed session" scheduled for after Tuesday morning's public hearing, meaning the public may never know what is being said. MAY 17, 2022, 3:00 PM Five unanswered questions: 'Shut down nukes' Congressman Mike Gallagher asked intelligence chiefs about the infamous 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident, where a UFO was said to have knocked out 10 nuclear missiles. Captain Robert Salas , along with a number of other nuclear weapons personnel, has filed a complaint, alleging that the phenomenon has disrupted America's nuclear arsenal. However, when Representative Gallagher raised this during the hearing, UAP Task Force chief Mr Bray said he "had not seen the official data". "You're the guys investigating it, who else is doing it?" replied the congressman. Moultrie admitted the Pentagon would "take a look" if they received an official request to investigate the matter. Rep Gallagher replied, "I bring it to your attention, this is pretty official." MAY 17, 2022, 2:30 PM Five unanswered questions from UFO hearing Congress held a hearing on UFOs today , but not every question Americans may have was answered . Intelligence officials repeatedly said they had to wait for the classified portion of the briefing or sometimes said they could not answer due to a lack of data. Ronald S Moultrie, Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and Scott W Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, answered questions from lawmakers on the highly controversial topic. MAY 17, 2022, 14:00 What might aliens look like? There is no definitive way of knowing what aliens might look like and the distant creatures have been portrayed in various ways in the media. On TV and in movies, they're often portrayed as tall, gray creatures with insect eyes and bodies that don't look too much like humans, but there's no way of knowing exactly what they might actually look like. MAY 17, 2022, 13:30 Can we connect with aliens, continued Harvard University professor Paul Horowitz has suggested that messages to alien life forms should be in the form of math. He said, "Perhaps the most fundamental way to message with math." "A lot of things are sure to be understood by everyone, no matter what slime they're made of, because it's so simple." However, Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, stated that in instead had to send Google servers to try: make contact with aliens. MAY 17, 2022, 13:05 Can we make contact with aliens? Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) created a branch called Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) in hopes of contacting possible aliens. In 1974, astronomer Frank Drake compiled the Arecibo message. The interstellar message was to show how human technology has evolved, and not necessarily to communicate with other life forms such as aliens. MAY 17, 2022, 12:30 Communications Not Attempted One of the clips shown at today's hearing showed green triangles appearing to fly over an American warship. Another similar photo from a separate incident was also shown. Scott Bray, deputy director of Naval Intelligence, said the objects are now believed to be unidentified drones from a "swarm" that flew near the ship. He also said there have been reports of at least 11 near misses involving unidentified objects, but there have been no reports of collisions. Bray added that the US has not attempted to communicate with or fire weapons at the objects and the task force currently has no "unexplained wreckage". MAY 17, 2022, 11:59 AM 'Committed' to determine provenance Ronald S Moultrie, the Defense Secretary for Intelligence and Security, said at the hearing, "We know our military has encountered unidentified aerial phenomena , and because UAP has potential flight safety and general security risks, we are committed to a targeted effort to determine their origin." "We have very volatile data on these objects," Moultrie told the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence and Counterproliferation. MAY 17, 2022, 11:30 AM Some sightings cannot be explained Scott Bray, deputy director of Naval Intelligence, acknowledged that there have been some sightings that US officials "cannot explain." “There are a handful of cases where we have more data that our analysis simply failed to find a get a full picture of what happened," he said. He said these incidents were accompanied by unexpected "flight characteristics" or "signature management." MAY 17, 2022, 10:59 AM New office established Ronald Moultrie, the Pentagon's top intelligence officer, and Scott Bray, deputy director of Naval Intelligence, spoke at the hearing today. Within Moultrie's office, a new office was established to investigate UAP - the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) -. MAY 17, 2022, 10:42 Public hearing closed The public part of the hearing has been closed. The committee went to a closed-door session about 10:30 a.m. MAY 17, 2022, 10:40 UAP of clip remains unexplained A clip shown at the hearing taken from the cockpit of a US Navy fighter jet shows a "spherical" silver object flying through the air in an entire short piece of footage. The clip's filename is seen as Video 1 2021 Flyby.mov, and Scott W Bray, the deputy director of Naval Intelligence, confirmed it remains unexplained. MAY 17, 2022, 10:30 am 'Highly volatile data' "We have very volatile data on these objects," said Ronald S Moultrie, the Defense Secretary for Intelligence and Security, of the video clips shown during the hearing today. The short clips were shown as intelligence officials attempted to demonstrate the difficulty in reporting and identifying the vessel. One of the clips - with green triangles appearing to fly over a US warship - and another similar photo from a separate incident were shown. MAY 17, 2022, 10:20 UFO program existed before The United States previously confirmed its existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) — a $12 million Pentagon program set up to study UFOs before disbanding in 2012. It was finally replaced by the UAP task force in June 2020 after a vote by the United States Senate Intelligence Committee. MAY 17, 2022, 10:10 AM Burchett has spoken to UFO witnesses Representative Burchett has personally spoken to US pilots who have encountered UFOs/UAPs. "The only reason we're talking about this now is the leaked videos of the US Navy and the pilots who saw them," he told The Sun. "I've also talked to other pilots [who've seen things] - and these people are some of the best in the world and very patriotic." He added: "These are people in their 20s who are very confident in their abilities – a lot of them just laughed at it because they just couldn't control it." "It's wild stuff. The [objects] spin on a dime and accelerate at an incredible speed with no heat trace. It's miraculous." MAY 17, 2022, 10:00 'The American people need to know' "I don't care if they abuse me, I think the American people should know - I even put a t-shirt on my website that reads " more people believe in UFOs than in Congress," and that's the truth," Rep Burchett added during a conversation with The Sun. However, Burchett added that he believes the stigma surrounding discussing UFOs is beginning to diminish. And he called for a general amnesty for officials currently restricted by nondisclosure agreements from talking about UFOs. MAY 17, 2022, 09:55 Burchett's Cover-Up Claims, Continued Rep. Burchett also dismissed recent "fake" Pentagon reports about UFOs as "Swiss cheese" due to the amount of redactions. Burchett told The Sun when it comes to UFOs, " We need full disclosure . This is what we know and this is what we don't know." He added: "We can and should do better." MAY 17, 2022, 09:48 'All we do is cover' " All we do is cover up, let's just be transparent - what's wrong with telling the world and saying, 'We got this, we are going to share it and we can figure it out together'?", Rep Burchett continued. “I don't think much will come out of the hearings. It brings in the people who caused the problem to fix the problem." MAY 17, 2022, 09:38 Representative thinks info will be obscured When Representative Tim Burchett spoke to The Sun, he warned that he has no confidence in Congressional hearing, believing everything the US knows about UAPs will be obscured by institutions in Washington. He said full disclosure revealing evidence of alien life visiting Earth could change the world, adding that he believes it would help people put Earth differences to bed. "It would put an end to the 'bogeyman from abroad'," he told The Sun Online. MAY 17, 2022, 09:35 UFO videos played before Congress UFO videos were played to congressmen today as part of the hearing. Two videos were played for officials as the historic committee meeting — the first of its kind in 50 years — began today in Washington D.C. THE United States Congress just held a public discussion about UFOs. Here are some of the key revelations we learned about UFOs and UAPs during the conversation. The UFO Congress hearing revealed spherical and triangular objects that experts can't explainCredit: EPA An 'unidentified aerial phenomenon' was shown on a TV monitor today during a House Intelligence Committee at the US Capitol in Washington. 400 observations A Navy intelligence official revealed that there are now more than 400 sightings of UAPs, which are an unidentified aerial phenomenon. Some experts prefer the phrase UAP because they think UFO has a stigma and is taken less seriously. There are video images One showed a fast-moving spherical object and one showed what looked like a perfect triangular shape glowing green in the sky. Experts have no explanation for these objects or the way they move. No attempt to communicate: The panel of experts was asked whether attempts were made to communicate with the strange aerial objects. It was revealed that no signals had been sent or any other attempt to communicate with the UAPs. The way they move makes no sense It was revealed that the UAPs were capable of moving very quickly "without discernible means of propulsion". Experts are not aware of man-made objects that can move in the same way. A secret hearing is coming! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does UAP mean and how is it different from a UFO? Charlotte Edwards, digital technology and science reporter 2:14 PM ET, June 14, 2021 Updated: 2:31 PM ET, June 14, 2021 There's been a lot of talk about UFOs lately, but you may have seen the term "UAP" come up a lot as well. UAP is actually a new term for UFO that should have less stigma attached to it. Some people think UAP is a more professional term than UFO What does UAP mean? UAP stands for 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'. UFO stands for 'Unidentified Flying Object' Many experts in the field found that UFO was ridiculed and reports were not taken seriously. It is believed that UAP is a more professional term and is becoming more common as the US begins to seriously discuss UFO/UAP sightings. UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The United States Office of Naval Intelligence now has an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) program. It collects reported sightings of mysterious flying objects. UAP doesn't necessarily refer to a suspected sighting of an "alien craft." Some people think that using the term UAP will make sightings more serious. More than 90% of UFO sightings are believed to have a reasonable explanation. However, recent images released by the pentagon of strange flying objects are still baffling to experts. Fermi Paradox - what is it? Here's what you need to know... The Fermi Paradox is not strict evidence for extraterrestrial life, but more of a thought experiment It is a famous contradiction of physicist Enrico Fermi Fermi suggested that the sheer size of the universe — and the billions of sun-like stars in the galaxy and their planets — make it very likely that intelligent life exists. Some of these civilizations may have developed interstellar travel But Fermi also noted that there is a significant lack of evidence for life on other planets There is a good chance that aliens can reach us, but there is no evidence that aliens have ever done so This paradox has baffled scientists for decades https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/tech-old/3080985/what-does-uap-mean-ufo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAN IN BLACK I've Been Investigating UFOs For The Pentagon - The US Is Finally Facing The Inconvenient Truth After Decades Of Silence Henry Holloway 8:27 AM ET, May 16, 2022 Updated: 2:21 PM ET, May 16, 2022 Lue Elizondo AN EX-PENTAGON official who researched UFOs for the US government as part of a shadowy program has said the world is finally facing the inconvenient truth about the phenomena. Lue Elizondo - a former US military intelligence officer - has become one of the leading figures calling for more disclosure after he first went public in 2017. Lue Elizondo worked for the Pentagon to investigate UFOs Credit: Alamy3 Videos have been revealed showing US military encounters with UFOs - such as this incident known as 'Gimbal' at the head of the secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), Elizondo researched UFOs and spoke with U.S. military personnel who had witnessed the unexplained encounters — some of which were captured on video, such as the infamous Tic Tac. The unidentified objects exhibited extraordinary speed and moved in ways that seemed far beyond known human technology. And now the discussion of the phenomenon is at the center of Washington . UFOs — now more commonly referred to as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in official circles — will be discussed tomorrow for the first time in decades in an official hearing on Capitol Hill — something Mr. Elizondo labeled as "historic." READ MORE ABOUT UFO'S X FILES I guarded nuclear weapons and saw yellow orb-like UFOs fly over the top-secret base . US congressmen will have the chance to question defense and intelligence officials about what's happening in the sky - with objects reportedly flying close to nuclear bases and US warships . "I'm not a UFO guy, I'm not a UFO lie, I never have been and never will be," Mr Elizondo told The Sun Online. “My job was to hunt terrorists and spies—then use those same skills to hunt UFOs. It's the same thing.” I didn't care if it was supernatural technology, the bottom line is that there was something beyond the controlled US airspace is performing in ways we can't — we need to figure it out." Mr Elizondo told The Sun Online that the highly anticipated hearing "will take a long time" — But he said it's "just the beginning" and urged urging viewers to temper their expectations, he urged Washington DC to offer "amnesty and protection" to those locked into strict non-disclosure agreements so they can feel comfortable coming forward to discuss the topic. Elizondo accused some within the Pentagon of discrediting and defaming him, and he said others who would come forward to shed light on UFOs, this reaction might deter you from doing so. "If they're being prosecuted and accused of being fabrications, it doesn't help," he said. The truth can be scary - but in the end the truth is the truth Luis Elizondo He described a culture within certain wings of the US government as falling on deaf ears to "uncomfortable" discussions about UFOs. "We find it difficult to make this clear to our leaders," Elizondo said. He would get questions like, "Well, then Lue, what is it?" - and all he could answer was "We don't know". “We spend billions of dollars to know everything in our air, and you're going to tell them we have no idea what they are?” There are institutions in our government that are used to having answers, they are paid to have answers and solving problems, so presenting them with a problem for which there is no solution is an uncomfortable conversation." Lue Elizondo was a former United States military intelligence officer who helped track down terrorists after 9/11. Mr. Elizondo revealed also in his work he was often driven back by people who saw probes to UFOs as a potential "challenge" to their religion. Recognizing that he is a "man of faith", some people he met tried to reconcile the facts with their worldview instead of adjusting their worldview to the facts. And the government's veil of secrecy surrounding the subject helped put the UFO topic on the periphery of conspiracy eories - something that is only now being broken down after decades. He compared the growing urge to reveal what the US knows about the mysterious craft to when humanity first came out of caves to gaze at the stars, or when humans started fires. The former intelligence official said the world will see a "paradigm shift" in our thinking — much like when the astronomer Galileo determined that Earth was not the center of the solar system. "They tried to prosecute him, to put him to death, but in the end [the disclosure] didn't disrupt society and benefit the species," Mr Elizondo told The Sun Online. “In the end, the truth can be scary, but in the end the truth is the truth.” This is a topic that belongs to everyone — it doesn't belong to any particular government or organization. “There's nothing secret about the fact that there's something in there our air is what we don't know what it is, we don't know where it comes from and we don't know how it works. But that's okay." "The only way we'll learn is if we ask the question — and if in the last 70 years we've been told not to ask the question and made us believe it's foolish or stupid, then that's a problem." ." He added: “It will take time and patience for the full truth to emerge – something that both Congress and the American people deserve.” This is a global problem, not just an American one – people deserve the truth, what the truth may be. "Sunlight is the best antiseptic. It is important that transparency prevails and this is no exception." What's going on with UFOs in the US? UFOs have moved from fringe conspiracy theories to a genuine national security debate in the US. Pentagon officials took the unprecedented step to three notable videos showing US encounters with UFOs. The debate over what the filmed phenomena were is still open, but it made it clear to everyone that something is in the air. Perhaps most notable was a video known as the "Tic Tac" - in which an unidentified object was chased by fighter planes. The US also confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) — a $12 million Pentagon program set up to study UFOs before disbanding in 2012. It was eventually replaced by the UAP Task Force in June 2020 after a vote by the United States Senate Intelligence Committee. Defense chiefs have since confirmed a number of leaked UFO videos and photos submitted to the Task Force for investigation. Why this sudden urge for transparency? No one outside the secret wings of the US government knows for sure at the moment. And as an added addendum to a 5,500-page Covid relief bill passed in December, the director of national intelligence was ordered to prepare a report on UFOs within 180 days. The UAP report fell as expected on June 25, and while it doesn't give much away, it doesn't rule out anything either, as much of it remains classified. The US appears to have recognized that UFOs - whatever they are - are real and pose a potential threat to national security, as they appear to be allowed to enter restricted airspace with impunity. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have both discussed the topic and seemed to acknowledge that something is afoot - a huge reversal from previous utter denial that the government had anything to do with UFOs. Are they aliens? Officially, the US stance is simply "we don't know yet" as further disclosure is expected in the coming months and years. Elizondo told The Sun Online, “You can't put the cat back in the bag or the genie back in the bottle.” Even slow progress is progress. "There's a difference between doing things right and doing things now. We only get one chance to get this right." He joked as some people may be watching Tuesday expecting to hear revelations about "aliens hidden under Area 51" - he added that "will not happen". Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation will hold its historic public hearing on UFOs. Ronald S. Moultrie, Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and Scott W. Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, will both answer questions about this highly controversial topic. U.S. Congresswoman Andre Carson, the committee chair, said: "The American people expect and deserve that their government leaders and intelligence agencies seriously evaluate and address all potential national security risks — especially those we don't fully understand." And US Congressman Adam Schiff added: "There is still much to learn about UAP and the potential risks they could pose to our national security." He described the issue as "one of the greatest mysteries of our time" and said he " hopes to break the cycle of excessive secrecy and speculation with truth and transparency". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO-WOW! Leaked Pentagon UFO Reports Reveal Shocking Photo of Mysterious 'Silver Cube' Over Atlantic Ocean and Fear of 'Aliens' Beneath Seas Nicole Darrah , news reporter New York 2:52, December 4, 2020 Updated : 10:32, December 4, 2020 A leaked Pentagon photo of a mysterious "silver cube" hovering over the Atlantic Ocean has sparked fears of possible aliens living in the ocean. The Department of Defense's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force has issued two classified intelligence "position reports," one in 2018 and one last summer," The Debrief reported Wednesday. A 2018 cockpit photo apparently shows an "unidentified aerial phenomenon." A cockpit photo was apparently included in 2018 showing an " unidentified aerial phenomenon " or UAP. Thursday's Debrief shared the photo with Defense and reported that it was taken "from the cockpit of an F/A-18 fighter jet with a personal cell phone of a pilot" on the East Coast of the U.S. Three U.S. officials who saw the photo said the mysterious object was "cubic" and silver. The object looked like it was "floating" or motionless when the military pilots saw it. photo was leaked Thursday and published by The Debrief The three officials told The Debrief that based on the photo, the mysterious "cube" on Appeared to be flying 30,000 to 35,000 feet and was about 300 feet from the fighter jet. "In decades with the [Intelligence Community], I've never seen anything like it," an intelligence officer told the news channel. According to an official, the report went through "normal, non-public information-sharing channels" and other protected communication sources, such as the official NSA intranet. Earlier this year, the Pentagon established a task force to see if such aerial objects pose a threat. The Debrief reported that the unidentified object seen by pilots resembles a GPS drop probe, an atmospheric profiling device. But the Defense photo doesn't appear to have the GPS receiver tracking under the dropsonde's parachute. Former US Navy pilot David Fravor said earlier this year that he had spotted a bizarre Tic Tac-like shaped object off the coast of California. The 2018 Pentagon report, as reported by the news outlet, apparently admitted that military officials were unable to determine where much of the UAP came from. The 2018 report is said to have provided a general overview of the UAP topic, detailing past military encounters, as well as a candid admission that the origins of many UAPs could not be determined. Sources told The Debrief that a "list" of possible explanations had been provided. The report apparently said the possibility that the UAP was "alien" or "non-human" is a legitimate consideration. A second report from this summer "went viral" among the intel community, an official said. The most shocking part of that report would be an "extremely clear" image of an "unidentifiable triangular aircraft". The strange object was spotted off the coast of California in November 2004. US Department of Defense The photo, also taken from the cockpit of a military jet fighter, showed "an apparent spacecraft described as a large equilateral triangle." It looked like it had rounded or "blunt" edges and large, bulbous white "lights" in the corners. Former US Navy pilot David Fravor said earlier this year that he saw a Tic Tac-shaped object off the coast of California performing complex movements not natural to any man-made technology. He insisted on the authenticity of what he saw on November 10, 2004, saying: "This is not the way we saw it and it was gone or I saw lights in the sky and it's gone - we looked at this thing on a crystal clear day with four trained observers." “We see this little white Tic Tac because we're about 6 feet above it and it's going north, south, north, south, and it's abrupt. “It's aware of us and it's going to bloop and start coming, so it know we're there This is about five minutes The Department of Defense has released images of the bizarre unknown object Credit: US Department of Defense "I'm going to meet it and I'm probably half a mile away and it's coming over my nose and it accelerates and disappears at about 12,000 feet in less than half a second and it's gone," he said. He said that when the flying object was over the sea, the water looked white, but when he and other fighter jets went there to inspect, it had turned blue again. When he landed, Fravor recounted his encounter to a colleague, Chad Underwood, who was able to locate the object and managed to get a video on his radar. Fravor claims that the radar then jammed due to the plane. After the release of a video of what happened, President Donald Trump called it "an amazing video" and questioned if it was real. Play Video Pentagon publishes naval videos showing 'unidentified aerial phenomena', including the infamous 'Tic Tac' clip May 18, 202 BRON: THE SUN US NEWS https://www.the-sun.com https://www.the-sun.com/tech/5357792/what-was-revealed-at-ufo-congress-hearing-video/
- Full Blood-Moon May: Light Consciousness & ShadowGovernment Disconnected
ASHTAR: The Circle is Complete, Takeover Light now a fact. DISTURBING WILL BE REMOVED During the eclipse of the full moon on May 16, 2022, the dark part will be strongly reflected and touched, so that the power of the shadow disappears in your world. This blood moon displays the color red when the eclipse occurs. Red is the color of passion, passion, movement and action. In your dual world, there is a balance between light and dark. This balance has been severely disturbed and now healing is coming. The solar flares carry many cosmic waves that bring electrically charged particles to Earth and all of this will have consequences in the Earth's magnetic field. A magnetic light portal will be created in which the electrically charged particles come together in unity. ETHEREAL In the ethereal light of the cosmos a parallel passage is opened and this light penetrates deeply into the consciousness of the earth and seeps into the consciousness of man. A new earth will appear from its inner core and become invisible to the gross world. PHOTON BELT The earth is taken up into a higher plane of manifestation and there it enters the etheric light dimension. This is the manifestation of entering the higher field, where the light photons are very active. The photon belt in which the Earth is located has the properties of a zero point energy. It brings healing in all layers: 'Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual'. The photons of the light hit the cells of the human being and the light DNA becomes active. There is a process of healing towards a higher evolution. In quantum physics, this property is called "ninetropy": The refracted light of the rainbow reunites at the zero point, the white light of unity. TRANSITION PHASE The earth goes from a coarse material to a fine material density. The lower gross material field, which has a heavier mass, continues to exist for a while as a parallel secondary world. To catch those who do not pass into the light. Those who consciously or unconsciously choose a gross material reality can lead and complete their lives there. This heavier field will eventually dissolve and disappear naturally. SHADOW GOVERMENT The shadow government plans to use this parallel sideworld to: 'Set up The Big Reset', which will seduce humans into a new artificial matrix. This negativity causes disturbances and the nadir of all lies becomes visible. INDIVIDUAL PROCESS The individual process of ascension has started and your inner experience is opening into another reality. This is the reality of a world where peace goes hand in hand with freedom, harmony and creativity. The freedom to move to a higher vibration is an individual and inner process. INNER LIGHT The opening of the inner light can ultimately be experienced as a group process. This Divine awakening will be noticed and the opening of the unification causes great explosions of light. This helps the earth to ascend more quickly into the etheric field of grace and unity. Many full moons are yet to come to reflect the light in the water of man. There in the higher field the signals will be passed on to the consciousness on Earth and their minds will be impregnated with unique ideas. The shadow fields will shrink further and further. Timelines weighed down by the karma of suffering are cleared. In it the higher light is released and the new timeline can now be connected in the etheric field. SIGN OF EASING An internal conflict is occurring within the circles of those in power, as a result of which many relaxations will take place. Those in power will deliberate and there will be a sudden turnaround. The lockdown in China (Shanghai) will also be released from that point. This is the sign of easing that this moon brings. The war in Ukraine will end on a truce by the summer. The fall brings to light many of the economic abuses that have resulted from it. Current politics is in jeopardy. The easing is realized in many situations, where people get stuck in unreasonable conflicts, this starts and that brings relief. This relief of gravity is necessary to cope with the great electromagnetic wave that peaks from the cosmos during the summer. This wave can break open the manipulations of consciousness and dispel shadow fields, giving humanity enormous inner strength to stand up for the truth. Many groups come together that share an inner truth. This inner process is achieved from a deep union, so that humanity becomes strong and stable again after all the blows it has received. The light will prevail. Adonai Ashtar, I salute the light in your heart. May 16, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
ASHTAR: A HUGE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVE IS COMING TO EARTH LARGE SOLAR FLAMES In the coming period, the solar flares will become even more active than before. They get bigger and bigger with intervals of rest. The entire Solar System is thus supplied with a vast sea of Divine cosmic energy. Planets and stars therefore end up in a higher energy field. It can even go as far as star flares. Many 'heat waves' will arise on earth and in the cosmos. This large electromagnetic wave will hit the earth, literally placing the world and humans in a different light. This special effect will cancel out the falsehoods and even out the imbalance. In addition, this great cosmic wave opens the cosmic consciousness of man. The build-up of this powerful wave will be laid down layer by layer over the coming months. Gradually, more and more energy is released via the ever-expanding solar flares. The field created by the great solar flares is emitted throughout the cosmos. It will place everything in a higher frequency. DIVINE ENERGY OF CREATION This phenomenon causes a major change in the dark matter field, which eventually results in a large wave of highly charged *proton particles. This will reach the earth in a few months and cause a major purge in the electro-magnetic field. The brain waves are lifted to higher theta waves. THÈTA WAVES AND THE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Theta waves: 4 to 8 Hz. These brain waves can be associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams and 'visual thinking'. Theta waves occur during physical activity as well as during REM sleep. The new knowledge is downloaded through this theta wave. COSMIC KNOWLEDGE From this cosmic wave, the proton particles continue to work in consciousness and open the cosmic consciousness. Lightworkers are becoming aware of the power of the cosmos, its influence on the earth and man. This will open up much new knowledge. With a special group of starseeds the cosmic DNA is activated, they will explore a whole new layer. In the coming months, the frequency of the Schumann (Earth) resonance will be increased in preparation for the big wave that will reach Earth this summer. EFFECTS THAT CAN BE EXPECTED Nature will respond to this high wave by means of heat waves and torrential rains. Electricity can be disrupted on Earth. On the psychological level, there will be a clearing of the disconnection of old psychic fields. Old karma and negative family lines are immediately broken. In the energetic part of the human being there will be a restorative upward movement. SUMMER OF PEACE From the full moon of May a feeling of love will begin to flow and during the coming months there will be a liberation from old thinking patterns in the energetic layers. During the summer months a lot is worked out on an emotional level. A peaceful feeling arises from this. Peace is born in the mind and in the summer this will be expressed. The war in Europe will end and this will be done in phases. (See previous posts). SCIENCE Scientists have been studying the 'God Particle' for some time now. Dark matter is an elusive thing to them. That will soon change and the knowledge will begin to reveal itself to those who embrace the renewal. All this will lead to more knowledge to the invisible dimensions, from which the origins of the star beings and many unknown life forms on Earth originated. The zeitgeist is changing rapidly this year and this provides many diverse experiences. This will eventually lead to collaboration between scientists from many different countries and nations. This great electromagnetic wave will engulf everything and penetrate every atom, every cell and every unknown particle. The recognition of the consciousness of the elements becomes a fact. The dark side that always wants to keep their old power will weaken and withdraw more and more. They ultimately form their own separate core. Focus on preparing a new civilization on Earth. Dream of a peaceful paradise, because the knowledge is going to come to make this happen. THE INNER EARTH The beings from the Inner Earth, carry a great knowledge and this ancient, sacred knowledge is about the creation of the earthly paradise: Shangri-la or Shmballha. Now is the time to share this knowledge. Many contacts start telepathically. The Temples of Inner Earth are preparing for the great wave to come. These Temples all carry a different vibration. They can protect and balance the resonance of the earth. Now that humanity is being lifted to a higher level, support will also be brought here. The old natural knowledge of unity is necessary to link itself to the new knowledge of Aquarius, so that the renewal will arise from connection. RESOLVING OLD TIMELINES There is a clearing in the negative timelines in the dissolution of old karma. The shadow part in the past is illuminated and now vibrates in a higher tone. This renewed energy ripples all the way to the present, creating a parallel new timeline. If you want to ascend on Earth, it is necessary to disconnect the old. These parts are no longer needed in the new vibration, they are too heavy and pull you down. EMOTIONS The emotions that you feel are bubbling up from a natural origin and are quickly released. Many unknown memories will surface, so that the blind spot of ignorance dissolves. A pure memory is necessary to move forward in the past and to embrace the new knowledge. Get out of the old program of manipulation and let your heart shine again. Adonai Ashtar I salute the light in your heart May 10, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. *SOLAR FLAMES AND PROTONS A solar flare is an explosion on the surface of the sun caused by the sudden release of the energy held in the magnetic fields. Radiation is generated over the entire region of the electromagnetic spectrum. A proton is a very small physical particle that gives off radiation. Irradiation from the outside is usually done with photons. Photons are electromagnetic waves that contain radiation. Sunlight is made up of photons.
- New Moon May: INTERVENTION OF THE LIGHT, Armistice & Turning Point Near
ASHTAR: INTERVENTION OF THE LIGHT START NEW MOON The energy of the new moon, April 30, 2022, will be the start of a special turnaround that will continue to work in many areas. May will be the month of a completely different approach. The fierce problems that have arisen between the great powers must be brought to a halt. The war is causing great imbalance. The turnaround is continued by means of positive solutions. There is going to be a global turning point. The governments and heads of state will consider the negative signals that are now emerging, so that they will consider around and after the full moon of May. At an individual level, there will now be a reversal, in which lies no longer work and are seen through. These signals from the light cause a major turnaround within the family atmosphere. SIGNALS FROM THE LIGHT There will be an intervention from the Light, we from the light worlds will address those in power and make them aware of the consequences if they continue like this. We from the light worlds are going to intervene, as we have done with the Corona virus. It dissolves. The build-up from the new moon to the full moon of May will surprise many. Totally unexpected there will be a shift in the interests that the countries in Europe will follow. DEPTH POINT APRIL The full moon of April brought everything to a rock bottom, causing many to lose heart and become discouraged. For many it is inconceivable that this turnaround will actually become a fact. Take heart and keep it in mind so that everyone can see the future a little more positively and make a joyful decision for tomorrow. TURNOVER: DREAM OF PEACE! On an individual level, the turnaround in personal growth will bring great change, many will wake up with new ideas, in the business field it is better to wait a little longer before undertaking something new, until the change has been made in the matter. Follow your dream, but first it may stand firm from a personal conviction and be tackled realistically. ECONOMY The economy in your world has taken a huge hit and now that those in power are starting to see this through (light) impulses, they are following the signals they receive from an unconscious layer. All this will soon be taken seriously. The build-up of this conversion begins around the new moon, and the news is spread after the full moon of May. So hold on a little longer. SIGNALS DEPRESSION 2023 The signals received by the elite and those in power cannot be ignored. They receive these signals through deep insights. The Light Dimensions are preparing for another intervention, so that the war between Russia and Ukraine does not escalate further. The economy in your world has suffered too much from the impact of the Corona period and now there is extra pressure from the war on the economic level. The constructive turnaround towards 2023 will become a fact and the consequences will become clear in 2023. The depression will arise from the many abuses that the governments have created to push through their plans. They want to implement these plans quickly, so that the BIG RESET becomes a fact, but not everything goes the way they want. STARSEEDS: LIGHTWORKERS FROM AQUARIUS A brand new group of lightworkers will herald the start of a new way of living, this turning point brings hope for tomorrow. The starseeds carry the new codes with them and these are now opening, allowing them to align more quickly with the energy of Aquarius. Together with them, the developments of the current world are moving in a different direction. This grouping will stand next to all the other new changes. They form a natural safety net for those who want to realize the desire for a new world. The earth supports and protects them. The starseeds are the new Lightworkers of Aquarius and they are slowly rising into their new form. Their ideas wake up and are not immediately understood or taken seriously, once all this is matured and worked out it will be realized in the physical and then they become visible. These new plans are taking shape and more and more people are waking up to follow this natural path because their hearts long for it. Meanwhile the new ideas are born and these new dreams are placed in the collective consciousness. ESTABLISHED ORDER The established order will continue to exist for a while, because a part of humanity believes and is stuck in the old programming and they cannot yet perceive the new path of Aquarius: Their fears are too big. Evidence of wrongdoing by the rulers emerges in the summer and fall. A new consciousness is opening and many are leaving the old system in search of new paths. The BIG RESET is put down for those who are lost, or so is the plan. The elite will nominate this plan to present a new beginning. They know that the new zeitgeist is going to wake up many and they want to keep their share of the world in this. Know this is there, but give priority to love. The more attention for this natural way of life is in the news, the better. Tell about this and pass it on, in addition to all the chaos and fear that is still alive with many. NEW TIME SPIRIT: INNER AWAKENING Awakening a consciousness can only arise if man is looking for an inner change. The feeling of dissatisfaction comes from within and not from without, dissolve it by inner satisfaction. The new zeitgeist that will soon be emerging will stimulate many to look for other challenges. Anxiety, disgust and discontent arise and can only be fed by an inner revelation of light. Something starts to bubble up from an inner awakening, those who only want to satisfy their hunger from the outside are misled by sensation and those who still value great possessions are disappointed. From that deception and disappointment another door opens, to a reality that they could not perceive for a long time. Without sensation and wealth they come to realize how heavy the yoke was on their shoulders to bear all this. Some will believe in the BIG RESET because they cannot let go of the craving for excessive wealth and possessions. In many areas, man will get up and wake up and look with sorrowful eyes at what has really come into being. The temporary crisis in 2023 will open many eyes. It is the inner experience that awakens the path of renewal. Create a voice of love during this exciting period, show that multiple choices are possible. Choose the path of inner peace and inner growth. There lies the core of a new world in which unity and connection are born. In the coming summer many starseeds will arise and they will connect with each other. They carry the codes of Aquarius and pass these seeds of light on to anyone who wishes to receive them. Adonai, Ashtar I salute the light in your heart April 28, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
- Full Moon April: Point of Dept & Struggle
Lady Luna: Opening Sacred Knowledge When the moon becomes full on April 16, 2022, I, Lady Luna, will shine upon the portal of Sacred Knowledge. The collective memory will receive the enlightenment and many arrows of light will be sent to those who have opened their hearts to the new earth. This moon is the turning point in your energy and sometimes it goes haywire. Try to follow the turning point from a relaxed feeling and let the inspiration that will bubble up deep within you quietly release. WAR AND PEACE Tension has increased worldwide during this lunar cycle. The superpowers face each other and reach a low point, so that the battle is so sharp that it seems for a while that there is no turning back. Those at the helm may become aware of the impact: it can escalate into a major failure. When this nadir is reached the arrows of light will be sent and enlighten the mind in this dire situation. The Divine Intervention has Begun VISIONS FROM THE PAST Old memories from a distant past begin to move through the mind, for an old hatred has affected many. Spontaneous images from the distant past about war and destruction will enter those in power and break the trance of this force. Those at the helm will awaken from the trance of manipulation and competition. Insight and sorrow will begin to circle in the heart so that the memories of the past are not repeated in a new form. Images and shadows from the past are resolved. This will become visible during the next lunar cycle in May. COSMIC MATCHES The earth has started a process of purification, it is going to purify itself of all hatred and imbalance. Unfortunately, man translates this into a war, a struggle for power. Not everything is told in your media, there is another reason behind this war and it has to do with a cosmic race that is being kept hidden. SOUL-EYE The energy of Sacred Knowledge descends upon the earth and enriches all that still sleeps. It awakens the passion for the truth. The eyes open further and the soul's eye wakes up from a deep sleep. The images received by the soul's eye touch an inner truth. Visions of the future are now starting to become visible from the bottom. In this way the earth will spread images of a future full of sorrow and suffering, also for those in power. They will not escape the dance. This insight will be the deciding factor to change course. A different course will soon emerge and the World of Light will support this turn in the next lunar cycle in May. SOUL PAIN A special knowledge enters the human being and will make the mind aware of your soul pain. The Light knowledge is going to unfold and deep in the heart you will know where the path of liberation lies. It will heal the soul, for old emotions of war and destruction may be healed. Memories of hatred for fellow man now become abundantly clear and can be transmuted. Here lies the root of all discrimination and oppression, which keeps coming up again and again. PLANETARY UPDATE Your inner mirror reflects the war in your world, unfortunately this is still the way to wake the human up. Slowly the path of love becomes visible, so that peace can arise. Up to a certain height man can choose, but the earth has a planetary connection and it is very strong. During this trough, Earth will have a planetary update and this will bring about a major reversal. Those who have lived many lives will start to mix the old and new knowledge into a new color palette. Many images, sounds and smells come to them. Try not to push this away, but to receive it in love. Make room for this beautiful innovation. The moment of awakening can come to you in an unexpected way, step out of your human programming and follow this sacred touch. Fear not, for the Divine Light has decided to guide Earth to a point of planetary awakening. Adonai This was Lady Luna I salute the Light of liberation in your heart Apr 16, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved. Click here for: Reference to previous post for additional explanation three moons.
- Spring Equinox: Ascension Lightworkers
ASHTAR Dear Lightworkers, for some time now the light dimensions have been working together to support the many Lightworkers on Earth in their ascension. In this period of great light explosions, the Lightworkers are being touched extra to be raised in their frequency again. From this a new movement will arise and the contact with the etheric dimensions becomes deeper. Your experiences become more intense, your insights very pure. The inner knowledge shows you the way to the new path, in which your mission and task become visible. The Ascension Process Now Stands Firm! EQUINOX During the equinox of March 21, 2022, an energetic wave has arisen. Where the sun touched the earth, cosmic lines of light arose. These ascension waves are bringing about a great field of change. Many of you have been touched by this and are in deep transmutation. Pineapple Gland The pineal gland is extra activated during this period. It is also possible that the discomfort starts in the head. This is the effect of the cosmic wave, with the ascension standing firm. The crown and the pineal gland receive a light activation and your entire system is reset. It is good to pay attention to the balance in your feet and legs. The first chakra feeds the basic security and emotions are released, especially fears can be triggered. Expressing these emotions may come about in a safe way, where you can protect yourself well during these sensitive periods. COMPLAINTS Certain complaints may occur: Such as headache, dizziness, stomach complaints, complaints around the feet (or back), muscle pain. These temporary ascension complaints can come on violently, but then quickly disappear again. If these are chronic, there may be blockages in the neck, ears or the position of the feet. Forgetfulness can be caused by emotional overload. NEW EARTH ENERGY The new earth energy touches the feet to bring the ascension back into balance, if your grounding is good then everything can flow well. The flow through the feet upwards influences the cosmic ascension wave which opens the pineal gland. During this flow, the lunar energy, such as the stomach, will also go along with it. As a result, the symptoms of headache, dizziness and nausea can temporarily increase or decrease. All this depends on whether there is a good discharge of negative energy. VIRUS The (spring) virus, which is now also present, can strengthen all this. These are tough conversions, but apparently necessary to arrive at this new energy. Follow your gut feeling and take a rest on time. The energy of the full moon and the Equinox followed each other in rapid succession, making the energy twice as strong. SPRING ENERGY OF LOVE This spring energy opened in a great wave of love, which spread further and now slowly subsides. The solar flares that were the cause accelerated the photons. After this revolution, it is important to find your balance again. Surrender to this innovation. A lot of sleep can help with this and let go of the guilt. Taking time for yourself is an unheard of luxury for many, so convert it and let go of control. There are also other ascension complaints that can play a role, but in this past period the above points are most present. The tuning of the pineal gland to the new frequency can give reactions. The feet get out of balance for a while, but need to recover quickly. The tones are completely converted and adjusted. Ringing or other pitches in the ears are normal and part of this. This is tuning to another higher frequency. Letting go of the old is a condition. Don't work against yourself, let it get to you. This will not only affect people individually, but these consequences will spread to the outside world. A big change is imminent and many are going along with it and feel the transformation: on a spiritual, energetic, psychological, mental, emotional and physical level. Feel what you need in this and ask for help if necessary. Be kind and patient to yourself and your fellow man. COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS This also makes the collective consciousness lighter in frequency. The many Lightworkers on Earth radiate this light and thus help to illuminate the entire system on Earth. This high frequency can thus touch and lift others above the physical layer. The new tones also open in the collective, allowing you to perceive more deeply. The surface of the Aquarian water appears calmer than what goes on under the water and you feel this. Follow your gut feeling and you will see that it has become stronger. MARIA: NEW WAVE DEVELOPING FAST Beneath the surface is a new energy. A new wave is preparing and little by little you can already experience it. In the summer this huge wave will break open from a dark layer. The new evidence comes like an explosion. My energy will be there to further regulate the light. The new wave is very large and will reveal much. For some, this can come in as a shock wave, with consciousness suddenly breaking open further. Rest assured it will be fine. Those who naturally go along with these waves of change, from which light explosions arise, are pleasantly surprised. Those who want to stop this in themselves can be overwhelmed and should ask for help and keep a lot of rest in the event of a sudden conversion. When physical help is not enough, ask for help from me, Mother Mary. I will guide you to a resting point of sacred energy. As a loving mother I will embrace you and carry you to safety. Follow your intuition carefully, because I speak through the heart. ASCENSION DAY The Ascension and Ascension complaints touch each other in the center. The point here is to let go of the gross body, so that the etheric vehicle can open. Some translate this into a literal letting go, the longing for another world then becomes a fact. Ignorance plays a role in this and spreading light information is important. The raising of your frequency and vibration is necessary so that the consciousness in a higher dimension can develop further. The crystal consciousness of the earth plays a major role in this, so that via this pure layer can be transferred to a harmonious whole. Heaven on Earth When heaven descends to earth, the new birth in your heart will herald the cosmic consciousness. In it the subtle body can manifest itself as a movable Merkaba. Traveling through the sacred structures of the White Gold energy, which opens up the timelines, then becomes a new quality. Adonai, These were Mother Mary and Ashtar We salute the Light in your heart Apr 8, 2022 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.